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2757 lines (2193 loc) · 138 KB


Crediting Who's On First is recommended and linking back to the License is required. For example:

Data from Who's On First. License.

The Who's On First dataset is both an original work and a modification of existing open data (sources listed below). Some of those open data projects do require attribution. We detail all sources and their specific license, usage, and vintage metadata in the full sources list.

This file was generated by the bin/ script on 2024-03-21.

Austria Open Data

Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland

The Open Data Portal for Northern Ireland

  • added: 2018-11-02
  • id: 1360699249
  • name: Open Data Portal for Northern Ireland
  • prefix: ni-os
  • license_type: OGL, v3.0
  • license_text: You are free to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information, adapt the Information, exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

United Nations Convention for Road Traffic

The internation organization that manages the distinguishing signs of the place of registration of vehicles. Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids.

Alameda County Data Sharing Initiative

Official GIS Data for Alameda County, CA.

  • added: 2016-06-29
  • id: 874397693
  • name: acgov
  • prefix: acgov
  • license_type: Public Domain
  • license_text: You understand and agree that Your use of the Data is at Your sole risk. The Data is made available on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis without any warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Should there be an error, inaccuracy, or other defect in the Data, You assume the full cost of correcting any such error, inaccuracy or defect.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Acme Laboratories

Purveyors of fine freeware since 1972. On the net since 1991. Used to populate several dozen venue records in Who's On First.

  • added: 2017-05-04
  • id: 1108961115
  • name: acme
  • prefix: acme
  • license_type: BSD (modified)
  • license_text: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry


Property prefix. See property description for more information.

  • added: 2017-03-08
  • deprecated: 2018-05-18
  • id: 1108832191
  • name: addr
  • prefix: addr
  • license_type: N/A
  • license: N/A

Amsterdam Open Datakaart

Layers are viewable from the link in the url field as Buurten (microhoods), Buurtcombinaties (neighbourhoods), and Stadsdelen en Haven (boroughs). Open source information as well as downloadable datasets are available from the link in the license field.

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Iniciativa de Datos Publicos y Transparencia

Open Data portal for the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • added: 2017-05-24
  • id: 1108969549
  • name: arg-caba
  • prefix: arg-caba
  • license_type: CC BY
  • license_text: La reutilización autorizada puede incluir la copia, difusión, modificación, adaptación, extracción, reordenamiento y combinación de la información contenida en el sitio ... Debe citarse la fuente de los documentos objeto de la reutilización.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: geometry

  • added: 2016-05-09
  • id: 823312445
  • name: atgov
  • prefix: atgov
  • license_type: CC BY 3.0
  • license_text: You are free to Share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Atlanta Department of Planning and Community Development

Neighborhoods within the City of Atlanta.

Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database

The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments.

Australian Government Open Data Portal is the central source of Australian open government data. _

Australian Bureau of Statistics

The ABS is Australia's national statistical agency, providing trusted official statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters of importance to Australia.

Azavea, Inc.

Azavea is a civic technology firm based in Philadelphia. Azavea applies geospatial technology for civic and social impact.

Baltimore Mayor's Office of Information Technology

City of Baltimore Open Data Portal. This website is operated by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (the 'City') and the data is provided as a service to the public.


The UrbIS-Adm product is a digital map of an administrative and thematic nature. This source excludes data from UrbIS-P&B, which is governed by a different license. UrbIS-Adm contains geographical data and attribute data.

Voorlopig Referentiebestand Gemeentegrenzen

Geopunt is the central Flesmish gateway to geographic government information. The geoportal makes geographical information accessible to government agencies, citizens, organizations and companies.

Boston Redevelopment Authority

Neighborhood boundaries are created based on zip code, zoning district boundaries and census tract boundaries. This GIS data layer was produced by the BRA Office of Digital Cartography and GIS.

  • added: 2016-09-21
  • id: 1108694665
  • name: bra
  • prefix: bra
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE)

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Burlington VT Neighborhoods Project

Crowdsourced by the locals:

Burrito Justice

Burrito Justice - La Lengua, San Francisco, CA.

  • added: 2015-12-15
  • id: 404734205
  • name: burritojustice
  • prefix: bj
  • license_type: Public Domain
  • license_text: Burrito Justice has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to neighborhood boundary data submitted to the Who’s On First gazetteer. This work is published from: United States.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: geometry

City of Cambridge Geographic Information System Department

Neighbourhood data for the City of Cambrige, MA.

Alberta Open Government - Municipal Boundaries

Open municipal boundary data provided by the Alberta Open Government program.

  • added: 2017-05-31
  • id: 1108974149
  • name: can-abog
  • prefix: can-abog
  • license_type: Open Government Licence - Alberta
  • license_text: Copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the Information in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose...Acknowledge the source of the Information by including any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence...
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

City of Burnaby GIS Department

Open Data Portal for Burnaby, B.C.

City of Calgary, Corporate Analytics and Innovation

Community boundary data generated by the City of Calgary Department of Corporate Analytics and Innovation for use in community planning.

  • added: 2017-05-23
  • id: 1108963891
  • name: can-calcai
  • prefix: can-calcai
  • license_type: Open Government Licence - City of Calgary
  • license_text: Copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the Information in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose...Acknowledge the source of the Information by including any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this license.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

National Framework Canada Lands Administrative Boundaries

Canada's National Park Boundaries dataset

DataBC - British Colombia Open Data Catalogue

Open Data Portal for British Colombia, Canada. Used for processing Who's On First geometries.

District of North Vancouver Government

Open Data Portal for the District of North Vancouver.

City of Edmonton Department of Sustainable Development

Neighbourhood/Ward data provided by the City of Edmonton Department of Sustainable Development.

Gatineau Service de l'urbanisme et du developpement durable (SUDD)

Community portrait data created by the city of Gatineau for use in planning and sustainable development (Data provided by request from

Laval Service de l'urbanisme

The collaborative crossroads in Quebec open data.

Montreal Service de la Mise en Valeur du Territoire

Open Data portal for the Ville de Montreal.

City of New Westminster Development Services Department

Open Data portal for the City of New Westminster, BC.

Ottawa Neighbourhood Study (ONS)

Custom neighbourhood data provided by the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study organization for community enrichment.

Quebec City Open Data Portal

Neighbourhood (district) data provided by Quebec City.

