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Building & configuring Tilck



Tilck has a CMake-based build system relying on a local toolchain, built by the build_toolchain Bash script. The first time Tilck's repo is cloned, it is necessary to build Tilck's local toolchain by running that script. After that, it will be possible to prepare Tilck's build by running CMake in any chosen build directory. While running cmake directly it is possible, the strongly recommended practice in Tilck is to run the wrapper script cmake_run instead. That script checks the version of the GCC compiler on the machine, offers handy shortcuts, allows us to use a CMake binary from the local toolchain, and other things.

Building Tilck's toolchain

When run without any options, the build_toolchain script installs a minimal set of packages (e.g. cross GCC toolchain, busybox, etc.) in the local toolchain. While it's part of Tilck's philosophy to have as fewer dependencies as possible, there still are some packages required to be installed at system level (e.g. gcc, git, wget, tar, grep, make, etc.) simply because they're needed to build Tilck's toolchain itself. Once run, the build_toolchain script will take care of detecting which packages need to be installed and it will also run the right command for your Linux distribution to install them (e.g. sudo apt install gcc g++ git [...]). Most of the mainstream Linux distributions are supported. In the case you're using a distro not supported, the script will just dump a list of programs that need to be installed manually on the system before the script could continue further.

Extra packages

After the first run of build_toolchain finishes, it's possible to build Tilck but, that doesn't mean the script becomes useless. Actually, most of the packages that it can install are not installed by default. The idea behind that is to perform the first setup as quickly as possible. To see all the packages available, just run the script with -h. Single packages can be installed using the -s option. To be more precise, the script calls them functions because in some cases (e.g. config_busybx) they are meant to just (re)configure a package.

Building Tilck

To build Tilck, it's necessary to run first <TILCK_DIR>/scripts/cmake_run in the chosen build directory (e.g. ~john/builds/tilck01) and then just run make there. That means that out-of-tree builds are supported effortlessly.

But, because 99% of the time it's just fine to have a build directory inside our project's main directory (e.g. ~john/devel/tilck), we can simple run ./scripts/cmake_run there. It will detect that's our main directory and it will create the build subdir. After that, we'll still have to enter the build directory and run make there, because that's where CMake placed its generated makefiles. In reality, there's a more convenient shortcut: just run make in project's main directory, using the trivial wrapper Makefile included in Tilck's source: it will simply run $(MAKE) -C build. In case the build/ directory does not exist yet, it will also run the cmake_run wrapper script first.

Build performance notes

To speed up Tilck's build, it's possible to increase the level of parallelism with GNU make's option -j<N>. For example, make -j4 means that at most 4 instances of the compiler will be run in parallel. WARNING: increasing the level of parallelism requires significantly more memory in the host system It's hard to estimate in general how much memory each instance of GCC or Clang will use for compiling a C or C++ file, but it makes sense to be conservative and to account for ~1 GB of RAM per GCC/Clang instance. Therefore, make -j4 would require at least 4 GB of available memory in the host system used for building Tilck. Still, it's possible to increase the level of parallelism at your own discretion, keeping in mind that in case the Linux host system runs out of memory while building this project (or anything else!), the OOM killer will run and that will make the system potentially unstable/unusable.


Configuring Tilck

When cmake_run is run, all configuration options are dumped on the screen as CMake info messages. Therefore, changing one of them is easy as running:

./scripts/cmake_run -DDEBUG_CHECKS=0

(Note: cmake_run forwards its arguments to CMake.) But, that's certainly not the best way to (re)configure Tilck. A more convenient way is to use CMake's console tool called ccmake, part of cmake-curses-gui package (at least on Debian systems). Its main advantage is that all the options are visible and editable in an interactive way and that for each option there is a description. It's not visually cool and fancy like Linux's Kconfig, but it's fully integrated with CMake and does a good job, overall. (Maybe in the future Tilck will switch to Kconfig or some custom tool for a better user experience even in this case.)

Running ccmake is simple as:

ccmake ./build

But, as for the cmake_run case, it's highly recommended to run its wrapper script called run_config:


It has additional error-checking and prevents trivial errors like running ccmake . (which will create an empty CMakeCache.txt in .) instead of ccmake build/ in project's main directory. Of course, it supports out-of-tree builds as well: just pass the build directory as first argument.

Finally, there is also a wrapper for people used with Kconfig too, working when the in-tree build directory is used (again, 99% of the time):

make config


make menuconfig

They have both the same effect as running run_config. In summary, it's convenient to use run_config or make config instead of running ccmake directly because of its error-checking and because at some point Tilck will have something with a better UI than ccmake that will be run by the wrapper scripts.

Build types

Tilck's build types differ only by the optimization flags used. Three build types are currently supported:

  • Debug: -O0 -fno-inline-functions
  • Release: -O3
  • MinSizeRel: -Os

Tilck's default build type is: Debug. It's worth noting that very few projects are built by default with -O0 -fno-inline-functions because the code produced is very inefficient. Fortunately, Tilck still performs very well in this case. Therefore, it's convenient to use this build type in particular when debugging Tilck because the value of all local variables will be visible in GDB (no optimizations, no inlining).

Changing Tilck's build type is simple as running:

./scripts/cmake_run -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

For Release builds there's a nice shortcut:

REL=1 ./scripts/cmake_run

Finally, it's necessary to remark that, because level of compiler's optimization is the only thing that distinguishes the build types, ASSERTs are checked no matter the build type. To compile them out, it's necessary to turn off the DEBUG_CHECKS flag.

