# simple, use defaults and latest selenium
selenium-standalone install
selenium-standalone start
# install defaults, but silently
selenium-standalone install --silent
# specify selenium args, everything after -- is for selenium
selenium-standalone start -- -debug
# choose selenium version
selenium-standalone install --version=3.141.59 --baseURL=https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com
# exact selenium download url
selenium-standalone install --version=4.0.0-alpha-7 --fullURL=https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/4.0-alpha-7/selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-7.jar
# choose chrome driver version
selenium-standalone install --drivers.chrome.version=87.0.4280.20 --drivers.chrome.baseURL=https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com
# choose ie driver architecture
selenium-standalone start --drivers.ie.arch=ia32 --drivers.ie.baseURL=https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com
# install a single driver within the default list (chrome, ie, edge, firefox, chromiumedge)
selenium-standalone install --singleDriverInstall=chrome
# specify hub and nodes to setup your own selenium grid
selenium-standalone start -- hub
selenium-standalone start -- node --grid-url http://localhost:4444/grid/register
selenium-standalone start -- node --grid-url http://localhost:4444/grid/register --port 5556
# start a single driver
selenium-standalone start --singleDriverStart=chrome
# don't forget to specify downloaded version for v4 alpha
./bin/selenium-standalone start --version=4.0.0-alpha-7
# If you have a complex configuration with numerous options or if you want to keep a clear configuration changes history,
# you can specify the options in a configuration file :
selenium-standalone install --config=/path/to/config.json
selenium-standalone start --config=./config/seleniumConfig.js
# prevent killing selenium process before start
selenium-standalone start --processKiller=false
# install or start only certain driver
selenium-standalone install --onlyDriver=chrome
selenium-standalone start --onlyDriver=chrome
Config file can be a JSON file or a module file that exports options as an object:
module.exports = {
drivers: {
chrome: {
version: '87.0.4280.20',
arch: process.arch,
baseURL: 'https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com'