A Clojure library designed to do image processing in functional style.
This includes:
All of those functions are build around sampler
s concept, which provides a simplified way for accessing pixels of the image. In general, this is just a function which gets two argument x and y position of pixel and return the value of that pixel.
Also, imaje provides basic wrapper around BufferedImage and ImageIO, so you can:
- create new images
- access pixel data
- load/save
Add the following to your Leiningen :dependencies
[imaje "0.1.0"]
The top level interface is in imaje.core
(use 'imaje.core)
For example, you can create and fill randomly an 640x480 image using imrender
(imrender (fn [x y] (rand-int 256)) 640 480)
or you can create image negative with immap
(immap (fn [x y sampler] (- 256 (sampler x y))) img)
or build a histogram of image with imreduce
(imreduce (fn [accum x y sampler] (update-in accum [(sampler x y)] inc)) (vec (repeat 256 0)) img)
Copyright © 2013 Volodymyr Kysenko
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.