#Brew Cask Packages
Install all apps in list by running the following command:
brew cask install adapter adobe-creative-cloud alfred appcleaner atom caffeine dash disk-inventory-x firefox go2shell google-drive-file-stream handbrake hosts imageoptim iterm2 joinme karabiner libreoffice macdown onyx opera qlcolorcode qlimagesize qlmarkdown qlprettypatch qlstephen qlvideo quicklook-csv quicklook-json sequel-pro sketch sketch-toolbox skitch slack sqlitestudio textmate the-unarchiver transmit vagrant vagrant-manager visual-studio-code vlc
NOTE: some apps may be blocked stating that the system blocked an app by "Developer Name". If this is the case, simply go to system preferences and click allow then you can re-run the same command (everything that previously installed successfully will be skipped.) The following casks have been identified as being blocked initially:
brew install virtualbox java microsoft-office silverlight
- iterm2: Superior mac Terminal replacement
- atom: Fabulous Text editor
- visual-studio-code: Another Fabulous Text editor
- textmate: Fantastic single file text editor (replacement for Mac TextEdit)
- transmit: Hands-down best Mac FTP client (supports AWS S3 + many more)
- adobe-creative-cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud App to download CC apps
- sketch: Simply the best
- sketch-toolbox: Manage your sketch plugins
- firefox: Rad
- opera: Why Not?
- jadengeller-helium: Nice always on top floating single window browser
- NOTE: chrome has sandboxing issues with 1password, download and install chrome and chrome-canary separately
- alfred: Superior mac Spotlight replacement.. App Launcher + much more ..especially amazing with alfred powerpack + workflows
- caffeine: Keep your mac from falling asleep when you dont want it to
- appcleaner: Grab and delete extraneous files when uninstalling an app
- go2shell: Nice finder utility to open the current directory in terminal/iterm
- hosts: Nice OS X Preferences pane for managing /etc/hosts
- onyx: Repair permissions, clear out old logs, refresh thy mac
- the-unarchiver: alternative to Mac's Archive Utility
- karabiner: A powerful and stable keyboard customizer for macOS
- disk-inventory-x: Running out of storage space? this will help you quickly identify where your largest files are.
- slack: Let's chat
- google-drive: you know what this is
- dropbox: you know what this is too
- microsoft-office: duh
- libreoffice: Lighter weight MS Office alternative
- macdown: Markdown editor
- skitch: Handy Screenshot tool
- dash: Programming documenation (warning: can take up a lot of space!)
- imageoptim: GUI for optimizing images
- virtualbox: Install other Operating Systems in a virtual environement to replicate server environments
- vagrant: VirtualBox plugin for rapid dev server setups
- vagrant-manager GUI for Vagrant
###Database Management
- sequel-pro: View/Edit your local dev MySQL databases
- sqlitebrowser: View/Edit your local dev sqlite databases
- vlc: Extremely versatile video player
- handbrake: Convert/Compress videos
- adapter: Video format converter
- qlcolorcode: Renders source code with syntax highlighting in mac quicklook
- qlimagesize: Display the dimensions and size of an image in the title bar instead of the filename. Also preview some unsupported formats like WebP & bpg.
- qlmarkdown: View Markdown documents in mac quicklook
- qlprettypatch: View patch files in mac quicklook
- qlstephen: View plain text files (without a file extension) in mac quicklook
- qlvideo: Displays thumbnails, static QuickLook previews, cover art and metadata for most types of video files in mac quicklook
- quicklook-csv: View CSVs in mac quicklook
- quicklook-json: View JSON in mac quicklook