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feat: add support for webpack5 (#1613)
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18566246732 authored and haoqunjiang committed Dec 10, 2019
1 parent 92c02cb commit 59eebca
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Showing 3 changed files with 365 additions and 160 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions lib/plugin-webpack4.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
const qs = require('querystring')
const RuleSet = require('webpack/lib/RuleSet')

const id = 'vue-loader-plugin'
const NS = 'vue-loader'

class VueLoaderPlugin {
apply (compiler) {
// add NS marker so that the loader can detect and report missing plugin
if (compiler.hooks) {
// webpack 4
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(id, compilation => {
let normalModuleLoader
if (Object.isFrozen(compilation.hooks)) {
// webpack 5
normalModuleLoader = require('webpack/lib/NormalModule').getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader
} else {
normalModuleLoader = compilation.hooks.normalModuleLoader
normalModuleLoader.tap(id, loaderContext => {
loaderContext[NS] = true
} else {
// webpack < 4
compiler.plugin('compilation', compilation => {
compilation.plugin('normal-module-loader', loaderContext => {
loaderContext[NS] = true

// use webpack's RuleSet utility to normalize user rules
const rawRules = compiler.options.module.rules
const { rules } = new RuleSet(rawRules)

// find the rule that applies to vue files
let vueRuleIndex = rawRules.findIndex(createMatcher(`foo.vue`))
if (vueRuleIndex < 0) {
vueRuleIndex = rawRules.findIndex(createMatcher(`foo.vue.html`))
const vueRule = rules[vueRuleIndex]

if (!vueRule) {
throw new Error(
`[VueLoaderPlugin Error] No matching rule for .vue files found.\n` +
`Make sure there is at least one root-level rule that matches .vue or .vue.html files.`

if (vueRule.oneOf) {
throw new Error(
`[VueLoaderPlugin Error] vue-loader 15 currently does not support vue rules with oneOf.`

// get the normlized "use" for vue files
const vueUse = vueRule.use
// get vue-loader options
const vueLoaderUseIndex = vueUse.findIndex(u => {
return /^vue-loader|(\/|\\|@)vue-loader/.test(u.loader)

if (vueLoaderUseIndex < 0) {
throw new Error(
`[VueLoaderPlugin Error] No matching use for vue-loader is found.\n` +
`Make sure the rule matching .vue files include vue-loader in its use.`

// make sure vue-loader options has a known ident so that we can share
// options by reference in the template-loader by using a ref query like
// template-loader??vue-loader-options
const vueLoaderUse = vueUse[vueLoaderUseIndex]
vueLoaderUse.ident = 'vue-loader-options'
vueLoaderUse.options = vueLoaderUse.options || {}

// for each user rule (expect the vue rule), create a cloned rule
// that targets the corresponding language blocks in *.vue files.
const clonedRules = rules
.filter(r => r !== vueRule)

// global pitcher (responsible for injecting template compiler loader & CSS
// post loader)
const pitcher = {
loader: require.resolve('./loaders/pitcher'),
resourceQuery: query => {
const parsed = qs.parse(query.slice(1))
return parsed.vue != null
options: {
cacheDirectory: vueLoaderUse.options.cacheDirectory,
cacheIdentifier: vueLoaderUse.options.cacheIdentifier

// replace original rules
compiler.options.module.rules = [

function createMatcher (fakeFile) {
return (rule, i) => {
// #1201 we need to skip the `include` check when locating the vue rule
const clone = Object.assign({}, rule)
delete clone.include
const normalized = RuleSet.normalizeRule(clone, {}, '')
return (
!rule.enforce &&
normalized.resource &&

function cloneRule (rule) {
const { resource, resourceQuery } = rule
// Assuming `test` and `resourceQuery` tests are executed in series and
// synchronously (which is true based on RuleSet's implementation), we can
// save the current resource being matched from `test` so that we can access
// it in `resourceQuery`. This ensures when we use the normalized rule's
// resource check, include/exclude are matched correctly.
let currentResource
const res = Object.assign({}, rule, {
resource: {
test: resource => {
currentResource = resource
return true
resourceQuery: query => {
const parsed = qs.parse(query.slice(1))
if (parsed.vue == null) {
return false
if (resource && parsed.lang == null) {
return false
const fakeResourcePath = `${currentResource}.${parsed.lang}`
if (resource && !resource(fakeResourcePath)) {
return false
if (resourceQuery && !resourceQuery(query)) {
return false
return true

if (rule.oneOf) {
res.oneOf =

return res

VueLoaderPlugin.NS = NS
module.exports = VueLoaderPlugin
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions lib/plugin-webpack5.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
const qs = require('querystring')
const id = 'vue-loader-plugin'
const NS = 'vue-loader'
const BasicEffectRulePlugin = require('webpack/lib/rules/BasicEffectRulePlugin')
const BasicMatcherRulePlugin = require('webpack/lib/rules/BasicMatcherRulePlugin')
const RuleSetCompiler = require('webpack/lib/rules/RuleSetCompiler')
const UseEffectRulePlugin = require('webpack/lib/rules/UseEffectRulePlugin')

