0.6.1 (2021-01-07)
- map grid item event params (194a09a)
- add vetur support in vscode (9aa150b)
0.6.0 (2021-01-04)
- document.body.removeAttribute will remove the class attribute bug (b72d725)
- fix the bug of slot param contentH is wrong (bcb00c0)
- fullscreen widget contentH calculate wrong problem (686c665)
- add loading.svg (5b926e3)
- add new properties & events on smart-widget-grid (46a73c8)
- add new props for smart-widget-grid (390b751)
- add static property on smart-widget-grid (6e12f5d)
- add the widget headerHeight property (1bbe378)
- improve the fullscreen action (9c0e023)
- rewrite grid-layout events (24edb1c)
- use codesandbox instead jsfiddle (914c0d6)
- use svg sprite instead svg assets (0db4294)