ROS2 wrappers around wrp_sdk peripheral drivers.
Peripheral | Manufacturer | Interface | (Baud/Bit)rate | Node |
Power Regulator V2.1 | Weston Robot | CAN | 500k | power_regulator_node |
Ultrasonic Sensor | Variable | UART | - | ultrasonic_sensor_node |
IMU Sensor | Variable | UART | - | imu_sensor_node |
GPS Receiver | Variable | UART | - | gps_receiver_node |
Lift Controller | Weston Robot | UART | - | lift_controller_node |
Published Topic | Type | Description |
~/imu |
sensor_msgs::msg::Imu | Outputs the IMU Sensor data. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
sensor_model |
str | IMU sensor model. Default: "wit" Supported: "wit", "hipnuc" |
device_path |
str | Path to sensor port. Default: "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0" |
baud_rate |
int | Sensor's communication baud rate. Default: "115200" |
frame_id |
str | Frame id used in /imu_sensor/imu's header. Default: "imu_link" |
Published Topic | Type | Description |
~/fix |
sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix | Outputs the navigation satellite fix data. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_path |
str | Path to receiver port. Default: "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-u-blox_AG_-_www.u-blox.com_u-blox_GNSS_receiver-if00" |
baud_rate |
int | Sensor's communication baud rate. Default: "115200" |
frame_id |
str | Frame id used in /gps_receiver/navsat_fix's header. Default: "gps_link" |
Published Topic | Type | Description |
~/<topic_name><num> |
sensor_msgs::msg::Range | Outputs the ultrasonic sensor data. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
sensor_model |
str | Sensor's model Default: "dyp_a05" Supported: "dyp_a05", "w200d" |
device_path |
str | Path to receiver port. Default: "/dev/ttyUSB0" |
baud_rate |
int | Sensor's communication baud rate. Default: "115200" |
frame_id |
str | Frame id used in /ultrasonic_sensor_node/ultrasonic's header. Default: "ultrasonic_link" |
topic_name |
str | Topic name prefix used to publish data Default: "ultrasonic" |
Published Topic | Type | Description |
~/state |
wrp_sdk_msgs::msg::PowerRegulatorDeviceState | Outputs the power regulator device state. |
Service | Type | Description |
~/cmd |
wrp_sdk_msgs::srv::PowerRegulatorControl | (Dis)able power regulator output channels |
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_path |
str | Path to receiver port. Default: "can0" |
Published Topic | Type | Description |
~/lift_state |
wrp_sdk_msgs::msg::LiftState | Outputs the states of the lifts attached to the controller Please check the id of the messages. |
Service | Type | Description |
~/lift_query |
wrp_sdk_msgs::srv::LiftQuery | Gets the state of the specific lift attached to the controller |
Action | Type | Description |
~/lift_control |
wrp_sdk_msgs::action::LiftControl | Commands a lift attached to the controller to move to a specific position |
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_path |
str | Path to receiver port. Default: "/dev/ttyUSB0" |
baud_rate |
int | Sensor's communication baud rate. Default: "115200" |
sampling_freq |
double | Sampling frequency of the lift controller (hz). Default: 10.0 |
- The lift controller node is a work in progress and speed control is not yet implemented. (speed variables are ignored)