City of Regina Open Data - Community Associations

Boundaries provided by the City of Regina to delineate community associations.

City of Saskatoon Open Data Portal - Neighbourhood Areas

Neighbourhood regions provided by the city of Saskatoon, used for demographic purposes.

City of Surrey GIS Section

Open data portal for the City of Surrey, BC.

City of Victoria Open Data Catalogue

Neighbourhood boundary data provided by the City of Victoria Open Data Catalogue.

City of Winnipeg Department of Planning, Property, and Development

Neighbourhood planning districts provided by the City of Winnipeg on their open data portal.

  • added: 2017-05-24
  • id: 1108968171
  • name: can-wpgppd
  • prefix: can-wpgppd
  • license_type: Open Government License - Winnipeg
  • license_text: Copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the Information in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose...Acknowledge the source of the Information by including any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Natural Resources Canada, CanVec Hydrographic Features

Datasets can be found under the shapefile or geodatabase directories, sorted by precision and location.

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

This data portal consists of a register containing information about and references to data sets by Dutch authorities.

San Francisco International Airport

San Francisco International Airport

  • id: 1746040287
  • name: ccsf-sfo
  • prefix: ccsf-sfo
  • license_text: Data contained on this Web page/site is Copyright © San Francisco City and County (CCSF), California. The GIS data are proprietary to CCSF and title to this information remains in CCSF. All applicable common law and statutory rights in the GIS data including, but not limited to, rights in copyright, shall and will remain the property of CCSF. Information shown on these maps are derived from public records that are constantly undergoing change and do not replace a site survey, and is not warranted for content or accuracy. CCSF does not guarantee the positional or thematic accuracy of the GIS data. The GIS data or cartographic digital files are not a legal representation of any of the features in which it depicts, and disclaims any assumption of the legal status of which it represents. The GIS data or cartographic digital files are not a legal representation of any of the features in which it depicts, and disclaims any assumption of the legal status of which it represents. Areas and/or boundaries contained in this dataset are approximate. Any implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall be expressly excluded. All the data on this web page, whether in written, numerical, or graphical form is derived from the San Francisco International Airport’s Asset Management Geospatial Information System (GIS) and is not guaranteed to be accurate. San Francisco International Airport (SFO) makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other matter. SFO is not responsible for errors, omissions, misuse, or misinterpretation in or of the material. SFO’s digital information is prepared for reference purposes only and should not be used, and is not intended for, survey or engineering purposes. No representation is made concerning the legal status of any apparent route of access identified in digital or hardcopy mapping of geospatial information or data. The requestor acknowledges and accepts all limitations, including the fact that the data, information, and maps are being updated on an ongoing basis, and agrees not to hold SFO or the City and County of San Francisco responsible or liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the data. San Francisco International Airport. Infrastructure Information Management.
  • license: ``
  • usage: geometry

Swiss Cadastral System

The Swiss Cadastral System's dataset of towns and cities


The Geoportal of the Swiss Federation.

City of London Companies House

A directory of business listings in London.

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum


Towards a Public Data Infrastructure for a Large, Multilingual, Semantic Knowledge Graph.

Bundesamt fur Kartographie und Geodasie

Service Centre of the Federal Government for Geo-Information and Geodesy

Denver Department of Community Planning and Development

Open Data portal for the City of Denver, CO.

Dial Codes

In most places that allow direct-dialed international calls, you must first dial an international access code. These access codes are maintained for the member countries or regions by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids.

Digital Envoy

Digital Envoy is a technology firm, specializing in geo-location and geo-intelligence.


GeoDanmark data is a digital map of city and landscape, which can be used to calculate distances and locations without having to measure and measure physically in the surroundings.

  • added: 2018-04-25
  • id: 1159297643
  • name: dk-geodk
  • prefix: dk-geodk
  • license_type: CC BY (equivalent)
  • license_text: The Authority provides a worldwide, free, non-exclusive, and unlimited right of access to data, which is free, and can be: copied, distributed and published, changed and compounded with other material used commercially and non-commercially. Contains data from the 2018 GeoDanmark/Basic Data Agency/Data Supply and Efficiency Board DAGIREF_SHAPE_UTM32-EUREF89 file.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

Distinguishing Signs - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

These codes are provided for by Article 20 of the Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949). Therein, they are called 'distinguishing signs of the place of registration' of vehicles. Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids.

Elections BC

Elections BC is an independent and non-partisan Office of the Legislature, British Colombia.

  • added: 2017-05-10
  • id: 1108962955
  • name: ebc
  • prefix: ebc
  • license_type: Elections BC Open Data Licence
  • license_text: You are free to copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or otherwise use the Information in any medium, mode or format for any lawful purpose
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Extended Date/Time Format

Property prefix. See property description for more information.

  • added: 2015-08-20
  • deprecated: 2018-05-21
  • id: 404734173
  • name: edtf
  • prefix: edtf
  • license_type: CC0 1.0 Universal
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:

Republic of Estonia's Land Board Geoportal

Estonia's national center for land related matters and distributor of spatial data.


EuroGeographics (sometimes known as GISCO) partners with Eurostat and the European Commission to distrbute NUTS statistical data joined with geographical boundary polygon data. However, EuroGeographics restricts this usage to non-commercial, so this source is used for concordance values only. EuroGeographics also offers other commercial data products, and some open data with a coarser resolution 1:1,000,000 scale in their EuroGlobalMap project (which is aggregated by both Quattroshapes and Mesoshapes). The term NUTS comes from the French acronym of 'Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics'.

  • added: 2023-05-16
  • id: 1863613411
  • name: eg
  • prefix: eg
  • license_type: Restricted Use License (non-commercial)
  • license_text: The Commission agrees to grant the non-exclusive and not transferable right to use and process the Eurostat/GISCO geographical data downloaded from this page (the 'data'). The permission to use the data is granted on condition that: (1) the data will not be used for commercial purposes; (2) the source will be acknowledged. A copyright notice, as specified below, will have to be visible on any printed or electronic publication using the data downloaded from this page. © EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Portal de datos abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Neighbourhood and district data provided by the City of Madrid.


Neighbourhood (district) data as provided by the Barcelona City Council (CartoBCN).

