volo add [flags] [archive] [localName]
where the allowed flags are:
- -f: Forces the add even if the code has already been added to the project.
- -amd: Indicates the project is an AMD project. If the project has a package.json entry for "amd": {} then this flag is not needed.
- -amdoff: Turns off AMD conversion for when the project is AMD and the dependency being added is not AMD/CommonJS. Only needs to be set if the project's package.json has an "amd": {} entry.
- -amdlog: Prints out more details on files converted to AMD, if AMD conversion is done.
- -noprompt: Does not prompt the user for any dependency/exports details when adding a non-AMD/non-CommonJS module to an AMD project.
- -nostamp: Does not stamp the package.json in the directory that runs this command with the added dependency information.
- -skipexists: If a dependency by that name already exists, just skip it without informing it already exists.
archive is in one of the following formats:
- searchterm: GitHub search is used to resolve searchterm to a user/repo value.
- searchterm/version: GitHub search is used to resolve searchterm to a user/repo value, then version is added to it. version can be a semantic version range.
- user/repo: Download the zip file from GitHub for the user/repo, using the latest version tag, or "master" if no version tags.
- user/repo/tag: Download the zip file from GitHub for the user/repo, using the specific tag/branch name listed.
- user/repo/semverVersion: Download the zip file from GitHub for the user/repo, using the specified semantic version range. Example ranges: '~1.2', '>1.6.4'.
- user/repo/tag#specific/file.js: Download zip file from GitHub for the user/ repo, using the specific tag/branch name listed, then extracting only the specific/file.js file from that archive and installing it.
- user/repo/tag#specific/dir: Download zip file from GitHub for the user/ repo, using the specific tag/branch name listed, then extracting only the specific/dir directory from that archive and installing it.
- http://some.domain.com/path/to/archive.zip: Downloads the zip file and installs it.
- http://some.domain.com/path/to/archive.zip#specific/file.js: Download the zip file and only install specific/file.js.
- symlink:path/to/directory/or/file.js: Creates a symlink to the specific location in the project. If it is a directory and the project using the directory is an AMD project, an adapter module will also be created.
- local:path/to/directory: Copies the local directory. A local directory is also checked when the "some/thing" archive name is used -- if there is no local file match, it is assumed to be a GitHub URL.
If archive is missing from the command, then if a package.json in the current directory contains a volo.dependencies section, it will go through those dependencies and add all of them.
If localName is specified then that name is used for the installed name. If the installed item is a directory, the directory will have this name. If a specific file from the the archive, the file will have this name.
If localName is not specified, the installed directory name will be the name of the .zip file without the zip extension, or if a GitHub reference, the repo name. If it is a specific file from within a zip file, then that file's name will be used.
This one fetches Underscore and converts it to have an AMD wrapper. Underscore still registers a global export, but AMD code can get a local reference through the module ID:
volo add -amd jashkenas/underscore exports=_
When the -amd flag is used, the the amdify command is used to convert the file downloaded by the add command, so the named arguments supported by amdify can also be used with add.
Here is a command that fetches Backbone and wraps in it in an AMD define() call, specifying 'jquery' and 'underscore' as dependencies:
volo add -amd jashkenas/backbone depends=underscore,jquery exports=Backbone
To update an exising library, use the -f flag:
volo add -f jquery
For the directory in which add is run, it will look for the following to know where to install:
- Looks for a volo.baseDir package.json property.
- Looks for a volo.baseUrl package.json property. (legacy property)
- Looks for a amd.baseUrl package.json property (legacy property)
- Looks for a js directory
- Looks for a scripts directory
If none of those result in a subdirectory for installation, then the current working directory is used.
If the archive has a top level .js file in it and it is the same name as the repo's/zip file name, then only that .js file will be installed.
Or, if there is only one top level .js file in the repo and it has a /*package.json */ comment with JSON inside that comment, it will be used.
Once the dependency has been added, volo add
will stamp a package.json
file with the archive name used to add the dependency. If there is no
package.json file in the current directory, it will create one.