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This tutorial execute Advection Diffusion Equation (ADE) samples from a EasyVVUQ campaign using FabSim3. Jobs can be executed locally or be sent to an HPC resource:


To install all dependencies, first follow the instructions in

Explanation of files

  • The FabUQCampaign directory contains all files listed below. This directory is located at <fab_home>/plugins/FabUQCampaign, where <fab_home> is your FabSim3 home directory.

  • FabUQCampaign/examples/advection_diffusion/*: an example script, applying EasyVVUQ to a 1D advection diffusion equation. See the Detailed Example section below. The file contains the full script, i.e. job executing and post processing combined. Alternatively, separate job executing and post processing script are available ( and

  • FabUQCampaign/templates/ade: contains the command-line instruction to run the advection diffusion equation Python script.

  • FabUQCampaign/config_files/ade: in this example this directory only contains the input configuration file for the ADE solver (ade_config, described below). In more complex models, this directory contains any (configuration) file that you need to run your model. The contents of this directory will get copied to each ensemble run directory. FabSim will automatically create the SWEEP directory here as well, which is the directory containing these various run directories.

Detailed Example


  • As noted, the template FabUQCampaign/template/ade contains the command line instruction to run a single sample, in this case: python3 $ade_exec ade_in.json. Here, ade_in.json is just the input file with the parameter values generated by EasyVVUQ. Furthermore, $ade_exec is the full path to the Python script which runs the advection diffusion equation at the parameters of ade_in.json. It must be specified in fabsim/deploy/machines_user.yml, which in this case looks like


    ade_exec: "<fab_home>/plugins/FabUQCampaign/examples/advection_diffusion/sc/"

Here, <fab_home> is your FabSim3 home directory.

Executing an ensemble job on localhost

The advection-diffusion equation is given by:


where the Peclet Number (Pe) and constant external forcing term (f) are the uncertain Stochastic Collocation (SC) parameters, and u is the velocity subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions u(0)=u(1)=0. The script executes the ensemble using FabSim, computes the first two moments of the output, generates some random sample of the SC surrogate and computes the Sobol indices of Pe and f.

Note: Instead of a standard SC campaign, a dimension-adaptive SC example is also available, see FabUQCampaign/examples/dimension_adaptive_example. This samples a simple analytic function with 15 input parameters. As the main point here is to demonstate the use of FabSim3 inside an EasyVVUQ Python script, we'll continue with our 2D advection diffusion model.

The file examples/advection_diffusion/sc/ contains the finite-element solver which receives the values of Pe and f. Most steps are exactly the same as for an EasyVVUQ campaign that does not use FabSim to execute the runs. Here we'll outline the main steps. Again, the full script can be found in the FabUQCampaign/examples/advection_diffusion directory.

We first define a couple of (constant) flags:

# home directory
HOME = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Work directory, where the easyVVUQ directory will be placed
WORK_DIR = '/tmp'
# FabSim3 config name
CONFIG = 'ade'
# Simulation identifier
ID = '_test'
# EasyVVUQ campaign name
# name and relative location of the output file name
TARGET_FILENAME = './output.csv'
# location of the EasyVVUQ database
DB_LOCATION = "sqlite:///" + WORK_DIR + "/campaign%s.db" % ID
# Use QCG PilotJob or not
# machine to run ensemble on
MACHINE = "localhost"

Most of these are self explanatory. Here, CONFIG is the name of the script that gets executed for each sample, in this case ade, which is located in FabUQCampaign/templates/ade, see "Explanation of files" above. TARGET_FILENAME is the name of the output file generated by the advection diffusion solver, and DB_LOCATION if the full path to the EasyVVUQ database, where all information about the Campaign is stored. Furthermore, the flag PILOT_JOB regulates the use of the QCG PilotJob mechanism. If True, FabSim will submit the ensemble to the (remote) host as a QCG PilotJob, which essentially means that all invididual jobs of the ensemble will get packaged into a single job allocation, thereby circumventing the limit on the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that is present on many supercomputers. For more info on the QCG PilotJob click here. In this example we'll run the samples on the localhost (see MACHINE), and hence we set PILOT_JOB=False.