Organismo Autonomo Centro Nacional de Information Geografica (CNIG)

Autonomous Organization National Geographic Information Center files generated by the General Directorate of the National Geographic Institute (IGN)

Institut Cartografic i Geologic de Catalunya

Institut Cartografic i Geologic de Catalunya (ICGC)

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Espana (INE)

Statistical Office for Spain

  • added: 2023-09-27
  • id: 1880439639
  • name: esp-ine
  • prefix: esp-ine
  • license_type: CC-BY equivalent
  • license_text: This reuse may have a commercial or non-commercial purpose, she source of the information being reused must be cited (own elaboration with data extracted from the INE website:, from 2023
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property

European Environmental Agency CDDA Database

_The European inventory of nationally designated protected areas _


Eurostat, short for the European Statistical Office, is an official organ of European Commission and is responsible for providing statistical information to the institutions of the European Union (EU) and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across its member states, candidates for accession, as well as European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries. The census and statistical organisations in the different countries that cooperate with Eurostat are harmonized under the concept of the European Statistical System, including NUTS enumeration units that change shape every few years. NUTS 2021 is the current vintage that roughly matches to administrative geographies. Earlier NUTS vintages did not match well to administrative geographies, include 2016, 2013, 2010, 2006, and 2003. The term NUTS comes from the French acronym of 'Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics'.

  • added: 2023-05-16
  • id: 1863613455
  • name: eurostat
  • prefix: eurostat
  • license_type: CC-BY equivalent
  • license_text: © European Union, 1995 - today. Eurostat has a policy of encouraging free re-use of its data, both for non-commercial and commercial purposes. All statistical data, metadata, content of web pages or other dissemination tools, official publications and other documents published on its website, with the exceptions listed below, can be reused without any payment or written licence provided that: (1) the source is indicated as Eurostat; (2) when re-use involves modifications to the data or text, this must be stated clearly to the end user of the information. Some limited exceptions apply. The basis for the copyright and licence policy of Eurostat is the legal notice of the European Commission 'Europa website' which can be found here:
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property

Federal Aviation Administration

Homepage for the Federal Aviation Administration.

  • added: 2016-05-18
  • id: 840464293
  • name: faa
  • prefix: faa
  • license_type: CC0 1.0 Universal
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


Location data for Mobile Advertising, Developers, and Enterprise solutions.

  • added: 2015-09-08
  • id: 404734193
  • name: factual
  • prefix: fct
  • license_type: Restricted
  • license_text: All of the information and data made available via the Sites ('Site Data') is provided solely to enable you to learn about Factual and the Services. You are not licensed to store, copy, or use any Site Data for any other purpose.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Federation Internationale de Football Association

Country codes for each member (and non-member) country, used by FIFA during competition.

NLS National Land Survey of Finland

National Land Survey of Finland performs various kinds of cadastral surveys such as parcelling and reallocations of pieces of land, produces map data and promotes the joint use of such data.

Federal Information Processing Standards

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) operates the National Standards System Network (NSSN). This powerful reference tool provides 24-hour access to over 65,000 references to standards and specifications from the U.S. government, U.S. private sector organizations and international standards organizations.

  • added: 2016-05-18
  • id: 840464229
  • name: fips
  • prefix: fips
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: United States government creative works, including writing, images, and computer code, are usually prepared by officers or employees of the United States government as part of their official duties. A government work is generally not subject to copyright in the United States and there is generally no copyright restriction on reproduction, derivative works, distribution, performance, or display of a government work.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


A search-and-discovery service that compiles a database of locations and places worldwide.

  • added: 2016-05-24
  • id: 857075439
  • name: foursquare
  • prefix: 4sq
  • license_type: CC BY
  • license_text: Subject to these Terms of Use, Foursquare grants each user of the Site and/or Service a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to use, modify and reproduce the Content, solely for personal, non-commercial use.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (Insee)

National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of France

  • added: 2023-09-27
  • id: 1880439677
  • name: fra-insee
  • prefix: fra-insee
  • license_type: CC BY equivalent
  • license_text: The INSEE welcomes the broadest use of the database products of which it is editor and holder of intellectual property rights (copyright and producer’s rights). To this effect, it authorizes the reuse of data (redistribution) for commercial use. This redistribution is subject or not, as the case may be, to the signing of a license and to payment of a fee.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Open Data Paris

Neighbourhood data provided by Open Data Paris. This source was deprecated and removed from Who's On First due to license concerns that arose after the import.


Freebase was a large collaborative knowledge base consisting of data composed mainly by its community members. It was an online collection of structured data harvested from many sources, including individual, user-submitted wiki contributions. See also:

  • added: 2016-05-18
  • id: 840464287
  • name: freebase
  • prefix: fb
  • license_type: CC BY
  • license_text: Freebase constitutes a snapshot of the data stored in Freebase and the Schema that structures it, and are provided under the same CC-BY license. The Freebase/Wikidata mappings are provided under the CC0 license.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Open Data France

Open platform for French public data.

  • added: 2016-10-25
  • id: 1108725001
  • name: frgov
  • prefix: frgov
  • license_type: CC BY 2.0
  • license_text: The Open License is part of an international context and is compatible with the standards of open data licenses developed abroad, in particular those of the Government of the United Kingdom (Open Government License) and other international standards (ODC-BY, CC-BY 2.0).
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

Global Administrative Unit Layers - Food and Agriculture Organization

Country codes used be the Global Administrative Unit Layers from the Food and Agriculture Organization. The entity codes are integers, assigned sequentially, with no duplication between layers; that is, no country has the same code as any primary subdivision, and so on.

London Datastore - Greater London Authority

Administrative boundaries provided by the Greater London Authority.

Office for National Statistics

Administrative boundaries provided by the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS)

  • added: 2020-06-08

  • id: 1713206125

  • name: gbr-ons

  • prefix: gbr-ons

  • license_type: UK Open Government Licence (OGL v3)

  • license_text: _You are encouraged to use and re-use the Information that is available under this licence freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions. The Licensor grants you a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive licence to use the Information subject to the conditions below. You are free to: copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application. You must (where you do any of the above): acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence. _

  • url:

  • license:

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

  • usage: concordance

Geopolitical Entities and Codes

Formerly FIPS PUB 10-4, these country codes were used by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) to define 'Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions'. GEC maintenance was discontinued on 31 December 2014.


Property prefix. See property description for more information.

