These patterns are often associated with functional programming languages, algebraic type systems and discrete mathematics.
-- function_name : signature
name : Domain -> Codomain
-- e.g.
divideByTwo : Int -> Float
Name | Symbol | Code |
Identity | I | f(x) = x |
Constant | K | f(x) = a |
Curry (application) | S | S(f, g, x) = f(x, (g(x)) |
Loop | Ω | f(x) = {x, f(x)} |
Values & Variables A value is an immutable piece of data. A variable is a reference to a value. A variable can refer to another variable.
Composite values contain multiple entries. E.g. a tuple (1, 2)
Pure Function Functions that are stateless and deterministic. This makes them trivial to parallelize.
f : A -> B
Multivariate functions are pure functions that depend on multiple inputs. E.g. sum(1,2) = 3
Partial Function
A function that is under-defined, i.e. it doesn't handle all possible input values. E.g. GetFirstElement
would break when given an empty sequence.
Higher Order Function A function that takes another function as an input. It uses partial application.
f : (A -> B) -> A -> B
Function Composition In natural language: apply one function to the result of applying another function to an argument.
g ∘ f = g( f( x ) )
Apply a function to a sequence of input values. E.g. map(sqrt, [2,4]) = [1,2]
Fold or Reduce Reduce a collection of values down to a single element using a reduction operator. If the operator is associative and commutative then the execution done efficiently in parallel.
E.g. reduce(sum, [ 1, 2 ]) = 3
MapReduce MapReduce
-- using key-value pairs K1, V1..
map : (K1, V1) > [ (K2, V2) ]
reduce : [V2] -> [C]
Inspired by this analogy. A function with a union type as domain or codomain. E.g. a function that can fail could have the signature f : A -> B | Error
- This generalizes to
types, where the result is either a promise or a value.
In OOP languages functions tend to be able to have an implicit Exception
return type. E.g. DivideByZeroError
-- 1. a type M
type M x = A x | B
-- 2. a return function to convert a value to the monad
wrap : x -> M x
-- 3. a bind or map function
bind : M x -> (x -> M y) -> M y
The bind function wraps around another function in order make its signature compatible with another function. It serves as an adapter and allows certain functions to be used in a pipeline or chain.
Bind can be used to handle union types. E.g. the Maybe
or Option
type. The function Maybe.apply
can be defined as follows:
type Maybe x = Just x | Nothing
Maybe.apply : (A -> Maybe A) -> Maybe A -> Maybe A
Maybe.apply f x =
case x of
Just v -> f v -- standard application of `f` to a value `v`
Nothing -> Nothing -- do nothing
With a mapping function to apply it to multiple values. f values : (A -> Maybe B) -> [ Maybe A ] -> [Maybe B] f values =
map (bind f) values
Note that this generalizes to an arbitrary number of states. E.g.:
type State x y = Success x | Failure y
bind : (A -> State A B) -> State A B -> State A B
bind f x =
case x of
Success v -> f v -- standard application of `f` to a value `v`
Failure msg -> Failure msg -- pass through
For example
├── call endpoint1
├── awaitAndThen (call, endpoint2)
└── awaitAndThen (call, endpoint3)
Each stage will first check if the result is available, and then do an additional call.
-- a type A
type A x = B x | C
-- an associative binary operation
join : A -> A -> A
-- an identity element
type I = 0 -- for summation
type I = 1 -- for products
type I = [] -- for sequences
-- application of I and any value x
x == join I x
-- wrap A around x
return : x -> A x
For example
sum : Int -> Int
i = 0
fold sum 1,2,3 == sum( sum( sum(i, 1), 2), 3) == 6
Given a pipeline of functions
├── apply f
├── apply g
└── apply h
f : A -> A | Error
g : A -> B | Error
h : B -> C | Error
Bad solution
def apply_pipeline(x):
result = f(x)
if result is not Error:
result = g(x)
if result is not Error
result = h(x)
return result
With Exceptions
def apply_pipeline(x) raises Exception:
return h(g(f(x)))
def f():
# ...
raise Error()