- Default actions not working on preview
- Prompt errors on function calling whenever flows client calls it
- Add indexer type field on project api
- Check shark prompt tokens
- Handle openAI returning always lower case response on flows internal communication
- Change zeroshot from internal communication to function calling
- Change default zeroshot classifier on routing to function calling classifier
- Small improvements to the commerce route api
- OpenAI class instance not handleling api_token
- Missing RecentActivities api filters
- Brain_on status update not showing up on RecentActivities API
- Change message type in message preview when Task revoked
- Update router task to enable msg queueing
- Send llm response to actions
- New commerce all in one customization api
- Update Flow not working properly
- Custom classfier model for specific projects
- Experience manger endpoints. List logs, tags and more.
- Redis for last 5 messages.
- Websocket for incoming messages.
- Now you can update actions uuid.
- Commerce custom template actions not working
- Missing classification on serializer
- Reflection regex not supporting failed messages
- Routing and Preview not working for specific actions
- top_k typing
- It's now possible to have multiple Flow's pointing to differente flow uuid.
- Issues with message history params not working properly
- Some event driven message not normalized before update
- MessageLog field source to select logs from preview/router
- Message history api
- MessageLog tag analytics
- Small pep8 fixes
- Recent Activities model name params
- fix crud for content AI
- playwright install in docker build
- Install playwright dependencies
- Reflection step after the user message
- Groundedness classification on the user message
- install playwright in docker build
- Bedrock Knowledge Bases
-Accept attachments in preview
- Encoding chunk pages error
- Recent activities token visualization
- IntegratedFeature current_version_setup is now a list of dicts
- Handle multiple flows integrations
- Customization activities
- Prompt guard response
- Missing action details on recent activities
- Wrong message statement on safeguard methods
- More super user type tokens
- Prompt Guard llm model, responsible to handle injection attacks
- Update retail usecase
- Template action on retail usecases
- Refactor start_route method
- Refactor preview method
- Last message bringing wrong classification messages
- Ordering after filter routing user last messages
- Attachment flow start condition
- OpenAI function calling
- Direct_message validation fix
- Add template attachment handler
- TemplateAction and Flow model relation
- New TemplateActions models
- Change communication with mailroom for different actions
- New fields on actions to define groups and template usage
- Missing classifier class logs
- Remove language instruction
- Fix request_bedrock response
- Create and delete methods to retail application
- invoke_model method to wenigpt
- ContentBaseLogs answer property
- Move docs page to /docs, leave / as healthcheck endpoint
- Fix missing statement on project consumer
- Add missing rule where you can only have 1 router per project in IntegratedIntelligence model
- Fix updating name action syntax
- Generate action name use LLM model
- Sentry app and filter exceptions
- Check Bearer syntax on prometheus middleware
- Check project permission on projects updates.
- Return created_at on multiple intelligences api
- Add pragma: no cover to files that contains external calls removing it from coverage
- Missing permissions unittests
- Add new permission check for document preview api
- Filename errors when creating a ContentBaseText with a project that has a name with special characters
- Message history bringing first 5 messages insteado of the 5 last messages
- Missing brain_on log
- Healthcheck for external llm aplications
- Metrics endpoint on prometheus format
- Action now use project auth instead of org auth
- get_file_info, last_messages as empty list intead of None
- null actions
- Function calling on router method
- Wenigpt multi turn conversation
- wenigpt shark model
- Refactor function classifier using dependency injection
- Exception handler when missing project auth
- allow flows module to request customization endpoint
- Wenigpt default llm: Add top_k, change hardcoded values to environment variables
- OpenAI function calling for llm
- Possibility to use ChatGPT on specific projects
- Default WeniGPT version to "Golfinho"
- WeniGPT model version "Boto" removed from the current llm default setup
- ChatGPT message to send "assistant" instead of "system"
- Missing user instance on content base observer
- Create APM service to track the repository endpoints overall performance
- RecentActivities model to track changes on brain structure models (LLM, Intelligences, Contentbase, Links, Text and Documents)
- Create a routine to delete Recent activities data after 3 months
- New observer architecture to create events whenever a model is updated
- Update permissions to check project permission instead of organization permission
- Flake8 corrections
- Reference before assignment on IntegratedIntelligence
- Sentry configuration for debug