  • added: 2017-02-28
  • deprecated: 2018-05-18
  • id: 1108830733
  • name: geom
  • prefix: geom
  • license: CC0


The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million placenames that are available for download free of charge.

Yahoo! GeoPlanet

GeoPlanet provides an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on the Internet. (Cached, accessed: 2017-05-11, via:

Statoids HASC

Administrative subdivisions of countries; a comprehensive world reference, 1900 to 1998. Gwillim Law: 'As far as I'm concerned, HASC codes are in the public domain - to encourage people or organizations to use them for data communication.' The 'hasc:id' is a variable property mapping, depending on the placetype of a record.

Hong Kong Open Data Portal

Open Data Portal of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

  • id: 1159339397
  • name: hk-gov
  • prefix: hk-gov
  • license_type: CC-BY (equivalent)
  • license_text: You are allowed to browse, download, distribute, reproduce, hyperlink to, and print in their original format the Data for both commercial and non-commercial purposes on a free-of-charge basis...
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: geometry

Helsinki City Real Estate Department

HRI is a web service for fast and easy access to open data sources between the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen.

Helsinki Region Infoshare

HRI is a web service for fast and easy access to open data sources between the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen.

International Air Transport Association

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world's airlines, representing some 265 airlines or 83% of total air traffic.

International Civil Aviation Organization

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a UN specialized agency, established by States in 1944 to manage the administration and governance of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).

  • added: 2016-05-18
  • id: 840464249
  • name: icao
  • prefix: icao
  • license_type: Restricted
  • license_text: _ICAO grants permission to Users to visit the Site and to download, preprint and copy the information, documents and materials (collectively, 'Materials') from the Site for the User's personal, non-commercial use, without any right to resell or redistribute them or to compile or create derivative works therefrom, subject to the terms and conditions outlined below, and also subject to more specific restrictions that may apply to specific Material within this Site. _
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Ordnance Survey Ireland

The Ordnance Survey Ireland provides products and services that are widely used to support the social, economic, legislative and administrative functions of the state in Ireland.

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI)

The public body responsible for regulating and coordinating the National Statistical System and Geographic Information, as well as to capture and disseminate information of Mexico.

International Olympics Committee

These codes identify the nationality of athletes and teams during Olympic events. Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids.

  • added: 2017-10-09
  • id: 1158832825
  • name: ioc
  • prefix: ioc
  • license_type: Restricted
  • license_text: All elements of the Site, including the IOC Content, are protected by copyright, trade dress, moral rights, trademark and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

International Organization for Standardization

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 163 national standards bodies. Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids. Who's On First tracks which 'country' a feature belongs to via the 'wof:country' and 'iso:country' properties. No other ISO properties are referenced.

  • added: 2017-04-04
  • id: 1108931861
  • name: iso
  • prefix: iso
  • license_type: Restricted
  • license_text: All content on ISO Online is copyright protected. The copyright is owned by ISO. Any use of the content, including copying of it in whole or in part, for example to another Internet site, is prohibited and would require written permission from ISO.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property

Istituto nazionale di statistica (Istat)

National Institute of Statistics of Italy

  • added: 2023-09-27
  • id: 1880439683
  • name: ita-istat
  • prefix: ita-istat
  • license_type: CC-BY – Creative Commons License – Attribution – 3.0.
  • license_text: Data and analysis from the Italian National Institute of Statistics can be copied, distributed, transmitted and freely adapted, even for commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

International Telecommunications Union

ITU country codes are used to identify radio transmitter locations. Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids. Who's On First tracks the dial codes used to call places in 'country' or 'region' both as concordance and as properties. No other ITU properties are referenced.


Karmashapes is a comprehensive dataset of cities, villages, and habitations in India.

City of Kuopio

Official website for the City of Kuopio, Finland.

City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils (Certified)

Official Certified Neighborhood Council boundaries in the City of Los Angeles created and maintained by the Bureau of Engineering / GIS Mapping Division.

City of Los Angeles Office of Finance

  • added: 2017-07-27
  • id: 1158784149
  • name: lacity_oof
  • prefix: lacity_oof
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license: ``
  • usage: concordance

Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Times.

  • added: 2017-05-11
  • id: 1108962957
  • name: latimes
  • prefix: latimes
  • license_type: Restricted
  • license_text: If you operate a Web site and wish to link to the Site, you may do so provided you agree to cease such link upon request from us. No other use is permitted without prior written permission of tronc.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


Property prefix. See property description for more information.

  • added: 2017-06-16
  • deprecated: 2018-05-18
  • id: 1108955855
  • name: lbl
  • prefix: lbl
  • license: CC0


Property prefix. See property description for more information.

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office.

  • added: 2016-05-18
  • id: 840464301
  • name: loc
  • prefix: loc
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: Unless otherwise indicated on this site, the Library of Congress has no objection to the international use and reuse of Library U.S. Government works on These works are also available for worldwide use and reuse under CC0 1.0 Universal.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


LocalWiki is a grassroots effort to collect, share and open the world’s local knowledge. Includes data on local governments, neighborhoods, streets, social movements, noteworthy local figures, social services, schools, etc.

  • added: 2017-10-12
  • deprecated: 2018-05-22
  • id: 1158844639
  • name: localwiki
  • prefix: localwiki
  • license_type: CC BY 4.0
  • license_text: All of the media and written content in LocalWiki is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0), unless noted otherwise.
  • url:
  • license:

Luxembourg: Administration du cadastre et de la topographie

The Luxembourg government's Open Data project is part of the Digital Lëtzebuerg initiative, which aims to support the opening up of public data by the State and administrations.


Mapshaper is software for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and several other data formats, written in JavaScript.

Mapzen Borders

Country, region and city boundary data from OpenStreetMap, served monthly until October 2016.

This is a Mapzen associated source.

  • added: 2016-05-18
  • id: 840464303
  • name: mapzenborders
  • prefix: mzb
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Machine-Readable Cataloging - Library of Congress

MARC is a standard for encoding bibliographic materials in electronic form. The Library of Congress maintains the MARC code list for countries.

