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105 lines (92 loc) · 4 KB


ib0 Link encap:InfiniBand HWaddr A0:00:02:20:FE:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:65520 Metric:1 RX packets:3162 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1110 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1024 RX bytes:1008686 (985.0 KiB) TX bytes:344910 (336.8 KiB)

Infiniband device 'mlx4_0' port 1 status: default gid: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0002:c903:00ee:ae01 base lid: 0x7 sm lid: 0x2 state: 4: ACTIVE phys state: 5: LinkUp rate: 56 Gb/sec (4X FDR) link_layer: InfiniBand

Infiniband device 'mlx4_0' port 2 status: default gid: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0002:c903:00ee:ae02 base lid: 0x6 sm lid: 0x2 state: 4: ACTIVE phys state: 5: LinkUp rate: 56 Gb/sec (4X FDR) link_layer: InfiniBand

ib_read_lat -d mlx4_0 -i 1

  • Waiting for client to connect... *


ib_read_lat -d mlx4_0 -i 1 -a

                RDMA_Read Latency Test

Dual-port : OFF Device : mlx4_0 Number of qps : 1 Transport type : IB Connection type : RC Using SRQ : OFF TX depth : 1 Mtu : 2048[B] Link type : IB Outstand reads : 16 rdma_cm QPs : OFF Data ex. method : Ethernet

local address: LID 0x01 QPN 0x0264 PSN 0xb41e9e OUT 0x10 RKey 0x98011302 VAddr 0x007faf47400000 remote address: LID 0x07 QPN 0x0262 PSN 0xcf7035 OUT 0x10 RKey 0xd8011314 VAddr 0x007fb500ad3000

#bytes #iterations t_min[usec] t_max[usec] t_typical[usec] 2 1000 2.29 15.78 2.34 4 1000 2.28 7.58 2.34 8 1000 2.25 4.61 2.31 16 1000 2.25 5.56 2.31 32 1000 2.27 5.85 2.32 64 1000 2.28 5.03 2.35 128 1000 2.32 4.52 2.38 256 1000 2.44 5.58 2.49 512 1000 2.60 5.97 2.65 1024 1000 2.89 4.39 2.95 2048 1000 3.48 7.56 3.55 4096 1000 4.07 8.42 4.13 Completion with error at client Failed status 10: wr_id 0 syndrom 0x88 scnt=1, ccnt=1


TEST BW Server:

ib_read_bw -d mlx4_0 -i 1

  • Waiting for client to connect... *

Client: #watch -n 1 perfquery -l 7 1 Every 1.0s: perfquery -l 7 1 Wed Nov 5 11:32:44 2014

Port counters: Lid 7 port 1 (CapMask: 0x1400)

PortSelect:......................1 CounterSelect:...................0x0000 SymbolErrorCounter:..............0 LinkErrorRecoveryCounter:........0 LinkDownedCounter:...............0 PortRcvErrors:...................0 PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors:.....0 PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors:........0 PortXmitDiscards:................0 PortXmitConstraintErrors:........0 PortRcvConstraintErrors:.........0 CounterSelect2:..................0x00 LocalLinkIntegrityErrors:........0 ExcessiveBufferOverrunErrors:....0 VL15Dropped:.....................0 PortXmitData:....................6465317 PortRcvData:.....................427938 PortXmitPkts:....................41531 PortRcvPkts:.....................130792613 PortXmitWait:....................2