- Final release
- Added check for 401 on backend login
- Updated database
- Set to public archive
- Use python-fake_useragent instead of predefined list in database
- Update database
- Use rawstrings to avoid warnings in Python 3.12 (thanks @exploide)
- fixed nagative exit codes (thanks @exploide)
- bugfix: Split basic auth parameter on the first colon only (thanks @c0d3z3r0)
- bugfix: correctly assign version when manual is available
- Add warning for extension version detection
- Database updates
- Database updates
- Adapted version regex for extensions
- Add severity for core and exention vulns
- Use beautifulsoup to parse html
- Bugfix for version parsing
- Bugfix on detection error
- Remove -r parameter
- Bugfix for core and extensions advisory URLs
- json file is now saved each time. --json parameter is now used for specifying path for json file. Default is the current working directory.
- Correctly assigning the state for all obsolete extensions
- Adjust version search for extensions
- Small cosmetic changes
- Remove config file
- Improve database update of extensions
- JSON output fix
- Added version detection for Typo3 versions <=11.1.1
- Enhanced version detection
- Introduction of --core and --ext parameter
- Force mode
- Fixed advisory URLs
- Fixed rootCheck
- Bugfix in extension vulnerability parsing
- Bugfix on database reset
- Bugfix of URL determination
- Support for JSON output
- Added version regex for composer installations
- Output bugfix
- Removed 'interesting header' output
- Added output of extension state
- Bugfixes
- Cosmetic output changes
- Output and version detection fix
- Rename to Typo3Scan
- Code cleanup
- Many improvements
- Using database to store extensions, version info and vulnerabilities (Core and Extensions)
- TOR support dropped
- --top parameter support dropped. Can not be used anymore, because download counter is not used anymore. Instead --vuln parameter can be used to check for extensions with known vulnerabilities.
- Fixed error on update
- Fixed version search
- Path to version file(s) is printed
- Support for HTTP Basic Auth is now added (--auth)
- Fixed error on launch when launching from different directory
- IP address restriction for backend login is now shown
- Code cleanup
- Suppress InsecureRequestWarning
- Version search for Typo3 v8
- Updated Extensions
- Added support for Typo3 v8
- Clean-up
- Updated extension download URL
- Added --threads
- Added --user-agent
- Added --timeout
- Added help message (-h, --help)
- No support for privoxy anymore
- Added new algorithms for Typo3 installation and used path
- Bugfixes
- Fixed link to socksipy for python 3
- Fixed bug in versionsearch
- Fixed TOR issues
- Bugfixes
- Using Python 3 now!
- Using classes and objects
- Better searching algorithm
- Better threading (fixed local network DOS when checking a lot of extensions)
- Clearer output
- Version search for extensions is unreliable and not used atm. Instead a link to the changelog/readme will be given
- Used threads are now always 6
- Extensions are now saved into different files, separated by state (experimental | alpha | beta | stable | outdated | all). This makes it possible to check more specific ones.
- Added support for Windows and Red Hat systems
- It is now possible to check for specific extensions (-e or --extension).
- Domains must be specified with 'http://' or 'https://'.
- Login page redirections can be followed or not.
- Fixed the 'all extensions are installed' bug in the summary when using verbose mode.
- Set sleep between threads to 0.5 to fix time out errors when checking a huge amount of extensions.
- Using modules instead of one class
- Accepting now strg+c when in multi-threaded mode
- Update function will now generate a list with extensions instead of an xml. This list is sorted by default (download count). Loading this file is much faster than parsing the xml everytime.
- It is now possible to use only TOR, Privoxy, or TOR with Privoxy (in order to prevent DNS leakage).
- Max. threads are set to 10 to prevent connection issues and DoS, default threads are now 7.
- Connection timeout can be set with '--timeout VALUE'. Default is 20.
- Verbose mode lists also not installed extensions (but trust me, you don´t want to scroll through over 6400 entries).
- Typo3 version search is more accurate
- If the backend login page could not be found, but Typo3 is used, the user is asked, if he want to proceed. This will mostly lead to "no extensions are installed".
- Fixed some bugs
- It is now possible to specifiy threads.
- Added support for Privoxy and TOR
- Version search for extensions is now more reliable
- Added version search for extensions
- Added extension search
- Added support for Typo v6.X
- Optimized requests
- Added version guessing
- Added version search for Typo3
- Prototype