  • added: 2017-10-09
  • id: 1158832837
  • name: marc
  • prefix: marc
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: Unless otherwise indicated on this site, the Library of Congress has no objection to the international use and reuse of Library U.S. Government works on These works are also available for worldwide use and reuse under CC0 1.0 Universal.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


Mesoshapes were a product of Mapzen for Who's On First that aggregated data from national mapping agencies and other sources under CC-BY compatible licenses. In some cases Mesoshapes also includes CC0 polygon geometries that Mapzen drew by comparing three or more reference datasets for limited number of countries.

This is a Mapzen associated source.

  • added: 2016-12-08

  • id: 1108756907

  • name: meso

  • prefix: meso

  • license_type: CC-BY

  • license_text: Mesoshapes includes open data from government and other sources, many of which require attribution. See details below.

  • url:

  • remarks:

  • license:

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

    • Armenia: Acopian Center for the Environment (ACE)
    • Armenia: Revolutionary GIS
    • Asia: National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (TNLSMC)
    • Azerbaijan: ISCGM
    • Azerbaijan: State Committee Land and Cartography
    • Bangladesh: GIST
    • Bangladesh: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    • Bolivia: IDE-EPB GeoBolivia data portal (IDE_EPB)
    • Burundi: OCHA HDX
    • Burundi: IGEBU
    • Cameroon: WRI
    • Cameroon: Institut National de la Cartographie
    • Chad: OCHA
    • Chile: Chilean National Library of Congress
    • Colombia: Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi
    • Colombia: OCHA
    • Colombia: Sala Humanitaria (SH)
    • Costa Rica: ESRI Open Data
    • Costa Rica: Daticos/Geotecnologias S.A.
    • Cuba: Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas, Cuba (ONEC)
    • Democratic Rebublic of Congo: OCHA
    • Democratic Rebublic of Congo: Referenciel Geographique Commun DRC
    • Egypt: Revolutionary GIS
    • Egypt: USAID via FOIA
    • Ethiopia: GIST
    • Ethiopia: USAID
    • Ethiopia: WRI
    • Europe: Euro Global Map (EGM)
    • Europe: European Data Portal (EDP)
    • France: French IGN (FIGN)
    • French Guiana: French IGN
    • Gambia: OCHA
    • Georgia: GIST
    • Georgia: ISCGM
    • Georgia: geodesyandcartography
    • Global: Digital Chart of the World (DCW)
    • Global: ESRI Open Data - Daticos
    • Global: Natural Earth Urban (NEU)
    • Global: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    • Global: World Resource Institute (WRI)
    • Global: International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)
    • Global: Art of the Mappable (AOTM) for Mapzen under CC0
    • Global: OCHA_OPEN
    • Global: USAID - GIST with USAID as originator
    • Global: Empirical Study of Conflict (ESOC)
    • Guinea: OCHA HDX
    • Guinea: WFP
    • Guinea: International Organization for Migration
    • Guyana: Guyana Bureau of Statistics (GBOS)
    • Honduras: ISCGM
    • Honduras: Direccion General de Catastro y Geografia
    • India: DataMeet
    • Indonesia: Geospatial Information Agency
    • Indonesia: ISCGM
    • Iraq: ESOC
    • Iraq: World Food Program
    • Iraq: Relief Web Humanitarian Information Center
    • Israel: Revolutionary GIS
    • Israel: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS)
    • Jamaica: Statistical Institute of Jamaica
    • Japan: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI)
    • Kyrgyzstan: OCHA
    • Kyrgyzstan: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic
    • Liberia: GIST
    • Liberia: USAID
    • Liberia: OFDA Economic and Humanitarian Assistance
    • Libya: OCHA HDX
    • Libya: Libya Bureau of Statistics and Census (BSC)
    • Libya: IOM
    • Macedonia: EuroGlobalMap
    • Mali: OCHA
    • Mauritania: OCHA
    • Mauritius: Ministry of Housing and Lands
    • Mauritius: ISCGM
    • Mozambique: ISCGM
    • Mozambique: CENACARTA
    • New Zealand: Statistics New Zealand (SNZ)
    • Nicaragua: ISCGM
    • Nicaragua: INETER
    • Niger: OCHA
    • Nigeria: OCHA
    • Palestine: OCHA
    • Palestine: Ministry of planning (Palestinian Authority)
    • Papua: ISCGM
    • Papua: National Mapping Bureau
    • Paraguay: DGEEC
    • Paraguay: Republica de Paraguay Dirección General de Estadística, Encuestas y Censos (DGEEC)
    • Peru: OCHA
    • Peru: Instituto Geográfico Nacional
    • Rwanda: Revolutionary GIS
    • Rwanda: National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR)
    • Senegal: OCHA
    • Serbia: EuroGlobalMap
    • Serbia: EuroGeoGraphics
    • South Africa: Revolutionary GIS
    • South Africa: South Africa Municipal Demarcation Board (SAMDB)
    • Taiwan: National Land Surveying and Mapping Center
    • Tanzania: Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (TNBS)
    • Togo: ISCGM
    • Togo: Direction General of Cartography - DGC Togo
    • Ukraine: Revolutionary GIS
    • Ukraine: OCHA Ukraine ДНВП Картографія
    • Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Central Statistics Office (ZimStat)
    • Zimbabwe: OCHA HDX
  • usage: property, geometry


Metazen is the generic WOFism for property prefixes related to the Mapzen umbrella of opinions that interoperate with Tilezen and Pelias, and original data sourced via Mapzen. The mz properties continue as Metazen opinions, while mz sources are Mapzen (RIP) with future updates being sourced to wof. Mapzen was an open, sustainable, and accessible mapping platform.

This is a Mapzen associated source.

Mini Tenders

A Tenderloin of many neighbourhoods.


The source for this property is missing. For example, if a record in Who's On First was imported without a src:geom property, the source would be considered 'missing'.

  • added: 2015-12-15
  • deprecated: 2020-05-11
  • id: 404734213
  • name: missing
  • prefix: xx
  • license_type: N/A
  • license_text: N/A
  • url: N/A
  • license: N/A

Institute of Museum and Library Services Museum Universe Data File

The Museum Universe Data File is an evolving list of museums and related organizations in the United States.

Mexico's Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas

Mexico's National database of Biosphere Reserves, National Parks, Natural Monuments, Natural Resources Protection Areas, Flora and Fauna Protection Areas, CONANP Sanctuaries


Property prefix. See property description for more information.