Next we define the parameter space of the advection diffusion equation, which consists of the uncertain parameters Pe and f, plus the name of the output file of

params = {
    "Pe": {
        "type": "real",
        "min": "1.0",
        "max": "2000.0",
        "default": "100.0"},
    "f": {
        "type": "real",
        "min": "0.0",
        "max": "10.0",
        "default": "1.0"},
    "out_file": {
        "type": "str",
        "default": "output.csv"}}

The params dict corresponds to the EasyVVUQ input config file config_files/ade/ade_config, which defines the input of a single model run. The content of this file is as follows:

{"outfile": "$out_file", "Pe": "$Pe", "f": "$f"}

More complex models will have more elaborate input files, but the concept remains the same. Replace the hardcoded value with a flag $param, and EasyVVUQ will replace the flag with a value drawn from the input distribution. To select which parameters of params are assigned a Chaospy input distribution, add these parameters to the vary dict, e.g.:

vary = {
    "Pe": cp.Uniform(100.0, 200.0),
    "f": cp.Normal(1.0, 0.1)

Here we assigned a distribtuion to both inputs. If we had assigned a distribution to only Pe for example, the $f flag in the input file will be replaced by the default value defined in the params dict.

We now create an actions object that will create the run directories for each individual sample, and which will populate the input files with values using the GenericEncoder. An EasyVVUQ Campaign is then created, which is the overarching object that will link the database, sampler and analysis objects, see the EasyVVUQ tutorials for more information.

encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(
    #the input file template is located in the FaubUQCampaign config_files folder
    template_fname= HOME + '/../../config_files/ade/ade_config',

actions = uq.actions.Actions(
    uq.actions.CreateRunDirectory(root=WORK_DIR, flatten=True),

campaign = uq.Campaign(


Now we have to select a sampler, in this case we use the Stochastic Collocation (SC) sampler:

sampler = uq.sampling.SCSampler(vary=vary, polynomial_order=4)

# Associate the sampler with the campaign

If left unspecified, the polynomial order of the SC expansion will be set to 4. If instead we wish te use a Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) sampler, simply replace SCSampler with PCESampler.

To actually execute the actions, run


FabSim3-Python interface

We will use FabSim3 to execute the ensemble. FabSim3 is a commandline tool, but also has a Python interface that is simply a shell over the commandline tools. To import it use

# Import the FabSim3 commandline interface #
import fabsim3_cmd_api as fab

To run the ensemble use

# run the UQ ensemble using FabSim3 interface #

fab.run_uq_ensemble(CONFIG, campaign.campaign_dir, script='ade',
                   machine=MACHINE, PJ=PILOT_JOB)

# wait for job to complete

# check if all output files are retrieved from the remote machine, returns a Boolean flag
all_good = fab.verify(CONFIG, campaign.campaign_dir,

if all_good:
   # copy the results from the FabSim results dir to the EasyVVUQ results dir
   fab.get_uq_samples(CONFIG, campaign.campaign_dir, sampler.n_samples, machine=MACHINE)
   print("Not all samples executed correctly")
   import sys


  • fab.run_uq_ensemble: this command submits the ensemble to the (remote) host for execution. Under the hood it uses the FabSim3 campaign2ensemble subroutine to copy the run directories from WORK_DIR to the FabSim3 SWEEP directory, located in config_files/ade/SWEEP. From there the ensemble will be sent to the (remote) host.
  • fab.wait: this will check every minute on the status of the jobs on the remote host, and sleep otherwise, halting further execution of the script. On the localhost this command doesn't do anything.
  • fab.verify: this will execute the verify_last_ensemble subroutine to see if the output file target_filename for each run in the SWEEP directory is present in the corresponding FabSim3 results directory. Returns a boolean flag. fab.verify will also call the FabSim fetch_results method, which actually retreives the results from the (remote) host. So, if you want to just get the results without verifying the presence of output files, call fab.fetch_results(machine=MACHINE) instead. However, if something went wrong on the (remote) host, this will cause an error later on since not all required output files will be transfered on the EasyVVUQ WORK_DIR.
  • fab.get_uq_samples: copies the samples from the (local) FabSim results directory to the (local) EasyVVUQ campaign directory. It will not delete the results from the FabSim results directory. If you want to save space, you can delete the results on the FabSim side (see results directory in your FabSim home directory). You can also call fab.clear_results(machine, name_results_dir) to remove a specific FabSim results directory on a given machine.

