Logging is available for the following LDAP operations performed by the connection class: add, modify, delete, move, and
rename. To enable logging you must pass a logger to the setLogger($logger)
method of the main \LdapTools\Configuration
class. The only requirement for the class is that it implements \LdapTools\Log\LdapLoggerInterface
To enable logging for all connections in the LdapManager you can pass a class implementing \LdapTools\Log\LdapLoggerInterface
as the third argument to the constructor. There are two classes that implement this interface that come with LdapTools.
The simplest implementation is a logger that outputs log information to standard output using echo statements. The other
is a class that lets you chain several loggers into one.
use LdapTools\Log\EchoLdapLogger;
use LdapTools\Log\LoggerChain;
use LdapTools\LdapManager;
use LdapTools\Configuration;
# Load your overall config
$config = new Configuration();
# ... add/set domain configuration, load from YML, etc...
# Adds a simple echo logger to the config
$logger = new EchoLdapLogger();
$ldap = new LdapManager($config);
# Add a logger chain so several loggers can be used at once
$logger = new LoggerChain();
# Add some loggers to the chain...
$logger->addLogger(new EchoLdapLogger());
$logger->addLogger(new EchoLdapLogger());
# You will now see duplicated echo statements as the result of both loggers.
# Not a very useful example, but demonstrates the capability for several logging mechanisms.
$ldap = new LdapManager($config);
To do your own logging you can extend the LdapLoggerInterface. This class has two method requirements: start()
and end()
The start method is called before the operation is executed by LDAP and the end method is called immediately afterwards.
Both methods are passed an instance of the \LdapTools\Log\LogOperation
class. This contains all of the useful information
about what operation just executed.