  • added: 2017-02-27
  • deprecated: 2018-05-18
  • id: 1108828507
  • name: name
  • prefix: name
  • license_type: CC0
  • license: N/A
  • usage: property

Natural Earth

Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales, which features tightly integrated vector and raster data.

The Nielsen Company

Official website of The Nielsen Company

  • added: 2018-09-28
  • id: 1360666021
  • name: nielsen
  • prefix: nielsen
  • license_type: Restricted
  • license_text: The Nielsen Company, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Nielsen”), requires that all visitors to this World Wide Web site owned, operated, licensed, and controlled by Nielsen (the “Nielsen Site”) adhere to the following Terms of Use.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Geonorge Norway

The Geonorge Kartkatalog allows you to search, view and download Norwegian public map data.

City of New Orleans, Office of Information Technology and Innovation, Enterprise Information Team

Open Data portal for the City of New Orleans, LA.

National Statistics UPRN Lookup

Office of National Statistics (ONS) Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) directory lookup

  • added: 2023-07-23

  • id: 1864205363

  • name: nsul

  • prefix: nsul

  • license_type: OGL, v3.0

  • license_text: You are free to: copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application. You must (where you do any of the above): acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence.

  • url:

  • license:

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

    • United Kingdom: OS data - Crown copyright and database right 2023
    • United Kingdom: Royal Mail data - Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2023
    • United Kingdom: GeoPlace data - Local Government Information House Limited copyright and database right 2023
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

Null Island

Home of Null Island.

This is a Mapzen associated source.

NYC OpenData

Open Data portal for New York City, NY.

New York City Department of Consumer Affairs

Open Data portal for New York City, NY.

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Open Data portal for New York City, NY.

NYC OpenData - Subway Stations

Open Data portal for New York City, NY.

The New York Times

The New York Times.

Land Information New Zealand

Oakland Community and Economic Development Department

Open Data portal for the City of Oakland, CA.

Ordnance Survey

A non-ministerial government agency that acts as the national mapping agency for Great Britain.


Property prefix (for concordances).

City of Oulu

Official website for the City of Oulu, Finland.


OurAirports is a free site where visitors can explore the world's airports. [...] This is an open-data web site, after all, and we don't believe that 'open' means 'we can benefit from it, but we'll hide it from everyone else.


OUTgoing: The Hidden History of New York's Gay Nightlife by Jeff Ferzoco.

  • added: 2017-04-11
  • id: 1108952683
  • name: outgoing
  • prefix: out
  • license_type: Public Domain (assumed)
  • license_text: Data is assumed to be in the Public Domain.
  • url:
  • license: N/A
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry


An open dataset of administrative areas in New York City.

Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland

The Poland Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography's border and territorial division data sets.

Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS)

Poland Central Statistical Office. The National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) concordance codes are a system of identifiers and names of for Polish units of territorial division and localities.

  • added: 2023-09-27
  • id: 1880439685
  • name: pol-gus
  • prefix: pol-gus
  • license_type: CC-BY equivalent
  • license_text: Access and use of spatial data services made available on the Geostatistics Portal is universal and free of charge. Statistical studies based on spatial data presented on the Portal are for illustrative purposes only and cannot be treated as an official document. Provisions regarding the use of spatial data sets and services of the Geostatistical Portal are included in the Regulations
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

Confirmed Public Domain by Kevin Martin of the Portland BPS on 2016-10-07

Directorate-General for the Territorial Development of Portugal

Official Administrative Letter of Portugal's (CAOP) demarcation records for the country's administrative districts.

  • added: 2019-12-11
  • id: 1511614895
  • name: pt-dgt
  • prefix: pt-dgt
  • license_type: CC BY 3.0 (equivalent)
  • license_text: Whenever the user publishes and / or discloses, by analog or digital means, geographic information owned by the Directorate-General of the Territory, even if partially adapted, he / she shall be credited with the inclusion of the text 'Geographic information provided by the Directorate-General of the Territory'. No restrictions.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry


A gazetteer of non-overlapping, authoritative polygons around a curated list of places. Quattroshapes includes open data from government and other sources, many of which require attribution. See remarks for detail.

  • added: 2015-08-20

  • id: 404734183

  • name: quattroshapes

  • prefix: qs

  • license_type: CC BY 2.0

  • license_text: Please include attribution in your app, site, or printed work.

  • url:

  • remarks:

  • license:

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

    • Australia: Geoscience Australia and Australian Bureau of Statistics
    • Austria: Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen
    • Belgium: Institut Géographique National – Belgique
    • Brazil: IBGE
    • Bulgaria: Cadastre Agency
    • Bulgaria: MRDPW
    • Canada: Department of Natural Resources Canada
    • Canada: Statistics Canada
    • Canada: BC Stats
    • Chile: Global Map of Chile
    • Chile: International Steering Committee for Global Mapping
    • Chile: Instituto Geografico Militar de Chile
    • Croatia: Drzavna Geodetska Uprava
    • Cyprus: Lands and Surveys
    • Cyprus: Survey and Cartogr. Br.
    • Czech Republic: Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální
    • Denmark: Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen
    • Estonia: Maaamet
    • Europe: EuroGeoGraphics
    • Europe: European Environment Agency (EEA)
    • Faroe Islands: Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen
    • Finland: Maanmittauslaitos
    • Global: Flickr - This product uses the Flickr API but is not endorsed or certified by Flickr.
    • France: Institut Géographique National
    • France: Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière
    • Global: Geonames
    • Georgia: National Agency of Public Registry
    • Germany: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
    • Great Britain: Ordnance Survey
    • Greece: Hellenic Military Geographical Service
    • Greenland: Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen
    • Hungary: Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet
    • Iceland: Landmælingar Íslands
    • Indonesia: Global Map of Indonesia (ISCGM/Indonesia)
    • Ireland: Ordnance Survey Ireland
    • Italy: Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano
    • Latvia: Latvijas Republikas Valsts zemes dienests
    • Liechtenstein: Bundesamt für Landestopographie
    • Lithuania: Nacionalinė žemės tarnyba
    • Luxembourg: Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie
    • Malta: Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA)
    • Mexico: INEGI
    • Moldova: State Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre
    • Netherlands: Kadaster
    • Netherlands: Topografische Dienst Nederland
    • New Zealand: Land Information New Zealand
    • Northern Ireland: Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
    • Norway: Statens Kartverk
    • Palestine: Global Map of Palestine
    • Palestine: ISCGM/Palestinian National Authority
    • Palestine: Ministry of Planning
    • Palestine: Geographic Center and Technical Support
    • Poland: Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii
    • Portugal: Instituto Geográfico Português
    • Rep. of Slovakia: Geodetick a kartografick ústav
    • Romania: CNGCFT
    • Romania: National Center of Geodesie
    • Romania: Cartography
    • Romania: Fotogrametry and Remote Sensing
    • Serbia: Republički geodetski zavod
    • Slovenia: Geodetska Uprava Republike Slovenije
    • South Africa: : Global Map of the Republic of South Africa
    • South Africa: ISCGM/State Copyright
    • South Africa: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
    • South Africa: Chief Directorate of National Geo-spatial Information
    • Spain: Centro Nacional de Informacion Geografica – Instituto Geográfico Nacional
    • Spain: Instituto Geográfico Nacional
    • Sweden: Lantmäteriet
    • Switzerland: Bundesamt für Landestopographie
    • Switzerland: swisstopo
    • Ukraine: Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography
    • United Kingdom: Ordnance Survey
    • United States: United States Census Bureau
    • Global: Yahoo!
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

