RGB Functions
- rgb($red, $green, $blue)
- rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
- red($color)
- green($color)
- blue($color)
- mix($color1, $color2, [$weight])
HSL Functions
- hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)
- hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)
- hue($color)
- saturation($color)
- lightness($color)
- adjust-hue($color, $degrees)
- lighten($color, $amount)
- darken($color, $amount)
- saturate($color, $amount)
- desaturate($color, $amount)
- grayscale($color)
- complement($color)
- invert($color)
Opacity Functions
- alpha($color)
- opacity($color)
- rgba($color, $alpha)
- opacify($color, $amount) / fade-in($color, $amount)
- transparentize($color, $amount) / fade-out($color, $amount)
Other Color Functions
- adjust-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])
- scale-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])
- change-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])
Changes one or more properties of a color.
- ie-hex-str($color)
String Functions
- unquote($string)
- quote($string)
- str-length($string)
- str-insert($string, $insert, $index)
Inserts $insert into $string at $index.
- str-index($string, $substring)
- str-slice($string, $start-at, [$end-at])
Extracts a substring from $string.
- to-upper-case($string)
- to-lower-case($string)
Number Functions
- percentage($number)
- round($number)
- ceil($number)
- floor($number)
- abs($number)
- min($numbers…)
- max($numbers…)
- random([$limit])
List Functions
- length($list)
- nth($list, $n)
- set-nth($list, $n, $value)
Replaces the nth item in a list.
- join($list1, $list2, [$separator])
- Joins together two lists into one.
- append($list1, $val, [$separator])
- Appends a single value onto the end of a list.
- zip($lists…)
Combines several lists into a single multidimensional list.
- index($list, $value)
- list-separator($list)
Map Functions
- map-get($map, $key)
- map-merge($map1, $map2)
- map-remove($map, $keys…)
Returns a new map with keys removed.
- map-keys($map)
- map-values($map)
Returns a list of all values in a map.
- map-has-key($map, $key)
- keywords($args)
Selector Functions
- selector-nest($selectors…)
- selector-append($selectors…)
- selector-extend($selector, $extendee, $extender)
- selector-replace($selector, $original, $replacement)
- selector-unify($selector1, $selector2)
- is-superselector($super, $sub)
- simple-selectors($selector)
- selector-parse($selector)
Introspection Functions
- feature-exists($feature)
- variable-exists($name)
- global-variable-exists($name)
- function-exists($name)
- mixin-exists($name)
- inspect($value)
- type-of($value)
- unit($number)
- unitless($number)
- comparable($number1, $number2)
- call($name, $args…)
Miscellaneous Functions
- if($condition, $if-true, $if-false)
- unique-id()