The project description
View the project roadmap []
See []for contribution guidelines.
Some usage instructions
- Node 6.9.x
- Redis 3.2.x
- Postgresql 9.6.x
- etc
brew install yarn
brew install redis
brew install postgresql
Yarn is a replacement for npm. It's faster and guarantees consistency -- as you deploy your code in various environments, you won't run the risk of slight variations in what gets installed.
-- output from redis install below -- To have launchd start redis now and restart at login: brew services start redis Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
-- output from postgresql install below -- To have launched start postgresql now and restart at login: brew services start postgresql Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
yarn global add grunt-cli knex eslint
yarn install
Override settings config/default.json
in any environment by making a copy of config/ENV.example.json
and naming it config/ENV.json
and setting the appropriate variable.
For environments that require use of environment variables, you can supply variables as defined in config/custom-environment-variables.json
See And
If you are using Atom and don't see these new files, follow instructions here:
If you have any CRLF and LF errors due to a mix between Mac and Windows contributors, run git config core.autocrlf false
IMPORTANT: ensure postgres
is running before performing these steps with below command:
brew services start postgresql
See for more explanation of the DB setup
- Open the postgresql command prompt with
psql postgres
- Create a project specific user with this command:
create role raiders with login password 'theLostApp' createdb;
- This user / password is the same as found in the config/default.json file
- Confirm user was created with this command:
- Exit the prompt with
Other helpful postgres command lines:
- list databases
\c <database>
- connect to a database
- list tables in a connected database
\d <table>
- list columns on a table
- run from a command shell to start the db
- some helpful mongo command lines:
- start the command shelluse fetcher
- to switch to our project db there is only one collection - moviesdb.movies.find()
- to see the content of the movies db
Use grunt to create a new database for your development and test environments:
Development environment: grunt pgcreatedb:default
Other environments, specify like so: NODE_ENV=test grunt pgcreatedb:default
Test environment: NODE_ENV=test grunt pgcreatedb:default
Production environment: NODE_ENV=production grunt pgcreatedb:default
In terminal, from the root directory:
To migrate to the latest version, run:
knex migrate:latest --env NODE_ENV
To rollback a version, run:
knex migrate:rollback --env NODE_ENV
To create a new migration after altering schema, run:
knex migrate:make [migration name]
Use a descriptive migration name.
To populate the database with seed data, run:
knex seed:run --env NODE_ENV
Note: --env NODE_ENV
may be omitted for development. For example, knex migrate:latest
will run all migrations in the development environment, while knex migrate:latest --env test
will migrate in the test environment.
To run webpack build: yarn run build
To run server: yarn run start
To run tests: yarn run test
To run your redis server for the session store redis-server
Your master will auto deploy so if you want to deploy from your branch, follow this command:
git push heroku <nameofbranch>:master
Install Heroku Addons for Heroku Postgres, Heroku Redis, and mLab MongoDB
Heroku Postgres - populate the schema by following instructions for Import
You can use DropBox to host the saved dump
Original schema load:
also saved in thesis_devel.dump
Heroku Redis - promote the redis store to the app
heroku redis:promote <redisStoreName -a <appName>
Update Heroku Config variables and change all callback urls to match the stage