Quattroshapes Point Gazetteer

The Quattroshapes point gazetteer. A big list of point locations that supplements the polygons gazetteer.

  • added: 2017-06-08

  • id: 1108970625

  • name: quattroshapes_pg

  • prefix: qs_pg

  • license_type: CC BY 2.0

  • license_text: Please include attribution in your app, site, or printed work.

  • url:

  • license:

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

    • Global: GeoPlanet - GeoPlanet provides an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on the Internet.
    • Global: GeoNames - The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million placenames that are available for download free of charge.
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

Romanian National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI)

The National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising (ANCPI) is the sole authority in the field of cartography, cadastre and real estate advertising in Romania.

The City of Santa Barbara

Open Data portal for the City of Santa Barbara, CA.

SanGIS/SANDAG GIS Data Warehouse

The San Diego Geographic Information Source (SanGIS) is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) of the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego responsible for maintaining a regional geographic information system (GIS) landbase and data warehouse.

  • added: 2017-01-18
  • id: 1108800651
  • name: sdgis
  • prefix: sdgis
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Lantmateriet Sweden

Lantmateriet, the Land Survey of Sweden, demarcates boundaries and helps guarantee secure ownership of Sweden’s real property. The agency provides open geographic data to the public under a CC0 license.

Seattle City GIS Program

Official data portal for the City of Seattle, WA.

San Francisco Arts Commission

Official website for the San Francisco Arts Commission.

  • added: 2016-05-04
  • id: 772974303
  • name: sfac
  • prefix: sfac
  • license_type: CC BY (assumed)
  • license_text: As a convenience to potential users, the City and County of San Francisco ('City') makes a variety of datasets ('Data') available for download through this website. Your use of the Data is subject to these terms of use, which constitute a legal agreement between You and the City and County of San Francisco ('City'). This legal agreement is referred to as the 'Terms of Use.'
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

City of San Francisco

Open Data portal for the City of San Francisco, CA.

  • added: 2016-05-04
  • id: 772974267
  • name: sfgov
  • prefix: sfgov
  • license_type: PDDL 1.0
  • license_text: The Open Data Commons, Public Domain Dedication & Licence is a document intended to allow you to freely share, modify, and use this work for any purpose and without any restrictions. This licence is intended for use on databases or their contents ('data'), either together or individually.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

City of San Francisco Treasurer & Tax Collector's Office (Registered Business Locations)

Open Data portal for the City of San Francisco, CA.

  • added: 2017-07-24
  • id: 1158783301
  • name: sfgov_rbl
  • prefix: sfgov_rbl
  • license_type: PDDL 1.0
  • license_text: The Open Data Commons, Public Domain Dedication & Licence is a document intended to allow you to freely share, modify, and use this work for any purpose and without any restrictions. This licence is intended for use on databases or their contents ('data'), either together or individually.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance

Singapore Open Data Portal

Singapore's one-stop portal to its publicly-available datasets.

  • added: 2021-03-08
  • id: 1729875405
  • name: sg-sggov
  • prefix: sg-sggov
  • license_type: Singapore Open Data Licence v1
  • license_text: You can use, access, download, copy, distribute, transmit, modify and adapt the datasets, or any derived analyses or applications, whether commercially or non-commercially (“Use”). You may grant a sub-licence of the datasets if this is necessary to enable users of your application and/or website (“your Sub-Licensees”), to use your application or access your website.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry


SimpleGeo was a location aware services company that operated between 2009 and 2011. It is no longer an active company.

  • added: 2015-12-01
  • id: 404734199
  • name: simplegeo
  • prefix: sg
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

San Jose Planning Department

The City of San Jose, CA's Planning Department website.

Open San Mateo County

Open San Mateo County contains data published by the County of San Mateo.

  • added: 2016-06-29
  • id: 874397695
  • name: smcgov
  • prefix: smcgov
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: geometry

Senatsverwaltung fur Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

Bezirke (districts) and Ortsteile (localities) provided under an open data license.

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country,its population, resources, economy, society and culture.

  • added: 2016-04-14
  • id: 554906275
  • name: statcan
  • prefix: statcan
  • license_type: CC BY (assumed)
  • license_text: Subject to this agreement, Statistics Canada grants you a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to: use, reproduce, publish, freely distribute, or sell the Information; use, reproduce, publish, freely distribute, or sell Value-added Products; and, sublicence any or all such rights, under terms consistent with this agreement.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry


Statoids is an online database that organizes the primary and secondary administrative divisions for all countries, dependencies, and disputed areas of the world. Properties imported under CC-BY license from Statoids via special arrangement with the author.

