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Installing Dependencies and Setting Up

git clone
cd unmasking-the-veil/method
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate unmasking
cd ..
mkdir assets/pretrained_models
cd assets/pretrained_models
cd ../../compvis

Training and Experiments

All our experiments were conducted on 2 A100 GPUs taking approximately 32GBs of memory however,to run them at lower memory the models can be run at 16 bit precision

Style Ablation

python -t --gpus 1,2 --concept_type style --caption_target  "van gogh" --prompts ../assets/finetune_prompts/vangogh.txt --name "vangogh_painting"  --train_size 200

Instance Ablation

python -t --gpus 1,2 --concept_type object --caption_target  "cat+grumpy cat" --prompts ../assets/finetune_prompts/cat.txt --name "grumpy_cat" --train_size 200

Where cat is the anchor concept and grumpy cat is the target concept

Memorized Image Ablation

python -t --gpus 1,2 --concept_type memorization --caption_target  "Captain Marvel Poster" --prompts ../assets/finetune_prompts/marvel_mem.txt --name "Marvel" --mem_impath ../assets/mem_images/marvel.png  --train_size 400

Where marvel.png is the memorized image

Trademark Ablation

python -t --gpus 1,2 --concept_type logo --caption_target  "Logo+Starbucks Logo" --prompts ../assets/finetune_prompts/starbucks.txt --name "starbucks" --train_size 400

Arguments :

  • concept_type: ['style', 'object', 'memorization','logo'] (required)
  • caption_target: Concept to be removed (artist, e.g., "van gogh" or instance, e.g., "cat+grumpy cat" or memorization prompt, e.g., "New Orleans House Galaxy Case" )
  • prompts: Path to the prompts used for fine-tuning
  • name: Name of the experiment
  • mem_impath: Path to the memorized image (required when concept_type='memorization')


  • parameter_group: ['full-weight', 'cross-attn', 'embedding'] (default: 'cross-attn')
  • loss_type_reverse: The loss type for fine-tuning. ['model-based', 'noise-based'] (default: 'model-based')
  • resume-from-checkpoint-custom: The checkpoint path of pretrained model
  • regularization: Store-true, add regularization loss
  • train_size: Number of generated images for fine-tuning (default: 1000)
  • train_max_steps: Overwrite max_steps in fine-tuning (default: 100 for style and object, 400 for memorization,400 for trademarks)
  • base_lr: Overwrite base learning rate (default: 2e-6 for style,object and trademark, 5e-7 for memorization)
  • save_freq: Checkpoint saving steps (default: 100)
  • logdir: Path where the experiment is saved (default: log_testing)
  • n_samples:Batch size for image generation
  • rc: True if you want to resume from a checkpoint
  • wandb_entity: Name of entity(If used)

Note: All results in our work were reported for model-based loss type.


python --ckpt {} --from-file {} --ddim_steps 100 --outdir {} --n_copies 10 
  • ckpt: The location to checkpoint path(In log_testing for trained model)
  • from-file: the path to prompts txt file
  • outdir: the path to image directory
  • name: the name used for logging
  • n_copies: the number of copies for each prompt

Evaluation of Ablating Style and Instance

For model evaluation, we provide a script to compute CLIP score, CLIP accuracy and KID metrics. It consists of two separate stages, generation and evaluation

Generation Stage

python --gpu 0,1 --root {} --filter {} --concept_type {} --caption_target {}  --outpkl {} --base_outpath {} --eval_json {}
  • root: the location to root training folder which contains a folder called checkpoints

  • filter: a regular expression to filter the checkpoint to evaluate (default: step_*.ckpt)

  • n_samples: batch-size for sampling images

  • concept_type: choose from ['style', 'object', 'memorization']

  • caption_target: the target for ablated concept

  • outpkl: the location to save evaluation results (default: metrics/evaluation.pkl)

  • base_outpath: the path to the root of baseline generation for FID, KID.

  • eval_json: the path to a formatted json file for evaluation metadata

Evaluation Stage

python --gpu 0,1 --root {} --filter {} --concept_type {} --caption_target {}  --outpkl {} --base_outpath {} --eval_json {} --eval_stage

the same script with additional parameters: --eval_stage

Adding entries to eval_json file

For customized concepts, a user has to manually specify a new entry in eval_json file and put that to the correct concept type. Hard negative categories are those that are similar to the ablated concept but should be preserved in the fine-tuned model. Also create a anchor_concept_eval.txt file in ../assets/eval_prompts/ with prompts to be used for evaluation for instance ablation. In case of style ablation, provide the <style-name>_eval.txt with prompts for each of the target and surrounding styles.

caption target:{
	target: caption target 
	anchor: caption anchor
		caption hard negative 1,
		caption hard negative 2,
		caption hard negative m,

Evaluation of Ablating Memorized Image

python --ckpt {} --prompt "New Orleans House Galaxy Case" --ddim_steps 50 --outdir samples_eval --n_copies 200 
python src/ --folder {} --impath ../assets/mem_images/orleans.png --outpath {}

where folder is the path to saved images, i.e., {ckpt-path}/samples_eval/ and outpath is the folder to save the images which are different than the memorized image.

Custom Evaluation

In order to run the Clip Score based evaluation mentioned : here We first need to rename the images sequentially and then further create a prompts directory

Structure of Directory

├── path/to/image
│   ├── cat.png
│   ├── dog.png
│   └── bird.jpg
└── path/to/text
    ├── cat.txt
    ├── dog.txt
    └── bird.txt
python --prompt_file_path {} --images_folder_path{}
python --prompt_file_path {} --prompts_folder{}

To calculate CLIP Score

python -m clip_score path/to/image_folder path/to/text_folder

Note: The jailbreak prompts we use for evaluation are available here