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276 lines (190 loc) · 4.83 KB

File metadata and controls

276 lines (190 loc) · 4.83 KB

JS Interop

Raw dumping of Javascript

Wrap with

[%bs.raw {| 
//  Your code

Top level:

[%%raw "var a = 1"];


"var a = 1";
let alert = [%bs.raw {| function(a) {
} |}];

let f: (int, int) => int = [%raw (a, b) => "{return a + b}"];


external is a keyword for declaring a value in BuckleScript/OCaml/Reason:

It's like let but the body is a string

Depending on the context it has specific meaning

  • native OCaml, it usually points to a C function of that name.
  • Bucklescript they are decorated with [@bs.blala]

Escape hatch NOT TO DO external myShadyConversion : foo => bar = "%identity";

converts foo type to bar


[@bs.val] external bindingToBeCalledInReason: typeSignature = "functionNameOnGlobalScope"

[@bs.val] external setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => float = ""; [@bs.val] external clearTimeout : float => unit = "";

Abstract Type

type timeout;
[@bs.val] external setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => timeout = "";
[@bs.val] external clearTimeout: timeout => unit = "";

Global Modules

[@bs.scope scopeName] - Adding scope from left side or from right side will interop with function on this scope [@bs.scope (scope, nestedFn, nestedFn)] [@bs.val] - Passing tupple lets you get deeper into module

[@bs.scope "window"] [@bs.val] external alert: 'a => unit = "";

Null, Undefined, Option


If you're receiving, for example, a JS string that can be null and undefined, type it as:

[@bs.module "MyConstant"] external myId: Js.Nullable.t(string) = "myId"

To pass nullable string to a module

[@bs.module "MyIdValidator"] external validate: Js.Nullable.t(string) => bool = "validate";
let personId: Js.Nullable.t(string) = Js.Nullable.return("abc123");

let result = validate(personId);

Js.Nullable.fromOption converts from a option to Js.Nullable.t. Js.Nullable.toOption does the opposite.


JS.Objects used as

  • hash map (dictionary) with dynamic add, remove functionality
  • As a record with fixed fields

Hash Maps


  • Create a Js Object
let jsMap = Js.Dict.empty();
  • Get Js Object
[@bs.val] external peopleAge: Js.Dict.t(int) = "";
switch (Js.Dict.get(peopleAge, "Vladimir")) {
| None => Js.log("Vladimir can't be found")
| Some(age) => Js.log("Vladimir is " ++ string_of_int(age))

Getting and accessing Javascript object from Reason side

type person = Js.t({
  name: string,
  age: int,
  job: string

[@bs.val] external getPerson: unit => person = "getPerson";

As a record

Passing record to JS side:

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type testRecord = {
  test: string,
  test2: string,

[@bs.val] external printTest: testRecord => unit = "printTest";

let rcrd = testRecord(~test="Hey", ~test2="Hello");

creation through named arguments

let joe = person(~name="Joe", ~age=20, ~job="teacher")

Renaming fields


[@bs.deriving abstract]
type data = {
  [ "type"] type_: string,
  [ "aria-label"] ariaLabel: string,

let d = data(~type_="message", ~ariaLabel="hello");

Optional fields

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type testRecord = {
  test: string,
  test2: string,

[@bs.val] external printTest: testRecord => unit = "printTest";

let rcrd = testRecord(~test="Hey", ());

JS Classes

type t;
[] external createDate : unit => t = "Date";

let date = createDate();
class type _rect =
    [@bs.set] pub height: int;
    [@bs.set] pub width: int;
    pub draw: unit => unit

type rect = Js.t(_rect);


  • bs.send is used to annotate methods on JS objects First argument is always an object
type math; /* abstract type for a document object */
[@bs.val] external math: math = "Math";
[@bs.send] external random: (math, int) => float = "";

let el = random(math, 23);

Import Exports

same as bs.val only accepts string with path. without

[@bs.module "path"] external dirname : string => string = "dirname";

Default imports

[@bs.module "./student"] external studentName : string = "default";




use bs-json

Fast Pipe


Converting from Js.t to Record

[@bs.deriving jsConverter]
type person = {
  name: string,
  age: int,
  lastName: string,

[@bs.val] external getPerson: unit => 'a = "getPerson";

Converting to abstract type

[@bs.deriving {jsConverter: newType}]
type person = {
  name: string,
  age: int,
  lastName: string,

[@bs.val] external getPerson: unit => abs_person = "getPerson";

let pr = personFromJs(getPerson());