  • added: 2017-09-13
  • id: 1158818289
  • name: statoids
  • prefix: statoids
  • license_type: CC BY
  • license_text: The Licensed Materials are licensed, not sold to Mapzen. Statoids grants to Mapzen world-wide, fully-paid, perpetual, non-exclusive right to use the Licensed Materials for any purpose. The parties acknowledge and agree that such rights include, but are not limited to the right to (a) copy, duplicate, reproduce or publish the Licensed Materials or any of their contents; (b) distribute, assign transfer, sub-license the Licensed Materials, the contents of the Licensed Materials or copies thereof, to third parties by any means whatsoever; (d) change, modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the Licensed Materials or create derivative works based on the Licensed Materials, or copies thereof, or (e) bundle, repackage, or include the Licensed Materials with any software in any way. By way of explanation, and not limitation, the parties acknowledge that the intent of this license is to give Mapzen all rights in the data other than title. Mapzen agrees that it shall use commercially reasonable efforts to attribute Statoids' ownership of the Licensed Material whenever it publishes the Licensed Materials.
  • url:
  • license: Data provided under special license agreement with
  • usage: property

Open Information Saint Paul

The Open Information portal for the Saint Paul, MN government.

Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia's Open Data portal.

  • added: 2017-04-26
  • id: 1108955989
  • name: svn-sma
  • prefix: svn-sma
  • license_type: CC BY 2.5 SI
  • license_text: Licensor in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License grants the user free, nonexclusive, territorial and unlimited (for the duration of the rights stipulated by the Law on copyright) license to exercise the rights at work.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

The TGN is an evolving vocabulary, growing and changing thanks to contributions from Getty projects and other institutions.

The List - Bay Area Concert Guide

The list is an online concert guide for Northern California and the west coast.

Turku City Government

Open Data portal for the City of Turku, Finland.

Tampere City Survey GIS

Open Data portal for the City of Tampere, Finland.

Toronto Social Development, Finance & Administration Department

Open Data portal for Toronto, ON.


Transitland brings together many sources of transit data to build a directory of operators and feeds that can be edited by transit enthusiasts and developers.

This is a Mapzen associated source.'s National Parks Dataset

The United Kingdom's National Parks (DGNP) Dataset


Used when a property value is not known. A placeholder for 'we do not know'.

  • added: 2017-02-28
  • id: 1108830757
  • name: unknown
  • prefix: unknown
  • license_type: N/A
  • license_text: N/A
  • license: N/A
  • usage: geometry

UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations)

UN/LOCODE is based on a code structure set up by ECLAC and a list of locations originating in ESCAP, developed in UNCTAD in co-operation with transport organisations like IATA and the ICS and with active contributions from national governments and commercial bodies. Note: Who's On First concatenates the UN/LOCODE two-character country code and three-character feature code with a deliminator and names the result the 'id'.

UNSD (United Nations Statistics Division)

The United Nations Statistics Division compiles and disseminates global statistical information, develops standards and norms for statistical activities, and supports efforts to strengthen national statistical systems.

U.S. Department of State - Humanitarian Information Unit

Large Scale International Boundary (LSIB) detailed polygons provided by the U.S. Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit (HIU).

U.S. National Park Service Data Store

Public data portal for the National Park Service.

United States Census Bureau

The leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy from the United States Census Bureau.

  • added: 2016-11-14
  • id: 1108739789
  • name: uscensus
  • prefix: uscensus
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: All U.S. Census Bureau materials, regardless of the media, are entirely in the public domain. There are no user fees, site licenses, or any special agreements etc for the public or private use, and or reuse of any census title. As tax funded product, it's all in the public record.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: geometry

US ZIP Code Tabulation Area

ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) are generalized areal representations of United States Postal Service (USPS) ZIP Code service areas.

Vancouver Planning and Development Services

Open Data portal for the City of Vancouver.

Washington Post

A map of neighborhood boundaries in the District of Columbia.

Yahoo! GeoPlanet (formerly Where On Earth)

Cached, accessed: 2017-05-11, via:

Who's On First

Who's On First is a gazetteer of places. Not quite all the places in the world but a whole lot of them and, we hope, the kinds of places that we mostly share in common.

This is a Mapzen associated source.

  • added: 2015-12-15
  • id: 404734215
  • name: whosonfirst
  • prefix: wof
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Note that some included work is available under CC BY.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry


Concordances against Wikidata; public domain structured data.

  • added: 2016-03-07
  • id: 420577535
  • name: wikidata
  • prefix: wd
  • license_type: CC0
  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


The free online encyclopedia.

  • added: 2015-08-20
  • id: 404734189
  • name: wikipedia
  • prefix: wk
  • license_type: CC BY-SA 3.0
  • license_text: Most of Wikipedia's text and many of its images are co-licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) (unversioned, with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover texts).
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance, property, geometry

World Meteorological Organization

Country abbreviations used in weather reports from the World Meteorological Organization. Data for concordance values is sourced from Statoids.

  • added: 2017-10-09
  • id: 1158832833
  • name: wmo
  • prefix: wmo
  • license_type: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  • license_text: Reproduction of short excerpts of WMO materials, figures and photographs on this website is authorized free of charge and without formal written permission provided that the original source is acknowledged. Reproduction of videos files are authorized free of charge and without formal written permission provided that the original source is acknowledged and subject to the standard creative commons licensing conditions Creative Commons License.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: concordance


Clickable database of Where On Earth (woe) ids.

  • added: 2015-12-15

  • id: 404734207

  • name: woedb

  • prefix: woedb

  • license_type: CC0

  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

  • url:

  • license: N/A

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

  • usage: geometry


Weighted means from Quattroshapes.

This is a Mapzen associated source.

  • added: 2015-11-09

  • id: 404734201

  • name: yerbashapes

  • prefix: ys

  • license_type: CC0

  • license_text: The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

  • license: N/A

    This source includes CC-BY compatible data from the following organizations:

    • Global: flickr - This product uses the Flickr API but is not endorsed or certified by Flickr.
    • Global: Mapzen
  • usage: geometry

The Municipal Demarcation Board of South Africa

The Municipal Demarcation Board of South Africa's Open Data Portal


Zetashapes is an experiment in crowdsourced US neighborhood polygons.

Zolk Chicago Neighborhoods Map

An overlay of boundaries for Chicago's 228 neighborhoods.

  • added: 2016-08-22
  • id: 907219099
  • name: zolk
  • prefix: zolk
  • license_type: CC BY 3.0 US
  • license_text: The resulting KML source data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This means that you're free to use the data from this map as you wish, but credit to either Kevin Zolkiewicz or this web site is appreciated.
  • url:
  • license:
  • usage: property, geometry

All 379 sources (143 primary sources, 197 additional 'via' sources, and 39 concordance-only sources) listed above are currently used to populate Who's On First records or will be added to Who's On First records in the near future.