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CoreML Performance

This repo allows to test the performance of Machine Learning models in CoreML *.mlmodel format.

The code was initially designed to work with all the models in CoreML Model Zoo. But with a bit of tweaking it could work for any CoreML model.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the project
    git clone
  2. Open XCode. The code was tested in XCode 11.5.
  3. Go to File -> Open and choose CoreMLPerformance.xcodeproj in the repo just cloned.
  4. Build and Run the project using either simulator or real device.
  5. The results of the performance testing will be printed to console:
    • Latency
    • RPS (= 1 / Latency)

results in XCode


The performnace is measured in the following setting:

  • One image is used. It is loaded and preprocessed in advance.
  • The time is measured numIter times only for the prediction operation
    let startTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
    for _ in 0..<numIter {
        _ = try! model.prediction(input: input)
    let endTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
    Full code is in the ViewController.swift
  • When the real measurement is taken, first 50 iterations are done as a warmup. All the real time metrics are measured and averaged for the following 500 iterations.
  • Each model is tested with all possible computing devices provided in Apple products:
    • ANE which stands for Apple Neural Engine and is the Apple's custom Neural Processing Unit. It was specifically designed to speed up on-device neural nets computations. This is currently supported only by mobile processors starting from A11 Bionic (but recently Apple announced ANE support in new Silicon processors lineup)
    • GPU
    • CPU
  • The device is cooled down before the next model's performance is tested.


To test a model one should:

  1. Add it's *mlmodel file to the project (simple drag-and-drop works)
  2. Change code to include the new model in the list of models to be tested (line 54 in ViewController.swift)

One can also customize the number of iterations done to measure the performance. Note that in theory, the more iterations are done, the more precise the results would be. In practice the device might heat up very rapidly and the performance might degrade significantly. Thus the recommendation is to keep an eye on the device temperature and not overheat it.