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Medikanren data import

Biolink model

Setup for data import

  • Install racket.
  • Install python3.
  • Clone this repo.
  • Clone the kgx repo:
  • Checkout the source-sink branch in kgx: git checkout origin/source-sink
  • Install dependencies via: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    • If pip3 isn't found, try using pip instead

Using a local neo4j instance

If you were given a dump file instead of a remote neo4j instance to connect to, start here. Otherwise, skip to the ingestion section. Follow these instructions to set up a local instance using the dump file. Then follow the usual ingestion instructions.

Download neo4J community server

On Mac: brew install neo4j

Complete setup by running neo4j start, then once that suceeds, neo4j stop. This will set up var/neo4j/data/transaction.

Start a local neo4j instance from a dump file

Assuming neo4j is already stopped, convert a Robokop (or RTX) X.dump to TSV format via:

neo4j-admin load --from X.dump --database graph.db --force  # If this is your first time, remove the --force option.
neo4j start
cd YOUR-PATH-TO-NCATS-ROOT/ncats-translator/kgx
cp config-robokop.yml config.yml
time python3
neo4j stop

Then follow the instructions for converting the TSVs to mediKanren format.

(If you've just set neo4j up for the first time and kgx failed due to authorization, try visiting localhost:7474 in the browser, and logging in with username=neo4j password=neo4j. You'll be prompted to set a new password. Set it to be consistent with the password in your kgx config file.)

Freeing up space once you are finished

If you installed neo4j using homebrew:

neo4j stop
# Your data might live here.
rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/VERSION/libexec/data/databases/*
# Or it might live here.
rm -rf /usr/local/var/neo4j/data/databases/*

Supposedly this query should also work, but I get a memory error:

neo4j start
cypher-shell -u YOURUSERNAME -p YOURPASSWORD --non-interactive 'MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n'
neo4j stop

Ingesting new data sources

Downloading neo4j data in TSV format

  • Obtain username, password, host, and port of the neo4j instance.
  • cd to the kgx repo.
  • Modify config.yml to use the instance information you obtained. Set the outputname here to describe your data source, e.g., robokop.
  • Run the download script via python3, likely with this command: python3 (For a typical data source, the download may take an hour or so.)
    • If python3 isn't found, try using python instead

Converting TSVs (or CSVs) to mediKanren format

  • cd to the medikanren subdirectory of the medikanren repo (which is this repo).
  • Move or copy the downloaded TSV (or CSV) files to an appropriately-named subdirectory of the medikanren/data directory. We'll assume your datasource is named NAME, and will live at medikanren/data/NAME.
  • For TSV files, perform conversion by running: (For a typical data source, conversion may take an hour or so.)
racket tsv-graph-to-db.rkt data NAME
racket build-string-index.rkt data NAME
  • For CSV files, perform conversion by running: (For a typical data source, conversion may take an hour or so.)
racket csv-graph-to-db.rkt data NAME
racket build-string-index.rkt data NAME
  • Optionally, map pubmed ids to the edge ids that reference them: racket build-pubmed-edges.rkt data NAME
  • Given (require "mk-db.rkt") you should now be able to access the new db by evaluating (make-db "data/NAME").

Verify data

Within racket, running this should produce sensible results:

(require "mk-db.rkt")
(define NAME (make-db "data/NAME"))
(run* (c) (db:categoryo NAME c)))
(run* (p) (db:predicateo NAME p)))
(run 10 (c) (db:concepto NAME c)))
(run 10 (e) (db:edgeo NAME e)))

Back up TSV (or CSV) source data

If TSVs are downloaded from a remote source, then after the TSVs are grouped in a directory, yet before running racket conversion scripts, first create a zip for backup:

cd data
zip -r semmed

This isn't necessary for neo4j dumps because the dump is a reliable source (though doing so could still save the self-download time). Remote sources are not reliable.

To backup the TSV->mediKanren work:

cd data
zip -r robokop



  • queries we want to show during demo, common use cases
  • figure out what info we need and how to build an ontologyo (better name?) relation to relate concepts and classes for traversal in either direction
  • synonymization with max concept distance
    • e.g., equivalent_to might be distance 0, encodes might be distance 1, etc.
  • figure out what scoring parameters to use, some possibilities are:
    • confidence we're even referencing the right concepts
    • confidence in the evidence of a claim (via publications, ontological traversal, etc.)
      • avoid double-counting same ontological information from multiple sources
    • confidence via presence in multiple knowledge graphs (RTX2 + sulab semmed)
    • some notion of relevance: how interesting/useful is this result?
      • safe drugs are more relevant than unsafe drugs

Graph queries

  • Given a query graph

    • set of nodes
      • known concepts with CURIEs
      • unknown concepts, possibly with known category/type
    • set of edges with known predicate/relation/type
  • Produce a result graph

    • this is the query graph augmented with instantiations and their metadata
    • unknown query nodes are bound to (possibly multiple) concepts with CURIEs
      • contain other information? confidence (the right concept)? relevance?
    • query edges are bound to (possibly multiple) result edges linking concepts
      • subject, object
      • type
      • negated
      • provided_by
      • has_evidence
      • publications
      • has_confidence_level (how likely a result is to be true)
      • confidence_calculation ?
      • relevance (how important a result would be if true; not a biolink property)
  • Strategy for producing result graph

