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OSIS CEPH Reference Implementation


VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension (for short, OSE) is a standalone middleware service installed in private data center or public cloud to provide object storage capabilities to the users of VMware Cloud Director. OSE supports three object storage platforms out of box: Cloudian, Dell EMC ECS and Amazon S3.

OSIS (Object Storage Interoperability Service) is proposed to extend OSE to support other object storage platforms by defining unified administrative interfaces for storage platforms.

For the platforms integrated with OSE via OSIS, the data channel is between OSE and the platform, but the control channel is between OSE and OSIS implementation (REST services implementing OSIS). This project is a reference project for OSIS which integrates CEPH with OSE.


  • Java 1.8
  • Gradle 6.5.1+
  • VMware Cloud Director (10.0+) and Object Storage Extension(2.0+)
  • CEPH (15.2+)
  • Keep clock of OSE server, OSIS server and CEPH cluster synchronized

Quick Start Guide

Prepare Building Environment

Configure the project

Edit src/main/resources/application.yml to fill in the CEPH RGW endpoint, S3 endpoint and dashboard access information. Also edit src/main/resources/s3capabilities.json if necessary, which defines the S3 capabilities of the integrated storage platform. The current S3 capabilities are for CEPH 15.2.3 release.

Build the project

./gradlew clean build

Run the project

java -jar build/libs/osis.ceph-1.0.0.jar

Test accessing APIs

Info API is anonymous accessible. curl --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/api/info

S3 capabilities resource requires basic authentication. The username and password is the credential of RGW endpoint configured in appication.yml.

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/s3capabilities' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic TVBHMFJWQ0RDRERUU1JKSk9OSks6YzVYTVVSYTNFdTNLR1B2SERtd1R3OEdRU096RHVqZm1OQTk0dGxQaA=='



OSIS CEPH RI works as broker between OSE and CEPH.

It provides unified administrative interfaces for OSE to consume CEPH functionality like user management, credential management and so on. Also It maps OSIS data model with CEPH data model. As a reference project for OSIS, there is no database included; instead we leverage native CEPH model to persist data of OSIS model.

In other words, OSE is only aware of OSIS data models, but not storage platform data models.


CEPH has no dedicted model fro tenant. OSIS combines Cloud Director tenant name and ID with double underscores as OSIS tenant ID. Then use OSIS_TENANT.tenant_id as both CEPH_USER.tenant and CEPH_USER.user_id. Such CEPH user represents a storage platform "tenant" which can be mapped with Cloud Director Org.

tenant_id tenant
active suspended
cd_tenant_ids display_name.cdtids

Here is the explanation of creating tenant via the OSIS RI project.

  1. OSIS RI gets request from OSE to create tenant; uuid-1 is uuid of Cloud Director tenant. Here, the request from OSE is of OSIS tenant model.

POST /api/v1/tenants

  "name": "ACME",
  "active": true,
  "cd_tenant_ids": [
  1. OSIS RI generates tenant ID of OSIS tenant model as below. It combines Cloud Director tenant name and ID with double underscores.
  "name": "ACME",
  "active": true,
  "tenant_id": "ACME__uuid-1",
  "cd_tenant_ids": [
  1. OSIS RI converts OSIS tenant model to CEPH user model. display_name is the property used to persist additional tenant data.

    cdtids is the key and uuid-1 is the value; they save the Cloud Director tenant ID in CEPH model.

  "tenant": "ACME__uuid-1",
  "user_id": "ACME__uuid-1",
  "suspended": false,
  "display_name": "cdtids::uuid-1" 
  1. OSIS RI sends the CEPH user model to CEPH platform to create user (this is because CEPH has no independent API for tenant operations)

PUT /admin/user?uid=ACME__uuid-1$ACME__uuid-1&suspended=false&display-name=cdtids::uuid-1

  1. Eventually OSE gets response of tenant creation. OSE doesn't care how tenant_id is generated - it sends ID of Cloud Director tenant to OSIS RI and receives ID of new created platform tenant
  "name": "ACME",
  "active": true,
  "tenant_id": "ACME__uuid-1",
  "cd_tenant_ids": [
Impacts on Tenant Onboard

Now that CEPH user is used to represent a storage tenant, it is worth explaining how it works in two kinds of tenant onboard.

Tenant Default Onboard

In this style of tenant onboard, OSE is responsible to create a special user in CEPH RGW via OSIS adaptor.

For example, there is a Cloud Director Org: name = ACME and ID = 9bce3e30622a42ec8580b62e49116586.

By default, the OSIS RI project will construct OSIS tenant model then create a special user in CEPH RGW according to the mapping rule above.

tenant_id = ACME__9bce3e30622a42ec8580b62e49116586 tenant = ACME__9bce3e30622a42ec8580b62e49116586
user_id = ACME__9bce3e30622a42ec8580b62e49116586
active = true suspended = false
cd_tenant_ids = [9bce3e30622a42ec8580b62e49116586] display_name = cdtids::9bce3e30622a42ec8580b62e49116586

Tenant Onboard with Custom Storage Tenant

Compared with default onboard, it requires an existing tenant in storage platform, like CEPH. Instead of OSE, administrator should create such CEPH tenant (special user) in advance on CEPH Dashboard. Here are the steps to create OSIS tenant in CEPH 16.2.7.