Running the UEFI bootloader on QEMU

While Tilck's image is bootable on a UEFI machine, QEMU doesn't by default get installed with a UEFI firmware. Therefore, typically we boot Tilck using only its legacy bootloader. But, when some work has to be done on the UEFI bootloader, it's very convenient (and quicker) to test it on a VM, before running it on real hardware. To do that, it's necessary to first to ask the build_toolchain script to download the Open Virtual Machine Firmware (OVMF) with:

./scripts/build_toolchain -s ovmf

After that, it will be possible to boot Tilck by running:


Note: there's a run_efi_qemu64 script as well. Its purpose is to test the very realistic case where modern x86_64 machines run Tilck and the UEFI bootloader has to switch from long mode to protected mode 32 before jumping to the kernel.

Building Tilck's unit tests

Tilck uses the googletest framework for unit tests and that's not downloaded by build_toolchain when it's run without arguments. In order to install that framework in the toolchain, just run:

./scripts/build_toolchain -s gtest gmock

After that, you'll need to run the cmake_run script again:

./scripts/cmake_run                # For in-tree builds


./scripts/cmake_run <BUILD_DIR>    # For out-of-tree builds

Finally, just build the unit tests with:

make gtests

To run them, execute:


Note: there's more about the unit tests, including special build configurations. For all of that, see the testing document.

Building Tilck with system's compiler (advanced)

While for most of the projects it makes sense to build by default with system's compiler and require some special setup in order to work with a cross-compiler, for Tilck is exactly the opposite. Tilck's build system has been designed around the idea of using by default a pre-built toolchain from for building the kernel, the boot loaders, and Tilck's user apps (the system compiler is used for anything else that has to run on the host machine instead). That is extremely convenient because it saves a lot of time and disk space to anyone who wants to build Tilck (those pre-built toolchains take just ~60 MB of space) and it's also versatile because porting Tilck to a new architecture would be trivial, from the point of view of the build system. Still, in some rare cases using the system's compiler is helpful. For example, when we want to debug an application to understand what happens at libc level (Tilck uses libmusl as libc), we have to build libmusl and use the system compiler instead of the one from because we need all the debug symbols etc. To do that, first check that:

  • You have a GCC installed on your system

  • Your GCC version can build i686 binaries. On all the systems in the Debian family (like Ubuntu, Mint etc.), install the gcc-multilib and g++-multilib packages for that.

Then, install libmusl in the toolchain with:

./scripts/build_toolchain -s libmusl

After that, remove the build directory and run cmake_run this way:

USE_SYSCC=1 ./scripts/cmake_run

In case there are multiple versions of GCC installed on the system (e.g. gcc-7 and gcc-9), also the CC and CXX variables can be set. Warning: being this an advanced use case, the user should have some confidence with build systems, cross compilers (etc.) in order to deal with any eventual issues on his/her particular system, in particular if it's not a mainstream Linux distribution. While the default build of Tilck is widely supported and it has very few external dependencies (it uses the same pre-built toolchain), in this case system's configuration matters. Still, Tilck's build_toolchain script and the build system are regularly tested on the following Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu (primary)
  • Debian
  • Mint
  • Fedora
  • Arch
  • Manjaro
  • openSUSE

Building Tilck with Clang (advanced)

The Tilck project cannot be entirely built with a Clang toolchain, at the moment. But, it still has partial support for Clang because:

  • Supporting more than compiler (in general) improves the code

  • Clang sometimes reports warnings in cases where GCC doesn't (the opposite is true as well)

  • The -Wconversion flag as implemented in Clang is very useful

  • Clang's Static Analyzer is great

  • Tilck has a custom plug-in for the Clang's Static Analyzer (but currently it's not open source)

How to build with Clang

  1. Install clang and clang++ and make sure it can build i686 binaries.
  2. Run: CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./scripts/cmake_run -DKERNEL_SYSCC=1
  3. Build as always with make

The KERNEL_SYSCC option makes the build system to use CC and CXX to build kernel's C and C++ files, while still building the assembly files with the pre-built GCC toolchain from Note: no matter the KERNEL_SYSCC option, kernel's unit tests (see testing) are always built using system's compiler. Therefore, setting CC=clang CXX=clang++ will cause the unit tests to be completely built with Clang: this scenario is fully supported and has no tricky limitations.

Why we can't build the whole project with Clang?

  1. Major problem: llvm-as is not 100% compatible with gas. In particular, it does not support expressions as literals (e.g. 0x1000 + 32 * 8) in the same way gas does.

  2. Minor problem: Clang does not support the Microsoft ABI when the output's type is not a PE binary, while GCC does not support PE as output at all. That prevents using Clang to build the EFI bootloader. A dedicated build of the EFI bootloader for Clang can be written, but it would be very different from the GCC one but, supporting two completely different builds for the same target is an overkill, especially because it wouldn't be enough for building everything with Clang (see the problem above).

Special build configurations (advanced)

Tilck has a predefined list of supported configurations which must always build and pass all the tests. Most of them are built & run each time a branch is pushed by the Azure Pipelines CI but some of them are left out because of the limited resources available there. Anyway, independently of the amount of resources available in CI builds, we need a simple way to test everything on our local machines. That's why the directory scripts/build_generators has been created. Each file there is shell script which creates a different configuration by calling cmake_run with a specific set of options. On top of that, there's the ./scripts/adv/gen_other_builds script which actually builds the kernel and its unit tests for each configuration, and finally, there's (in the same directory) the test_all_other_builds script which runs all the tests (except the interactive ones) for each configuration. Note: these scripts expect a variety of additional packages to be installed both on the host machine and in Tilck's toolchain. Before running them for the first time, check (following the sections above) that the whole project can build with the system's compiler (GCC) and that the kernel and the unit tests can build with Clang as well because both of those build configurations are used.