Google Summer of Code (GSoc) is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 10 week programming project during their break from school.
Previous iterations of Google Summer of Code:
Wechaty is applying to join GSoC in 2021 as its first time.
- HOWTO: Propose a project idea:
- Mentor Registration:
- GSoC Mentor Guide
- Mentor Participant Agreement
- Mentor Responsibilities
- Defining a Project (Ideas List)
- How to Choose a Google Summer of Code Student
- Being a Great Google Summer of Code Mentor
- Tips for finding the “right” GSoC student for your org
- Org Application:
- Making Your Ideas Page:
- OpenMRS - Come be a mentor for the Google Summer of Code (GSOC) program!
- OpenMRS - GSoC 2021- Guidelines for interested students
- Jenkins - Google Summer of Code. Information for mentors
- Jenkins - Google Summer of Code. Information for students
- Jenkins - GSoC 2020 Project Ideas
- Jenkins - GSOC2020_LASTNAME_ProposalName
Google Summer of Code (GSoc, is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 10 week programming project during their break from school.
每年 GSoC 都会组织世界顶级开源项目来发布任务给全世界的同学,吸引同学加入开源开发,同时会支付给同学奖学金。像 ffmpeg / debian / git / graphql 等等都有参与。
Wechaty Organization 的 mentor ,需要发布 1-3 个项目给这个暑期的同学。挖掘更多的 Chatbot 想法,如果能结合上 Google 的这个活动,带几个同学做,尝试更多的点子落地。
Wechaty Org 的任何点子,都可以通过发布 Issue 的方法记录累了 里面(多多益善)
然后,我们每位 Mentor 选出 1-3 个自己认为合适的项目,整理描述后,通过 Wechaty Org 申报给 Google ,并最终发布给同学。可以参考 Matrix 2020年的例子:
There are many ways to define a good GSoC project–probably as many ways as there are student-mentor pairings. Here are just a few:
- Low-hanging fruit: These projects require minimal familiarity with the codebase and basic technical knowledge. They are relatively short, with clear goals.
- Risky/Exploratory: These projects push the scope boundaries of your development effort. They might require expertise in an area not covered by your current development team. They might take advantage of a new technology. There is a reasonable chance that the project might be less successful, but the potential rewards make it worth the attempt.
- Fun/Peripheral: These projects might not be related to the current core development focus, but create new innovations and new perspective for your project.
- Core development: These projects derive from the ongoing work from the core of your development team. The list of features and bugs is never-ending, and help is always welcome.
- Infrastructure/Automation: These projects are the code that your organization uses to get its development work done; for example, projects that improve the automation of releases, regression tests and automated builds. This is a category in which a GSoC student can be really helpful, doing work that the development team has been putting off while they focus on core development.