Goal: Make the star go supernova
Evolve into a red giant
- Complete the "NOVA" word bonus The star turns red
Activate hydrogen release
- Shoot both ramps
Start fusion stage 1
- Hit the left targets
- Shoot for the left ramp Slowly scale out the first wheel
Start fusion stage 2
- Hit the right targets
- Shoot for the right ramp Slowly scale out the second wheel
Fusion in progress 1 minute countdown to next event
Fusion unstable 1 minute countdown to next event Slowly scale out the light rays
Collapse the star
- Hit both ramps
- Complete the "NOVA" word bonus Fade in the black hole (the hole lock is now in effect)
- Lock the ball in the black hole x3 Open a worm-hole that swallows the black hole. The hole disappears, the planet is returned. Reset