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vim-spell |
vim spell is Vim's built-in spellcheck
To update (replacing the current version) run webi vim-spell
These are the files / directories that are created and/or modified with this install:
Vim has a built-in spell checker. It is turned off by default and when turned on will do whole-word highlighting - which does not look good in any of the themes a I use.
This vim-spell plugin turns on the spell checker and sets it to use underline rather than background coloring.
The vim command to add words to your user's dictionary is :spell <word>
. For
:spell JSON
:spell HTML
You can remove a word from your custom dictionary with :spellundo <word>
, like
:spellundo referer
You can blacklist word (mark it as an incorrect spelling) with
:spellwrong <word>
, like this:
:spellwrong writeable
" use X11/HTML-defined 'gray', not the proper English 'grey'
:spellwrong grey
This is particularly useful if you want to make sure that you're consintent in spelling words that have multiple spellings.
Your user-specific spell files in in ~/.vim/spell
. One is in binary form and
the other in text form, likely:
Create the file ~/.vim/plugins/spell.vim
. Add the same contents as
That will look something like this:
" turn on spellcheck
set spell
" set spellcheck highlight to underline
hi clear SpellBad
hi SpellBad cterm=underline
You'll then need to update ~/.vimrc
to source that plugin:
" Spell Check: reasonable defaults from webinstall.dev/vim-spell
source ~/.vim/plugins/spell.vim