const ruleSetCompiler = new RuleSetCompiler([
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('test', 'resource'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('include', 'resource'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('exclude', 'resource', true),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('resource'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('conditions'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('resourceQuery'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('realResource'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('issuer'),
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin('compiler'),
new BasicEffectRulePlugin('type'),
new BasicEffectRulePlugin('sideEffects'),
new BasicEffectRulePlugin('parser'),
new BasicEffectRulePlugin('resolve'),
new UseEffectRulePlugin()

class VueLoaderPlugin {
apply (compiler) {
// add NS marker so that the loader can detect and report missing plugin
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(id, compilation => {
const normalModuleLoader = require('webpack/lib/NormalModule').getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader
normalModuleLoader.tap(id, loaderContext => {
loaderContext[NS] = true

const rules = compiler.options.module.rules
let rawVueRules
let vueRules = []

for (const rawRule of rules) {
// skip the `include` check when locating the vue rule
const clonedRawRule = Object.assign({}, rawRule)
delete clonedRawRule.include

const ruleSet = ruleSetCompiler.compile([{
rules: [clonedRawRule]
vueRules = ruleSet.exec({
resource: 'foo.vue'

if (!vueRules.length) {
vueRules = ruleSet.exec({
resource: 'foo.vue.html'
if (vueRules.length > 0) {
if (rawRule.oneOf) {
throw new Error(
`[VueLoaderPlugin Error] vue-loader 15 currently does not support vue rules with oneOf.`
rawVueRules = rawRule
if (!vueRules.length) {
throw new Error(
`[VueLoaderPlugin Error] No matching rule for .vue files found.\n` +
`Make sure there is at least one root-level rule that matches .vue or .vue.html files.`

// get the normlized "use" for vue files
const vueUse = vueRules.filter(rule => rule.type === 'use').map(rule => rule.value)

// get vue-loader options
const vueLoaderUseIndex = vueUse.findIndex(u => {
return /^vue-loader|(\/|\\|@)vue-loader/.test(u.loader)

if (vueLoaderUseIndex < 0) {
throw new Error(
`[VueLoaderPlugin Error] No matching use for vue-loader is found.\n` +
`Make sure the rule matching .vue files include vue-loader in its use.`

// make sure vue-loader options has a known ident so that we can share
// options by reference in the template-loader by using a ref query like
// template-loader??vue-loader-options
const vueLoaderUse = vueUse[vueLoaderUseIndex]
vueLoaderUse.ident = 'vue-loader-options'
vueLoaderUse.options = vueLoaderUse.options || {}

// for each user rule (expect the vue rule), create a cloned rule
// that targets the corresponding language blocks in *.vue files.
const refs = new Map()
const clonedRules = rules
.filter(r => r !== rawVueRules)
.map((rawRule) => cloneRule(rawRule, refs))

// fix conflict with config.loader and config.options when using config.use
delete rawVueRules.loader
delete rawVueRules.options
rawVueRules.use = vueUse

// global pitcher (responsible for injecting template compiler loader & CSS
// post loader)
const pitcher = {
loader: require.resolve('./loaders/pitcher'),
resourceQuery: query => {
const parsed = qs.parse(query.slice(1))
return parsed.vue != null
options: {
cacheDirectory: vueLoaderUse.options.cacheDirectory,
cacheIdentifier: vueLoaderUse.options.cacheIdentifier

// replace original rules
compiler.options.module.rules = [

function cloneRule (rawRule, refs) {
const rules = ruleSetCompiler.compileRules('ruleSet', [{
rules: [rawRule]
}], refs)
let currentResource

const conditions = rules[0].rules
.map(rule => rule.conditions)
// shallow flat
.reduce((prev, next) => prev.concat(next), [])

// do not process rule with enforce
if (!rawRule.enforce) {
const ruleUse = rules[0].rules
.map(rule => rule.effects
.filter(effect => effect.type === 'use')
.map(effect => effect.value)
// shallow flat
.reduce((prev, next) => prev.concat(next), [])

// fix conflict with config.loader and config.options when using config.use
delete rawRule.loader
delete rawRule.options
rawRule.use = ruleUse

const res = Object.assign({}, rawRule, {
resource: resources => {
currentResource = resources
return true
resourceQuery: query => {
const parsed = qs.parse(query.slice(1))
if (parsed.vue == null) {
return false
if (!conditions) {
return false
const fakeResourcePath = `${currentResource}.${parsed.lang}`
for (const condition of conditions) {
// add support for resourceQuery
const request = === 'resourceQuery' ? query : fakeResourcePath
if (condition && !condition.fn(request)) {
return false
return true

delete res.test

if (rawRule.oneOf) {
res.oneOf = => cloneRule(rule, refs))

return res

VueLoaderPlugin.NS = NS
module.exports = VueLoaderPlugin

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