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Installation and configuration guide

Jerry Liu edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 1 revision


This wiki page contains information about how to setup and configure WebCommander server.

Although a setup script is provided to automate all these steps, the information is helpful for WebCommander users or developers to understand how it works.

The content of the page will be updated from time to time.

Install Windows Server 2012 R2 or 2008 R2

Install dotNet 4.5.2 on Windows 2008 R2

Install Powershell 4.0 on Windows 2008 R2

Install IIS

Install-WindowsFeature Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools -IncludeAllSubFeature

Install PHP

Install PowerCLI

Configure Powershell

  • Please note that Windows Server 2012 has two versions of Powershell, x86 and x64. WebCommander only uses x86 so far because there is only x86 PHP for IIS.
  • Open x86 Powershell console and run the commands below Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
  • Add the following lines to x86 Powershell profile. It's located at C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1. If not exist, create it.

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('system.web') | out-null add-pssnapin vmware* -ea SilentlyContinue $env:defaultPassword = 'replace this with a real password'

  • The last line above shows that WebCommander stores a default password in an environment variable named defaultPassword. Consequently, whenever a Powershell session is created, the environment variable is set. Powershell scripts can access the variable as illustrated below

$serverPassword = $env:defaultPassword

Install WebCommander

  • Download WebCommander package from
  • WebCommander will be added into Github as well. Once done, I'll update this wiki page.
  • Extract the package to C:\WebCommander with 7-zip. Please note that Windows may block Powershell scripts from running if the package is extracted with Windows Explorer. To solve this problem, either to unblock those scripts or set execution policy to bypass.

Unblock Powershell Script

  • Open IIS Manager, delete or disable the default website.
  • Add a new website for WebCommander as illustrated

Add webcommander website

  • If no authentication is required, make sure to configure "connect as administrator". Otherwise keep the setting as "pass-through authentication"

Configure Windows Authentication on IIS

  • Make sure Windows Authentication has been installed with IIS.

Add server role

  • Open IIS Manager, select WebCommander site and double click Authetication.

Windows Authentication

  • Enable Windows Authentication, and disable the others.

Windows Authentication

  • With Windows Authentication, the only way to log out an authenticated session is to completely close the browser.

Configure Advanced Logging on IIS

IIS advanced logging

  • Open IIS Manager, select WebCommander site and double click Advanced Logging.

IIS advanced logging

  • Disable the default log.

IIS advanced logging

  • Add 3 logging fields as illustrated.

IIS advanced logging

  • Add a log definition as illustrated.

IIS advanced logging

Add a new script in WebCommander

  • Put the Powershell script under C:\WebCommander\Powershell or its sub folders.
  • Edit C:\WebCommander\powershell_def.xml by adding the following codes: ** Command name must be unique. ** Script path is calculated from C:\WebCommander\Powershell. If the file is located at C:\WebCommander\Powershell\myFolder\myScript.ps1, just input "myFolder\myScript". Don't include ".ps1". ** All parameters of the script must be defined. ** If a parameter is optional, set optional="0", otherwise optional="1". ** There are 5 types of parameter: *** Text which is the default type *** Password *** File which is used to upload a file *** Option which is selectable from a drop down list *** SelectText which is similar to Option but all inputting a custom value
<command name="myCommand" description="my command description" developer="developer email alias">
        <parameter optional="0" name="parameter1" description="description1" />
        <parameter optional="0" name="parameter2" description="description2" />			
  • The following codes must be added in myScript.ps1 after param section. This is because webcmd.php encodes parameters to handle special characters.
foreach ($paramKey in $psboundparameters.keys) {
	$oldValue = $psboundparameters.item($paramKey)
	$newValue = [system.web.httputility]::urldecode("$oldValue")
	set-variable -name $paramKey -value $newValue

Remove a script

  • Remove or rename the Powershell script
  • It's not necessary to remove the corresponding codes from webcmd.xml. When webcmd.php parses the XML file, it doesn't display a command if its script couldn't be found.