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File metadata and controls

195 lines (141 loc) · 8.07 KB


This library includes a variety of ways handling tombstone hits in your codebase, including handlers that trigger PHP errors (e.g. E_USER_DEPRECATED), use the local filesystem to track tombstone hits, and drop-in integrations for your project's existing PSR-3 Logger, PSR-14 Event Dispatcher, PSR-6/PSR-16 Cache implementations.

Installation & Configuration

Install as a non-development dependency with Composer:

composer require wickedbyte/tombstone

Somewhere in your project's bootstrap process or service container (e.g. via a service provider), configure a new GraveyardConfiguration instance, and pass it to the Graveyard::config() method. For example:

    use WickedByte\Tombstone\Graveyard;
    use WickedByte\Tombstone\GraveyardConfiguration;

    Graveyard::config(new GraveyardConfiguration(handlers: [
        new \WickedByte\Tombstone\Handlers\InMemoryRateLimitHandler(),
        new \WickedByte\Tombstone\Handlers\PhpErrorHandler(),
        // Add additional handlers for your project here...

If, for some reason, a tombstone is hit before the configuration is set, the library will default to a fallback configuration that will log the tombstone hit as a PHP E_USER_DEPRECATED error.

The GraveyardConfiguration class accepts the following named arguments:

  • rethrow_exceptions: A boolean indicating whether exceptions that occur while handling the TombstoneActivated event should be rethrown or suppressed. This can be useful for debugging, but should be disabled in production. The default is false.

  • trace_depth: The number of stack frames to include in the tombstone's backtrace. This can be used to reduce the size of the tombstone log output. The default is 10. Setting the value to 0 will use the full backtrace stack trace.

  • logger: A optional PSR-3 logger instance that will be used to for logging exceptions that occur while handling the TombstoneActivated event as errors. Note: this logger is separate from the logger used by the PSR-3 tombstone handlers, though you can certainly pass the same LoggerInterface instance to both.

  • handlers: An array of TombstoneHandlerInterface instances that will be called when a tombstone is hit. The handlers will be called in the order they are defined in the array. If a handler sets the TombstoneActivated instance's $propagate property to false, no further handlers will be invoked. This can be used to prevent spamming logs or other side effects. The defaults are InMemoryRateLimitHandler and PhpErrorHandler.


To mark a location in your code as a tombstone, use the tombstone function:

    \tombstone('2021-01-01 This code is *probably* dead');

Alternatively, you can use the Graveyard::tombstone() static method directly:

    \WickedByte\Tombstone\Graveyard::tombstone('2021-01-01 This code is *probably* dead');

Both methods accept an arbitrary string message argument. The message should be brief, and may include a date or other information about when or why the code tombstone was added. The message will be logged when the tombstone is hit, and is used as part of the tombstone's unique identifier. This means that if you can add more granularity by making the message string dynamic.

The second parameter, $extra, is an optional array of additional context information that can be used by your custom helper implementations. For example, if you add a handler that sends an email notification, you can use the $extra array to include the email address of the person who added the tombstone and the recipient address.

Tombstone Handlers

Included Tombstone Handlers


While code that is assumed to already be dead will probably not be hit frequently, it's better to be safe than sorry, especially when paying for production log storage.

To reduce spamming logs and other side effects when a tombstone is hit in a loop or at high-frequency, this handler will limit the number of tombstone hits that are logged to one-per-request. More accurately -- important for non-HTTP contexts, like queue workers and cron-jobs -- one-per-instantiation of the configured handler class. The underlying array is a key/value pairing of the tombstone's 8-byte identifier and the value true, in order to minimize memory usage.


This handler will trigger a PHP error when a tombstone is hit, allowing your project's error handling system to log the tombstone hit as it would any other PHP error. By default, the error level is E_USER_DEPRECATED, but the other three runtime user error levels (E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING and E_USER_NOTICE) are also supported.


This handler uses the local filesystem to track tombstone hits. Provide it with a directory path (it can create the directory if it does not exist) and tombstone activations will be logged to a file in that directory, one per tombstone ID. You will need to manually clear the directory if you want to reset the tombstone. We only touch the file if it does not already exist.


This handler will log tombstone hits to a PSR-3 logger instance, e.g. Monolog. The default log level is warning, but can be configured with any of the PSR-3 log levels. The handler will log additional context information about the tombstone hit, including the tombstone's message, the stack trace, and contextual information for the current request.


This handler integrates with your existing PSR-14 Event Dispatcher, and dispatches the TombstoneActivated event. This allows you to add additional listeners to the event, that do not have to implement the TombstoneHandlerInterface interface, and are defined along with the rest of your project's event listeners.

PsrCacheHandler / PsrSimpleCacheHandler

These handlers will cache tombstone hits using a PSR-6 or PSR-16 cache instance. If the cache implementation uses some kind of remote driver like Redis or Memcached, this can be useful for tracking tombstone hits across multiple servers or processes. The cache key is the tombstone's unique identifier, and the value is either the TombstoneActivated instance or 1. The latter is much more memory and bandwidth efficient, but does not include the tombstone's message or stack trace, which might be useful for debugging, just how a tombstone was hit, and by whom.

The default cache TTL is 86400 seconds (24 hours), but can be configured to any non-negative integer value. If the TTL is set to 0, the cache will never expire -- you probably do not want that, though it is technically allowed.

Creating Custom Tombstone Handlers

To create a custom handler, implement the TombstoneHandlerInterface interface:

    use WickedByte\Tombstone\TombstoneActivated;

    interface TombstoneHandlerInterface
        public function handle(TombstoneActivated $tombstone): void;

Then add an instance of your custom handler to the GraveyardConfiguration instance. Handlers can be dynamically added or reset at runtime by calling the Graveyard::config()->pushHandlers() or Graveyard::config()->setHandlers() methods.

If you want to stop the propagation of the tombstone event to other handlers, set the $propagate property of the passed in TombstoneActivated instance to false.


Run make to build the project Docker image, create the "./build" cache directory and install vendor dependencies with Composer.

To upgrade the project dependencies to their current major versions, run make upgrade, or to just update them within the bounds of their currently defined constraints, run make update

Common Actions with Makefile targets:

  • make bash
  • make phpunit
  • make psysh
  • make phpcs
  • make phpstan
  • make rector
  • make rector-dry-run
  • make ci

To get a fresh start, run make clean to delete the vendor and build directories, which will trigger a docker image rebuild, the next time make is run.

For anything else not defined in the Makefile, use:

docker compose run --rm -it app {your-command-here}