Twig Renderer renders html tables using twig templates. It depends on twig/twig
. If you are using the
table-builder-bundle with symfony it will build and register the service for you. Otherwise, you can create the service
like this:
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\ChainLoader;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
use WArslett\TableBuilder\Renderer\Html\TwigRenderer;
use WArslett\TableBuilder\Twig\StandardTemplatesLoader;
use WArslett\TableBuilder\Twig\TableRendererExtension;
$twigEnvironment = new Environment(new ChainLoader([
new StandardTemplatesLoader(), //loads the standard table builder templates
new FilesystemLoader('templates/') //your template loader
$twigRenderer = new TwigRenderer($twigEnvironment, new SprintfAdapter());
$twigEnvironment->addExtension(new TableRendererExtension($twigRenderer)); // the extension must be loaded
The constructor takes two parameters. The first is the Twig Environment and the second is an implementation of RouteGeneratorAdapterInterface which is used to generate urls for Actions. You can inject an alternative such as the SymfonyRoutingAdapter to render Symfony routes:
use WArslett\TableBuilder\Renderer\Html\TwigRenderer;
use WArslett\TableBuilder\RouteGeneratorAdapter\SymfonyRoutingAdapter;
$twigEnvironment = ...
$router = ...
$adapter = new SymfonyRoutingAdapter($router);
$twigRenderer = new TwigRenderer($twigEnvironment, $adapter);
The third argument is the path to the theme file. The standard theme is the default, but the bootstrap4 theme is also available.
use WArslett\TableBuilder\Renderer\Html\TwigRenderer;
use WArslett\TableBuilder\RouteGeneratorAdapter\SprintfAdapter;
$twigEnvironment = ...
$twigRenderer = new TwigRenderer($twigEnvironment, new SprintfAdapter(), TwigRenderer::BOOTSTRAP4_THEME_PATH);
You can render a whole table:
<div class="container">
{{ table(table) }}
Or you can render parts of the table separately:
{% for heading in table.headings %}
{{ table_heading(table, heading) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for row in table.rows %}
{{ table_row(table, row) }}
{% endfor %}
You can register custom cell value templates for columns:
use App\TableBuilder\Column\MyCustomColumn;
$renderer->registerCellValueTemplate(MyCustomColumn::class, 'custom/cell/value/template.html.twig');
Or if you are using your own custom theme your can register blocks for rendering custom cell values for columns:
use App\TableBuilder\Column\MyCustomColumn;
$renderer->registerCellValueBlock(MyCustomColumn::class, 'my_cell_value_block');
You can create your own custom theme by creating a template file which implements the following blocks:
Or if you want to extend an existing template you can do this:
{% extends 'table-builder/standard.html.twig' %}
{% block table_element %}
<table class="my-custom-table-class">
{% for heading in table.headings %}
{{ table_heading(table, heading) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for row in table.rows %}
{{ table_row(table, row) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Then provide the path of the file as the second argument of the constructor for TwigRenderer (relative to your template loader).