Releases: weDevsOfficial/wp-project-manager
Releases · weDevsOfficial/wp-project-manager
= v2.3.6 - Feb 10, 2020 =
- New Set date range picker in my-task section to filter tasks.
- New Set date range picker in my-task overview to filter activities.
- New Duplicate a task from task-list.
- New New components are, pm-button, pm-dropdown-menu, pm-triangle-box, pm-click-wrap, pm-popup-modal, pm-date-range-picker.
- Update Redesigned task-create form.
- Update Replace jQuery date picker to date range picker.
- Update Some features are moved from task create form to single task page.
- Fix Assigned manager in a project was not getting mail at project create time.
- Fix Make Multi-site compatible for fetching co-worker.
- Fix Invisible tools menu for co-worker.
- Fix Co-workers could not edit their created task.
- Fix 'Inbox' task create form was showing for all pagination page.
- Fix Showing invalid date after search outstanding task.
- Fix Favorite project was not working.
= v2.3.5 - Dec 19, 2019 =
- New Add privacy policy in product description.
- Fix Sanitize data while updating task.
- Fix Add extra data validation on database query.
= v2.3.4 - Nov 15, 2019 =
- Fix Task label are inserted two times while updating task.
- Fix Task update buttons can not be selected for tooltip.
- Update Project assigned users has been removed from user search results.
- Update Add text limit on task title.
= v2.3.3 - Nov 10, 2019 =
- New Integrate with Pusher for real time notification.
- New Include seeder for project, task-list and task.
- New Set filter in project fetch 'join' and 'where' query.
- Fix Task update popover menu used to break when task title was long.
- Update Reset button on task-list search.
= v2.3.2 - Oct 10, 2019 =
- Fix Conflict with elementor.
- Update Toastr library.
= v2.3.1 - Sep 26, 2019 =
- New User can create new task from my-task section.
- New Sorting my-task table column.
- Update My-tasks menu is not appear in front-end.
- Update Reduce loading executing time for project home page.
- Update Refactoring code for getting projects data.
= v2.3.0 - Sep 09, 2019 =
- New Remove current task, outstanding task and completed task tabs from my tasks.
- New Advanced task filtering option according to current task, outstanding task and completed task in my tasks section.
- New pm_capabilities, pm_role_project, pm_role_project_capabilities, pm_role_project_users table for permission management.
- Update Change single task popup url from my-task to single task lists.
- Fix Progress load more is not working.
= v2.2.4 - Jul 22, 2019 =
- New Task title field in task list search form.
- Fix Task sorting is not working.
- Fix Prevent sorting for default task list (Inbox).
- Update Showing 'more task' button even there is not task.
= v2.2.3 - Jun 15, 2019 =
- Update Task list search query.
- Fix After drag and drop task is not updating from my-task calendar.
- Fix Milestone disapear after reloding the page.
= v2.2.2 - Jun 28, 2019 =
- New Action hook in task list page 'pm_after_task_content'.
- New Event initiation after task user update 'after_update_single_task_user'.
- New Action hook before delete task list 'pm_before_delete_task_list'.
- Update User gets mail at task updating time even the task is not updated.
- Update Archived tasks will not appear on MyTask calendar.
- Update New tasks are listing in the descending order in the task lists.
- Fix User can remove administrator from manage capability permission.
- Fix Inbox task list does not appear at the top of the task lists.
- Fix compact(): undefined index variable problem for php 7.3
- Fix Text domain 'pm' to 'wedevs-project-manager'.
- Fix Task lists menu is not activating while clicking pagination.