Remove plugins key from config
Fix space formatting error from previous edit (minor edit)
Fix space formatting error from previous edit (minor edit)
Added meaning to comments in karma config file example to increase clarity of explanation regarding webpack.entry watcher.
Adding additional details about how to use the stats object with webpackMiddleware
# karma-webpack ## Installation ``` sh npm install --save-dev karma-webpack ``` ## Usage ``` javascript // Karma configuration module.exports = function(config) { config.set({ // ... normal karma configuration files: [ // all files ending in "_test" 'test/*_test.js', 'test/**/*_test.js' // each file acts as entry point for the webpack configuration ], preprocessors: { // add webpack as preprocessor 'test/*_test.js': ['webpack'], 'test/**/*_test.js': ['webpack'] }, webpack: { // karma watches the test entry points // (you don't need to specify the entry option) // webpack watches dependencies // webpack configuration }, webpackMiddleware: { // webpack-dev-middleware configuration // i. e. noInfo: true }, plugins: [ require("karma-webpack") ] }); }; ``` ## Alternative usage This configuration is more performant, but you cannot run single test anymore (only the complete suite). The above configuration generates a webpack bundle for each test. For many testcases this can result in many big files. The alterative configuration creates a single bundle with all testcases. ``` javascript files: [ // only specify one entry point // and require all tests in there 'test/test_index.js' ], preprocessors: { // add webpack as preprocessor 'test/test_index.js': ['webpack'] }, ``` ``` javascript // test/test_index.js // require all modules ending in "_test" from the // current directory and all subdirectories var testsContext = require.context(".", true, /_test$/); testsContext.keys().forEach(testsContext); ``` Every test file is required using the [require.context]( and compiled with webpack into one test bundle. ## Source Maps You can use the `karma-sourcemap-loader` to get the source maps generated for your test bundle. ``` npm install --save-dev karma-sourcemap-loader ``` And then add it to your preprocessors ``` javascript preprocessors: { 'test/test_index.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap'] } ``` And tell webpack to generate sourcemaps ``` javascript webpack: { // ... devtool: 'inline-source-map' } ``` ## Options This is the full list of options you can specify in your Karma config. ### webpack Webpack configuration. ### webpackMiddleware Configuration for webpack-dev-middleware. ## License Copyright 2014-2015 Tobias Koppers [MIT](
Created usage with karma (markdown)
Jun 27, 2014