  1. Login CEPH Dashboard
  2. Click Object Gateway item in left-side navigator
  3. Click Users sub-item
  4. Click Create button
  5. In the page for user properties, specify the values:
    1. User ID: custom_tenant_1
    2. Tenant: custom_tenant_1
    3. Full name: cdtids::
  6. Click Create User button to complete the creation

With the special CEPH user created, Cloud Director provider administrator can find a new storage tenant custom_tenant_1 in the dropdown list of Active Tenant page.


user_id user_id
canonical_user_id uid
tenant_id tenant
cd_user_id display_name.cduid
cd_tenant_id display_name.cdtid
username display_name.un
active suspended
email email
role caps

An example of creating user as below.

  1. OSIS RI gets request from OSE to create user.

POST /api/v1/tenants/ACME__uuid-1/users

  "active": true,
  "username": "rachelw",
  "email": "",
  "role": "PROVIDER_ADMIN",
  "cd_user_id": "uuid-a",
  "cd_tenant_id": "uuid-1"
  1. OSIS RI uses ID of Cloud Director user as ID of OSIS user model, and generates the complete OSIS user
    "user_id": "uuid-a",
    "canonical_user_id": "ACME__uuid-1$uuid-a",
    "tenant_id": "ACME__uuid-1",
    "active": true,
    "cd_user_id": "uuid-a",
    "cd_tenant_id": "uuid-1",
    "username": "rachelw",
    "email": "",
    "role": "TENANT_ADMIN"
  1. OSIS RI converts OSIS user model to CEPH user model. User name, Cloud Director tenant ID and user ID are persisted in CEPH user's display_name. OSIS user role is mapped to CEPH user caps - TENANT_ADMIN has permissions for users/buckets/metadata/usage.
    "display_name": "dn::rachelw;;cdtid::uuid-1;;cduid::uuid-a",
    "email": "",
    "tenant": "ACME__uuid-1",
    "user_id": "uuid-a",
    "suspended": 0,
    "caps": [
  1. OSIS RI sends CEPH user model to CEPH to create new user and converts the CEPH result to OSIS model

PUT /admin/user?uid=ACME__uuid-1$uuid-a&tenant=ACME_uuid-1&suspended=false&*; buckets=*; metadata=*; usage=read&display-name=un::rachelw;;cdtid::uuid-1;;cduid::uuid-a

  1. Eventually OSE gets response of user creation. OSE doesn't care how user_id is generated - it sends ID of Cloud Director user to OSIS RI and receives ID of new created platform user
    "user_id": "uuid-a",
    "canonical_user_id": "ACME__uuid-1$uuid-a",
    "tenant_id": "ACME__uuid-1",
    "active": true,
    "cd_user_id": "uuid-a",
    "cd_tenant_id": "uuid-1",
    "username": "rachelw",
    "email": "",
    "role": "TENANT_ADMIN"


CEPH has no dedicated model for S3 credential, which only exists as part of CEPH user model.

access_key keys
secret_key keys
active suspended
creation_date not available for CEPH
tenant_id tenant_id
user_id user_id
username display_name.un
cd_user_id display_name.cduid
cd_tenant_id display_name.cdtid

Here is an example for S3 credential creation

  1. OSIS implementation gets request from OSE to create S3 credential

POST /api/v1/tenants/uuid-1/users/uuid-a/s3credentials

  1. OSIS implementation constructs CEPH uid and sends request to CEPH for S3 credential creation

PUT /admin/user?key&uid=uuid-1$uuid-a&generate-key=true

  1. OSIS implementation converts CEPH result to OSIS S3 credential model and returns to OSE
  "access_key": "access-key",
  "secret_key": "secret-key",
  "active": true,
  "tenant_id": "ACME__uuid-1",
  "user_id": "uuid-a",
  "username": "rachelw",
  "cd_user_id": "uuid-a",
  "cd_tenant_id": "uuid-1"

API Documentation

OSIS Specification in OpenAPI

The API documentation provides details for each OSIS API. Two of them need highlighting as they handle the difference of OSIS implementation and the storage platforms.

Info API

Info API gives metadata of the OSIS implementation, like storage platform's name and version, OSIS API version, logo URI and so on. Pay attention to the property not_implemented, which tells OSE which optional OSIS APIs are not implemented. Thus OSE can show the UI components adaptively.

S3 Capabilities API

Different object storage platforms have roughly compatible S3 APIs. However, each platform always has its own customization which is not compatible with Amazon S3. To deal with the gap, S3 capabilities API specifies which S3 APIs are not supported on current platform. Typically there are 4 kinds of unsupported capabilities:

  1. the S3 API is not supported at all
  2. specific URL parameter is not supported
  3. specific HTTP header is not supported
  4. specific options in HTTP payload is not supported

Here is an example showing 4 kinds of capability exclusion.

    "exclusions": {
        "get_bucket_lifecycle": {},
        "create_bucket": {
            "by_headers": [
        "get_object": {
            "by_params": [
        "put_bucket_versioning": {
            "by_payload": [



CEPH doesn't accept "-" in tenant name. In this project, it will normalize the tenant name by removing "-", which may results in conflict for two tenants have names "tenant-name" and "tenantname".

VMware Resouces

VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension Documentation