People in the working group have differing technical and non-technical backgrounds. If you use an acronym or mention some system or formalism be prepared to explain or point to somewhere that defines what you are talking about. To help working group members I am starting this page as a place to put pointers to introductions to and definitions of systems and expansions of acronyms.
CG = community group
LGTM = looks good to me ; let's get this moving
TF = task force
WG = working group
OWL (/aʊl/) = Web Ontology Language
RDF = Resource Description Framework, probably referring to RDF 1.1
RDF 1.0 = the original recommendations for RDF, see Concepts and Abstract Syntax and Semantics
RDF 1.1 = the current version of RDF, see Concepts and Abstract Syntax and Semantics
RDFn = a proposal for extending RDF to support named triples
ShEx = Shape Expressions
SHACL (/ˈʃækəl/) = Shapes Constraint Language
SPARQL (/ˈspɑːkəl/) = query language for RDF, see Overview
GSP = SPARQL Graph Store Protocol