This is the schedule for the 2015 MSU NGS course.
This workshop has a :doc:`code-of-conduct`.
Download all of these materials or visit the GitHub repository.
Meal Times: Breakfast 7-9, Lunch 12-1, Dinner 6-7 (Unless noted below)
This year we also ran a third week workshop focused on intermediate and advanced skills; please see the schedule at :doc:`week3`.
Day | Schedule |
Monday 8/10 |
Tuesday 8/11 |
Wed 8/12 |
Thursday 8/13 |
Friday 8/14 |
Saturday 8/15 |
Sunday 8/16 |
Monday 8/17 |
Tuesday 8/18 |
Wed 8/19 |
Thursday 8/20 |
Friday 8/21 |
- C Titus Brown
- Chris Chandler
- Ian Dworkin
- Adina Howe
- Matt MacManes
- Meg Staton
- Amanda Charbonneau
- Lisa Cohen
- Ryan Williams
- Phil Brooks
- Nick Loman
- Torsten Seemann
- Erich Schwarz
She Who Drives Many Places:
- Jessica Mizzi
Practical Computing for Biologists
This is a highly recommended book for people looking for a systematic presentation on shell scripting, programming, UNIX, etc.
Differential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks, Trapnell et al., Nat. Protocols.
One paper that outlines a pipeline with the tophat, cufflinks, cuffdiffs and some associated R scripts.
Statistical design and analysis of RNA sequencing data., Auer and Doerge, Genetics, 2010.
A comprehensive comparison of RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis from reads to differential gene expression and cross-comparison with microarrays: a case study in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nookaew et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2012.
Challenges and strategies in transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression quantification. A comprehensive in silico assessment of RNA-seq experiments Vijay et al., 2012.
Computational methods for transcriptome annotation and quantification using RNA-seq, Garber et al., Nat. Methods, 2011.
Evaluation of statistical methods for normalization and differential expression in mRNA-Seq experiments., Bullard et al., 2010.
A comparison of methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data, Soneson and Delorenzi, BMC Bioinformatics, 2013.
Measurement of mRNA abundance using RNA-seq data: RPKM measure is inconsistent among samples., Wagner et al., Theory Biosci, 2012. Also see this blog post explaining the paper in detail.
- A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects, Noble, PLoS Comp Biology, 2009.
- Willingness to Share Research Data Is Related to the Strength of the Evidence and the Quality of Reporting of Statistical Results, Wicherts et al., PLoS One, 2011.
- Got replicability?, McCullough, Economics in Practice, 2007.
Also see this great pair of blog posts on organizing projects and research workflow.
A high quality question & answer Web site.
A discussion and information site for next-generation sequencing.
A large number of open and reusable tutorials on the shell, programming, version control, etc.
Genomes Unzipped.
Titus's blog.
Blue Collar Bioinformatics
Mass Genomics
Next Genetics
Getting Genetics Done
Omics! Omics!
Nick Loman's lab notebook
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 day1 day2 variant assembling-ecoli-with-velvet interval-analysis-and-visualization sam-format-tutorial R_Introductory_tutorial_2014 IntroductionControlFlowR vcf_exploration eel-pond SOAPdeNovoTrans_count_eXpress analyzing_drosophila_htseq drosophila_rnaseq1 drosophila_rnaseq_bwa_htseq genome-comparison-and-phylogeny git-koans howe-mgrast howe-ncbi kmers-etc long-read mount_chris_snapshot short-read-quality-evaluation-ctb amazon/index instructors-guide code-of-conduct