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124 lines (95 loc) · 5.25 KB

EfficientPose: Body Segmentation for TFJS and NodeJS

Models included in /model-tfjs-graph-* were converted to TFJS Graph model format from the original repository
Models descriptors have been additionally parsed for readability


Actual model parsing implementation in efficientpose.js does not follow original
and is implemented using native TFJS ops and optimized for JavaScript execution

Function processResults() takes model.execute output and returns array of 16 keypoints:

  • id
  • score: score as number
  • label: annotated body part as string
  • xRaw: x coordinate normalized to 0..1
  • yRaw: y coordinate normalized to 0..1
  • x: x coordinate normalized to input image size
  • y: y coordinate normalized to input image size


Example Image


node efficientpose.js body.jpg
2021-03-24 15:41:37 INFO:  efficientpose version 0.0.1
2021-03-24 15:41:37 INFO:  User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v15.12.0
2021-03-24 15:41:37 INFO:  Loaded model { modelPath: 'file://models/iv/efficientpose.json', minScore: 0.2 } tensors: 955 bytes: 25643252
2021-03-24 15:41:37 INFO:  Model Signature {
  inputs: { input_res1: { name: 'input_res1', dtype: 'DT_FLOAT', tensorShape: { dim: [ { size: '1' }, { size: '600' }, { size: '600' }, { size: '3' } } } },
  outputs: { 'upscaled_confs/BiasAdd:0': { name: 'upscaled_confs/BiasAdd:0', dtype: 'DT_FLOAT', tensorShape: { dim: [ { size: '1' }, { size: '-1' }, { size: '-1' }, { size: '16' } } } }
2021-03-24 15:41:37 INFO:  Loaded image: body.jpg inputShape: [ 1024, 1024, 3 ] modelShape: [ 1, 600, 600, 3 ] decoded size: 3145728
2021-03-24 15:41:39 DATA:  Results: [
  { id: 0, score: 0.8234584331512451, label: 'head', xRaw: 0.4033333333333333, yRaw: 0.051666666666666666, x: 413, y: 53 },
  { id: 1, score: 0.8789138197898865, label: 'neck', xRaw: 0.4533333333333333, yRaw: 0.18166666666666667, x: 464, y: 186 },
  { id: 2, score: 0.8490188717842102, label: 'rightShoulder', xRaw: 0.395, yRaw: 0.205, x: 404, y: 210 },
  { id: 3, score: 0.8640593886375427, label: 'rightElbow', xRaw: 0.40166666666666667, yRaw: 0.3333333333333333, x: 411, y: 341 },
  { id: 4, score: 0.8743583559989929, label: 'rightWrist', xRaw: 0.4066666666666667, yRaw: 0.45666666666666667, x: 416, y: 468 },
  { id: 5, score: 0.8736196756362915, label: 'chest', xRaw: 0.46166666666666667, yRaw: 0.21166666666666667, x: 473, y: 217 },
  { id: 6, score: 0.8904648423194885, label: 'leftShoulder', xRaw: 0.5283333333333333, yRaw: 0.215, x: 541, y: 220 },
  { id: 7, score: 0.9026476144790649, label: 'leftElbow', xRaw: 0.525, yRaw: 0.3616666666666667, x: 538, y: 370 },
  { id: 8, score: 0.7956844568252563, label: 'leftWrist', xRaw: 0.47333333333333333, yRaw: 0.49166666666666664, x: 485, y: 503 },
  { id: 9, score: 0.8972961902618408, label: 'pelvis', xRaw: 0.5066666666666667, yRaw: 0.45666666666666667, x: 519, y: 468 },
  { id: 10, score: 0.807637631893158, label: 'rightHip', xRaw: 0.4666666666666667, yRaw: 0.45666666666666667, x: 478, y: 468 },
  { id: 11, score: 0.8232259750366211, label: 'rightKnee', xRaw: 0.47833333333333333, yRaw: 0.63, x: 490, y: 645 },
  { id: 12, score: 0.9226986765861511, label: 'rightAnkle', xRaw: 0.43833333333333335, yRaw: 0.79, x: 449, y: 809 },
  { id: 13, score: 0.7791210412979126, label: 'leftHip', xRaw: 0.545, yRaw: 0.4533333333333333, x: 558, y: 464 },
  { id: 14, score: 0.8537712097167969, label: 'leftKnee', xRaw: 0.5883333333333334, yRaw: 0.65, x: 602, y: 666 },
  { id: 15, score: 0.8724350333213806, label: 'leftAnkle', xRaw: 0.6016666666666667, yRaw: 0.8433333333333334, x: 616, y: 864 },
2021-03-24 15:41:39 STATE:  Created output image: outputs/body.jpg size: [ 1024, 1024 ]

Conversion Notes



Edit requirements.txt to remove specific version pinning and install required packages:

sudo apt install libmediainfo-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install tensorflowjs


Edit to fix tensor names:

    # TensorFlow
    elif framework in ['tensorflow', 'tf']:
        output_tensor = model.graph.get_tensor_by_name('upscaled_confs/BiasAdd:0')
        if lite:
            batch_outputs =, {'input_1_0:0': batch})            
            batch_outputs =, {'input_res1:0': batch})

Run test:

python --path=body.jpg --model=II_Lite --framework=tensorflow --visualize --store


From TensorFlow Frozen model to TFJS Graph model:

tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format tf_frozen_model \
--output_format tfjs_graph_model \
--strip_debug_ops=* \
--weight_shard_size_bytes=16777216 \
--output_node_names='upscaled_confs/BiasAdd:0' \
tensorflow/EfficientPoseII_LITE.pb \

After conversion, lets add correct model signature in model.json

  "signature": {
      "inputs": { "input_1_0": { "name": "input_1_0", "dtype": "DT_FLOAT", "tensorShape":{"dim":[{"size":"1"},{"size":"368"},{"size":"368"},{"size":"3"}]} } },
      "outputs": { "upscaled_confs/BiasAdd:0": { "name": "upscaled_confs/BiasAdd:0", "dtype": "DT_FLOAT", "tensorShape":{"dim":[{"size":"1"},{"size":"-1"},{"size":"-1"},{"size":"16"}]} } }