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Contributing to Lerna

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Installing the correct versions of Node, NPM and necessary dependencies

We strongly recommend using to manage your node and npm installation seamlessly and automatically. If you are already using volta, then you will already be using the correct versions of node and npm when working on the lerna repo.

In addition to being used by our core contributors, volta is also used by our Github Actions workflows, so that everything stays automatically in sync when it comes to the primary node and npm versions.

If you do not wish to use volta for whatever reason, that is absolutely fine, but you will be responsible for ensuring that you align your machine's global installation of node and npm with what we have specified in the volta config within the root package.json file in the repo (and keep it aligned as things change over time).

You can always run node --version and npm --version from within the repo to check that your currently installed versions match those specified in the volta config in the root package.json.

Once you have done that, to get started with the repo simply run:

git clone && cd lerna
npm ci # given this is a clean install on an existing project, npm ci can be used

Code Structure

Currently, the source is split up into a few categories:

  • utils: shared packages to run git, npm, fs, and more.
  • core: basic building blocks, including Package-related abstractions and the command superclass.
  • commands: each command has an initialize and execute function.

Submission Guidelines

Submitting an Issue

Before you submit an issue, please search the issue tracker. An issue for your problem may already exist and has been resolved, or the discussion might inform you of workarounds readily available.

We want to fix all the issues as soon as possible, but before fixing a bug we need to reproduce and confirm it. Having a reproducible scenario gives us wealth of important information without going back and forth with you requiring additional information, such as:

  • the output of npx lerna info
  • yarn.lock or package-lock.json
  • and most importantly - a use-case that fails

A minimal reproduction allows us to quickly confirm a bug (or point out a coding problem) as well as confirm that we are fixing the right problem.

We will be insisting on a minimal reproduction in order to save maintainers' time and ultimately be able to fix more bugs. Interestingly, from our experience, users often find coding problems themselves while preparing a minimal reproduction repository. We understand that sometimes it might be hard to extract essentials bits of code from a larger codebase, but we really need to isolate the problem before we can fix it.

You can file new issues by filling out our issue form.

Submitting a PR

This project follows GitHub's standard forking model. Please fork the project to submit pull requests.


Run Unit Tests

$ npm test

# watch for changes
$ npm test -- --watch

# For a specific file (e.g., in core/command/__tests__/command.test.js)
$ npm test -- --watch core/command

By default, npm test also runs the linter. You can skip this by calling jest directly:

$ npx jest
$ npx jest --watch
$ npx jest --config jest.integration.js
# etc

Run Integration Tests

$ npm run integration

# test a specific file
$ npm run integration -- lerna-publish

# watch for changes
$ npm run integration -- --watch

# watch a specific file
$ npm run integration -- --watch lerna-publish


$ npm run lint

It's also a good idea to hook up your editor to an eslint plugin.

To fix lint errors from the command line:

$ npm run lint -- --fix

Local CLI Testing

If you want to test out Lerna on local repos, you can leverage verdaccio as a local npm regsitry.

Open a new terminal window and run the following from the root of the workspace:

npx lerna run --scope @lerna/e2e start-verdaccio

This will run verdaccio on http://localhost:4872

NOTE: You may wish to set the log level of verdaccio to be "http" in e2e/local-registry/config.yml to see all the publishing and install activity

In another terminal window you can now build and publish any new version (in this example 999.9.9) to that local registry:

npm run e2e:local-publish -- 999.9.9

You can then install your local version of lerna wherever you want by leveraging the --registry flag on the npm/npx client.

E.g. you could start a new lerna workspace with your new version

cd /some/path/on/your/machine
npx --registry=http://localhost:4872/ lerna@999.9.9 init
npm --registry=http://localhost:4872/ install
npx lerna --version # 999.9.9

To forcibly kill the running verdaccio instance you can run:

npx lerna run --scope @lerna/e2e kill-verdaccio

Which will simply attempt to kill the process running on port 4872.

Run E2E Tests

In addition to our lower level testing, we also have a suite of e2e tests which actually publish our packages to a locally running npm registry (using verdaccio in the same way as described in the section above) and use the lerna CLI directly. These are our most valuable tests because they get us as close as possible to the experience of our users.

To build, version and publish all the packages, as well as run all e2e tests using those same packages, you just need to run a single command:

npm run e2e

If you want to run the e2e tests for just a single command (such as lerna info), you can forward arguments onto the underlying jest process like so:

# This will cause jest to only match against the `lerna-info.spec.ts` file and ignore the others
npm run e2e -- --testRegex=lerna-info

NOTE: The building, versioning and publishing of the packages will be the same regardless of the jest flags passed


If you would like to check test coverage, run the coverage script, then open coverage/lcov-report/index.html in your favorite browser.

$ npm test -- --coverage

# OS X
$ open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

# Linux
$ xdg-open coverage/lcov-report/index.html


If you are a member of Lerna's GitHub org and have read-write privileges in Lerna's npm org with 2-factor auth enabled, congratulations, you can cut a release!

You'll need to set up a local .env file in the repo root to provide the required environment variables. The .env.example file is available in the root as a template. The root .env file is never placed under version control.

Once that's done, run the release script and await glory:

npm run release