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Supported settings keys

Ondrej edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 21 revisions

Wekan supports settings key values:

$ snap set wekan <key name>='<key value>'

List of supported keys

mongodb-bind-unix-socket:   mongodb binding unix socket:
		 Default behaviour will preffer binding over unix socket, to
		 disable unix socket binding set value to 'nill' string
		 To bind to instance of mongo provided through content
		 interface set to relative path to the socket inside
		 shared directory.
		 Default value: set to use unix socket binding
mongodb-bind-ip: mongodb binding ip address: eg for localhost
	 	 If not defined default unix socket binding is used instead
		 Default value: ''
mongodb-port:    mongodb binding port: eg 27017 when using localhost
		 Default value: '27019'
mail-url:	 wekan mail binding
		 Default value: 'smtp://'
mail-from:	 wekan's admin mail from name email address
		 Default value: ''
root-url:	 wekan's root url, eg,,,
		 Default value: ''
port:		 port wekan is exposed at
		 Default value: '8080'
disable-mongodb: Disable mongodb service: use only if binding to
		 database outside of Wekan snap. Valid values: [true,false]
		 Default value: 'false'
caddy-enabled:   Enable caddy service (caddy - Every Site on HTTPS). Set to 'true' to enable caddy
		 caddy settings are handled through /var/snap/wekan/common/Caddyfile
		 Default value: 'false'
caddy-bind-port: Port on which caddy will expect proxy, same value will be also set in Caddyfile
		 Default value: '3001'

When settings are changed, wekan/mongo/caddy services are automatically restarted for changes to take effect.

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