Apex documentation repository for content available on http://apex.apache.org/docs/
Documentation is written in Markdown format and statically generated into HTML using MkDocs. All documentation is located in the docs directory, and mkdocs.yml file describes the navigation structure of the published documentation.
New pages can be added under docs or related sub-category, and a reference to the new page must be added to the mkdocs.yml file to make it availabe in the navigation. Embedded images are typically added to images folder at the same level as the new page.
When creating or editing pages, it can be useful to see the live results, and how the documents will appear when published. Live preview feature is available by running the following command at the root of the repository:
mkdocs serve
For additional details see writing your docs guide.
Guides on applying site-wide configuration and themeing are available on the MkDocs site.
Deployment is done in two steps. First all documentation is statically generatd into HTML files and then it is deployed to the apex website. For more details on how conversion to HTML works see MkDocs documentation.
- Go to release branch of the repository and execute the following command to build the docs. Note: Until mkdocs #859 is resolved and available for download, use mkdocs built against master.
# set project version
# build docs under site foolder
mkdocs build --clean
# copy docs from site into target folder on apex-site
cd ../incubator-apex-site
git checkout asf-site
rm -rf docs/apex-${APEX_VERSION}
cp -r ../incubator-apex-core/site docs/apex-${APEX_VERSION}
# Set this to be latest available docs version
cd docs && ln -nsf apex-${APEX_VERSION} apex
git add -A
git commit -m "Adding apex-${APEX_VERSION} documentation"
git push
- Go to apex-site repository and add the new link to the docs.md and follow committer steps to commit and push these changes, and deploy the site.