w - jump by beginning of each word
b - jump backwards by word
e - jump by end of each word
0 - jump to start of line
$ - jump to end of line
ctrl + d - move down half page
ctrl + u - move up half page
} - jump forward by paragraph
{ - jump backward by paragraph
gt - go to next tab
gT - got back one tab
gg - goes to the top of page
G - goes to bottom of page
linenumber + G - goes to line number
yy - yank the entire line without needing to go to visual mode
zz - make your current line to the center of the screen
:e. - browse current working directory
:set number - show line numbers
:set no number - hide line numbers (for copy pasting)
ctrl + ^ - back to previous edit point :ls - list all open buffers :b - switch to a specific buffer :bp - buffer previous :vsp - vertical split :sp - horizontal split ctl + w (h or j or k or l) - move around to different splits ctrl + w | - full screen your current split :bd - buffer delete :pwd - print out current working directory
v - visual mode by character V - visual mode by line ctrl + v - block visual mode shift + i - do this in block mode to make bulk edit, then hit escape to apply the change to all selected lines
vi - select everything between
- highlight all instances of variable you're on
, v - remove highlight :%s/search/replace/g - search and replace in entire file /searchterm - search for searchterm n - jump to next instance of searchterm N - jump to previous instance of searchterm
A - insert mode at the end of the line cc - change (replace) an entire line
ctrl + p - normal menu ctrl + e - recent file search ctrl + r - tag search
once CtrlP is open ctrl + (j or k) - scroll ctrl + t - open file in new tab ctrl + y - create new file and its parent directories
- open up the e. file browser
- (when it's already open) - to go up a level d - create a directory D - delete the directory or file % - new file