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SOUND module

Jaume Olivé Petrus edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 39 revisions

About this

This module contains functions to generate audible tones, attaching a piezo buzzer or a speaker to an output GPIO. The module can be used in two ways:

  • Raw notation, in which tones are described in terms of their frequency and duration.

  • Musical notation, in which tones are described in terms of the musical note, note duration, octave, time signature, etc ...

Tone generator

Tones are synthesized by the module using a tone generator:

Generator Id Description
PWM sound.PWM The tone is synthesized by a PWM hardware module, which generates a square wave with a 50% duty cycle.
DAC sound.DAC The tone is synthesized by an I2S / DAC hardware module, which generates a sine wave at a 38 KHz sampling rate.

Configuration funcions

instance = sound.attach(tone_generator, pin)

Attach a tone generator to a piezo buzzer or a speaker.


  • tone_generator: tone generator used to synthesize the tone.
  • pin: GPIO where the piezo buzzer or the speaker is attached.

Returns: a sound instance, or an exception. You must store this instance into a variable for further operations with it.


Detach the tone generator and free all resources used.

Arguments: none.

Returns: nothing, or an exception.

Operation functions

instance:playnote(note, octave)

Play a musical note on the desired octave.


  • note: a formatted string (name [accidental] duration) describing the musical note to play and it's duration.

    • note name: the name of the note using the English naming convention.

      English German Latin
      A A La
      B H Si
      C C Do
      D D Re
      E E Mi
      F F Fa
      G G Sol

      Notes in English naming convention, and their correspondence to other naming conventions.

    • accidental (optional): can be either # to raise the note by a semitone or b to lower the note by the same amount.

    • duration: note duration, relative to a semibreve of 1 time unit.

      Duration Time units English USA Spanish Example
      1 1 Semibreve Whole note Redonda
      2 1/2 Minim Half note Blanca
      4 1/4 Crotchet Quarter note Negra
      8 1/8 Quaver Eighth note Corchea
      16 1/16 Semiquaver Sixteenth note Semi-corchea
      32 1/32 Demisemiquaver Thirty-second note Fusa
      64 1/64 Hemidemisemiquaver Sixty-fourth note Semi-fusa

      The duration of the note can be increasing by the half of the note duration adding a dot (.).

  • octave: the octave in which the note must be played.

buzzer = sound.attach(sound.DAC, pio.GPIO26)

buzzer:timesignature(3, 4, 240)

buzzer:playnote("B4",   4)
buzzer:playnote("E4.",  5)
buzzer:playnote("G8",   5)
buzzer:playnote("F#4",  5)
buzzer:playnote("E2",   5)
buzzer:playnote("B4",   5)
buzzer:playnote("A2.",  5)
buzzer:playnote("F#2.", 5)
buzzer:playnote("E4.",  5)
buzzer:playnote("G8",   5)
buzzer:playnote("F#4",  5)
buzzer:playnote("D2",   5)
buzzer:playnote("F4",   5)
buzzer:playnote("B2.",  4)

Returns: nothing, or an exception.

-- Attach the servo to GPIO26
s = servo.attach(pio.GPIO26)

-- Move an standard servo to the 45º position
-- Attach the servo to GPIO26
s = servo.attach(pio.GPIO26)

-- Move a continuous rotation servo clock wise at full-speed
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