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环境 mongodb 创建用户 并启动密码验证 doc/mongo_install.sh文件 编译 ./ 启动示例

nohup sudo ./prizesd --db-server mongodb://massgrid:password@localhost:27017/docker --rpc-server localhost:9442 --rpc-username 5de7b1f3 --rpc-password password --time-Scale-Statement 30 -D -l debug >>debug.log &


./prizesd -h
Flag shorthand -h has been deprecated, please use --help

Usage:  prizesd [OPTIONS]

A monitor for docker swarm

      --config-file string         Daemon configuration file (default "/etc/prizes/daemon.json")
      --db-server list             database host (default mongodb://localhost:27017)
  -D, --debug                      Enable debug mode    //debug模式
      --help                       Print usage
  -H, --host list                  Daemon socket(s) to connect to   //api address : -H tcp://localhost:2000
  -l, --log-level string           Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal") (default "info")
      --rpc-password string        Set MassGrid rpc password (default "password")
      --rpc-server list            MassGrid rpc host (default tcp://localhost:9442)
      --rpc-username string        Set MassGrid rpc username (default "user")
      --testnet                    Set massgrid testnet
  -t, --time-Scale int             Set record Millisecond time scale to database (default 3000) //docker 请求间隔时间
      --time-Scale-Statement int   Set time cycle for statement Minute (default 5) //结算间隔时间
  -v, --version                    Print version information and quit

模块 db
node 存储所有node信息 service 存储所有server信息 servicetimeaxis 存储每个server的租用时间轴信息 task //存储所有活动过的task信息 server restAPI标准 通过tcp、unix_sock 与massgridd 通讯 refresh 优先队列 对server进行计时 prizeservice service 创建退款结算更新操作