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Dinghua Li edited this page Jun 27, 2015 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the MEGAHIT wiki!


####Q: How to set memory usage for MEGAHIT?

A: Since version 0.3.0, MEGAHIT will set the memory for its sdbg_builder automatically. For manual setting, please refer to this page.

####Q: Can MEGAHIT support pair-end reads? A: Yes since version 0.3.0. In previous version PE reads are taken by MEGAHIT as Single-ended.

####Q: How to use --input-cmd option? A: Please refer to this page. However, basically --input-cmd is not recommended since version 0.3.0, because all reads input in this way are taken as single-ended.

####Q: Is it possible to visualize MEGAHIT's assembly graph? A: Yes. Please refer to Visualizing-MEGAHIT's-contig-graph.

####Q: How to solve the problem of "Error occurs when assembling contigs for k=xxx [Exit code -4]"? A: Recompile MEGAHIT by make clean && make disablempopcnt=1.

####Q: There are many files in the folder "intermediate_contigs", what are they? A: See this post.

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