Error handling

If all_good == False something went wrong on the (remote) host, and sys.exit() is called in our example, giving you the opportunity of investigating what went wrong. It can happen that a (small) number of jobs did not get executed on the remote host for some reason, whereas (most) jobs did execute succesfully. In this case simply resubmitting the failed jobs could be an option:

fab.remove_succesful_runs(CONFIG, campaign.campaign_dir)
fab.resubmit_previous_ensemble(CONFIG, 'ade')

The first command removes all succesful run directories from the SWEEP dir for which the output file TARGET_FILENAME has been found. For this to work, fab.verify must have been called. Then, fab.resubmit_previous_ensemble simply resubmits the runs that are present in the SWEEP directory, which by now only contains the failed runs. After the jobs have finished, call fab.verify again to see if now TARGET_FILENAME is present in the results directory, for every run in the SWEEP dir.


Once we are sure we have all required output files, the role of FabSim is over, and we proceed with decoding the output files using EasyVVUQ. In this case the output file is just a simple CSV file that contains the 1D u velocity profile:

# All output files are present, decode them #

output_columns = ["u"]
decoder = uq.decoders.SimpleCSV(

actions = uq.actions.Actions(
campaign.replace_actions(CAMPAIGN_NAME, actions)

# Execute decoding action #


# get EasyVVUQ data frame
data_frame = campaign.get_collation_result()

The end result is a data_frame which we can use for post processing.

Post processing

# Post-processing analysis #

analysis = uq.analysis.SCAnalysis(sampler=sampler, qoi_cols=["u"])
results = analysis.analyse(data_frame=data_frame)

The results dict contains the statistical moments and Sobol sensitivity indices. You can also use the SC expansion as a cheap surrogate model for the original code. Some results are shown below, and we refer to the script in examples/advection_diffusion/ to see how these can be obtained. Note that the Sobol sensitivity indices have a spatial component as well, and that the Pectlet number Pe is only important in the boundary layer near x=1.

alt text alt text

Executing an ensemble job on a remote host

To run the example script on a remote host, a number of changes must be made. Ensure the remote host is defined in machines.yml in your FabSim3 home directory, as well as the user login information and $ade_exec in fabsim/deploy/machines_user.yml. Assuming we'll run the ensemble on the Eagle super computer at the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center , the entry in machines_user.yml could look similar to the following:

  username: "<your_username>"
  home_path_template: "/tmp/lustre/<your_username>"
  budget: "plgvecma2021"
  ade_exec: "/home/plgrid/<your_username>/"
  cores: 1
  # job wall time for each job, format Days-Hours:Minutes:Seconds
  job_wall_time : "0-0:59:00" # job wall time for each single job without PJ
  PJ_size : "1" # number of requested nodes for PJ
  PJ_wall_time : "0-00:59:00" # job wall time for PJ
    loaded: ["python/3.7.3"] 
    unloaded: [] 


  • home_path_template: the remote root directory for FabSim3, such that for instance the results on the remote machine will be stored in home_path_template/FabSim3/results.
  • budget: the name of the computational budget that you are allowed to use.
  • ade_exec: the equivalent to ade_exec defined above, in this case just the advection-diffusion Python solver on the remote host.
  • cores: the number of cores to use per run. Our simple advection diffusion solver justs need a single core, but applications which already have some built-in paralellism will require more cores.
  • job_wall_time: a time limit per run, and without the use of the QCG PilotJob framework.
  • PJ_size: the number of nodes, in the case with the use of the QCG PilotJob framework.
  • PJ_wall_time: a total time limit, and with the use of the QCG PilotJob framework.

To automatically setup the ssh keys, and prevent having to login manually for every random sample, run the following from the command line:

fabsim eagle_vecma setup_ssh_keys

Once the remote machine is properly setup, we can just set:

# Use QCG PilotJob or not
# machine to run ensemble on
MACHINE = "eagle_vecma"

If you now re-run the example script, the ensemble will execute on the remote host, submitting each run as a separate job. By setting PILOT_JOB=True, all runs will be packaged in a single job.