    • synonymization, within and across knowledge graphs
      • high confidence: equivalent_to
      • low confidence: xref
    • kg-specific base confidence in edges
    • improving confidence when possible to double-check
    • reasoning about contradictions (applying negated edges)
    • determine relevance (e.g., drug is safe (approved or passed phase 1 trial))


  • concept distance for (potentially cross-KG) synonyms (similar to ISA checkbox)
  • sorting results by different scoring parameters (confidence vs. relevance)
  • reimplement GUI result builder in terms of run/graph for consistency
  • display JSON version of input/output (need to map different forms of evidence to biolink model)
  • display a simple handmade graph visualization of query and results

Greg will do these

  • impose maximum on synonym sets, and gradually reduce allowed connections

    • after each violation: stop synonym-concepto, then xrefs, then equivalent_to
  • filter for global consistency after propagation

  • improve edge constrainer to pay attention to both subject and object at once

  • separate composite edge construction from ranking

  • implement dbKanren

    • reduce corpus load time
      • reprocess corpus data using a flat binary format of length-encoded strings
  • index edges by predicate

  • index gene aliasing data

  • consolidate db generation with one script

  • reorganize directory structure

    • lift medikanren to main directory, moving current main contents somewhere else
    • keep configs, logs, and user programs (such as gui, web-server...) in main directory
    • move library and data processing code to a new subdirectory
    • move tests and examples into their own subdirectories
  • web interface

    • webserver endpoints for lookup of:
      • concepts/predicates (by name or CUI)
      • Xs (by chosen concepts and predicates)
    • web client corresponding to GUI

bottom-up explorer and graph builder ideas

  • organization

    • all work persistsed in a single environment/repo/version-DAG
    • workspaces: can have multiple pointers/views/HEADs into the environment
      • expressed as separate workspaces/tabs/splits to support concurrent activities
        • not a perfect analogy since you might want multiple visual windows into the same workspace for UI convenience
      • manipulating multiple workspaces is analogous to branching
        • opening a new empty workspace is analogous to creating a new branch at the (empty) "initial commit"
    • while "branches" are mutable in the sense that they update/repoint as manipulations are performed, data itself is stateless/versionless: may copy/reference data across worksapces
    • environment is version-controlled at two levels
      • fine-grained event log recording all user manipulations automatically
        • raw diffs: show true manipulation history
        • algebraically simplified diffs: show only effective manipulations
          • if user flips back and forth between two states, cancel them out
        • filtered diffs (raw or simplified): only show manipulations relevant to a subset of workspace components
      • course-grained commits/tags/bookmarks that the user explicitly creates
      • support rebase/merge/cherry-picking, with optional component filtering
  • data

    • concept sets
      • unknown or union/intersection/difference of other sets
      • filter if a text search query is given
      • filter if known category
      • filter if constrained as source/target with given predicates
      • filter by user selections
    • predicate sets (e.g., increases, decreases)
      • unknown or union/intersection/difference of other sets
      • filter if a text search query is given
      • filter if known parent class(es)
      • filter if constrained by given source/target concepts
      • filter by user selections
    • graphs
      • nodes and edges
        • nodes constrained by concept sets
        • edges connect subject and object sets, constrained by predicate sets
        • metadata: unique ID, optional name, UI, or visualization preferences
        • knowns
          • stratified concept/predicate set computation
        • unknowns
          • nodes collect solution sets of concepts
          • edges collect solution sets of triples
      • subgraphs
        • used for organizational convenience
        • metadata
        • collection of nodes and edges
        • may compute as union/intersection/difference of other subgraphs
  • computation

    • stratified construction and constraint resolution
      • topologically sort element sets along construction expression dependencies
      • iteratively compute knowns and unknowns
        • compute known concept and predicate sets
          • construct new sets using dependencies
          • filter elements by class, then text search, then selections
          • validate element selections
        • solve for unknowns used as subject/object, i.e., (== #f construction)
          • filter subject/object by text search, then class, then selections
          • find edge triples
          • accumulate subject/object concepts from triples, making them known
          • validate subject/object selections
    • cache retrieved triples per workspace?
  • basic graph building manipulations

    • update node/edge metadata
      • node/edge attributes, UI position, other preferences
    • create new node/edge
    • duplicate subgraph
      • alpha rename components (maintain unique ID invariant)
      • retain dependencies on external component
        • i.e., computations and constraints
      • create new internal dependencies that preserve relationships between subgraph components
    • connect nodes and edges
    • add/remove node/edge constraints
      • choose a set of categories/predicate-classes
      • compute any union/intersection/difference operations
      • search for text (across name, CURIE, description, etc.)
      • manually select entries from a list
  • more advanced graph building manipulation ideas

    • multi-hop path-finding between concepts, discovering concepts in between
    • concept discovery/introduction prioritized via relevance to a background context
      • background context specified with concept sets
      • introduced concepts prioritized by the presence of more/better connections to context concepts
  • UI

    • a text-based interface usable from the command-line
      • workspace could be a directory structure of subgraphs
    • a (web-based?) graphical interface
      • clicking/dragging and spatial visualization