All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.22.8 (2021-07-09)
0.22.7 (2021-07-09)
- migrate from uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to terser-webpack-plugin (4f14e82)
0.22.6 (2020-06-08)
0.22.5 (2020-06-08)
0.22.4 (2019-10-22)
0.22.0 (2019-09-06)
- updates to styled-components 4 (46ed24a)
0.21.2 (2019-05-31)
- tweaks dropdown-item disabled style (76ba82d)
0.21.1 (2019-05-29)
0.21.0 (2019-05-29)
- timeline: address @foot's comment (f08f994)
- timeline: enable preventDefault() on onWheel event (dde25bc)
- dropdown: adds disabled state to dropdown items (d23c52d)
0.20.0 (2019-05-20)
- shape: don't apply strokeDasharray on dottedtriangle highlight (6017018)
- shape: add dotted triangle shape (151fc1d)
0.19.5 (2019-04-18)
0.19.3 (2019-04-11)
- prometheusgraph: fixes clicking on legend (9a7813d)
- prometheusgraph: improve hovered series vis (a0ed25d)
0.19.2 (2019-02-27)
- listitem: child links of listitem work again (7ddf210)
0.19.1 (2019-02-27)
0.19.0 (2019-02-26)
- allow over-riding internal dropdown components (cd7a9ad)
- render props column in docs as markdown (74c3cec)
- dropdown: allow different selectedLabel prop (b7bf3dd)
0.18.0 (2018-12-28)
- add spacing showcase (4a89be9)
- hardcoding spacing values from our system (136554b)
- limit circular progress to two standard sizes (2d43b4c)
0.17.0 (2018-12-11)
- account for minValue for Y-axis ticks step (4d2f240)
- bump D3 dependencies (c6472aa)
- prettier (fa2bfbd)
- proporionally define spacing (50bda87)
- shifting base spacing from 24px to 16px (e476b60)
- standardise spacing within Time Travel component (4a34bb4)
- dropdown: adjusts max-height to show it can be scrolled (3f636eb)
- replace component margins and padding with theme spacing (2481cc1)
0.16.0 (2018-11-26)
- change '0px' to '0' in spacing theme (716d1a9)
- introduce standard spacing to the theme (26b12ad)