As useful as BLAST is, we really want to get into sequencing data, right? One of the first steps you must do with your data is evaluate its quality and try to improve it.
Summary: a sequencing run may contain data of low reliability. It may also contain various contaminants and artificial sequence fragments. Some (but not all) of these problem can be corrected.
Caution: Don't apply any type of correction without evaluating the results it produces. In general it is best to be conservative with QC. We are altering the data based on our expectations of what it should be like! The process may also introduce its own biases into the dataset.
QC is one of the most mis-under-estimated tasks of NGS data analysis. People assume there is very little to it once they know how to run the tool. The reality is a more complicated than that.
QC also happens to be a pet peeve of mine (Istvan) as demonstrated below in the following Biostar threads (and others):
The first part of this tutorial will run on your own computer. It assumes that you have Java installed. Download both FastQC and two smaller datasets onto your system
Run FastQC on each the files from the graphical interface. Let's discuss the output in more detail.
Before you can do that, though, you need to install a bunch o' software.
We will use a so called Makefile
, a simple text file
that can contains a series of commands that you could otherwise
type in yourself. There will be more information on
shell programming and automation later. For now think of a Makefile
as a simple way to pick which commands you can execute yourself.
Let's get started. Install make:
sudo apt-get install make -y
You can also investigate the Makefile yourself:
This tutorial will download datasets. You may want to create a directory (folder) that stores this data:
mkdir qc cd qc
We assume that you are running the subsequent scripts from this folder.
Obtain the Makefile and save it onto your cloud system:
# This is where you get the Makefile wget -O Makefile
You can investigate the file:
# Look at the Makefile # more Makefile or pico Makefile
So we now have a Makefile and our system can execute this Makefile via the make command.:
In our case you have to always specify which section of the Makefile do you wish to execute. For example you can type:
make setup
This will execute the parts of the Makefile that is listed below:
Note that you could also just type in these commands yourself for the same results. The Makefile just automates this.
The next step is installing FastQC and Trimmomatic on your instance:
make install
command will execute the following lines.
Where did stuff go? The downloaded code went into ~/src the binaries are linked into ~/bin To test that everything works well type:
fastqc -v
This will print the version number of fastqc
Start at your EC2 prompt, then type
make download
This will execute the following lines. Remember that you could also type these in yourself.
In class explanation of the format. See a good description at
If you don't understand the format, you don't understand the basic premise of the data generation!
Run a FastQC analysis on each dataset:
make fastqc
would run the commands:
This command will generate an HTML file for each file. Copy these files to your dropbox and look at them (a short walkthrough on what each plot means).
Alternatively you can generate the fastqc output directly to your Dropbox like so:
fastqc *.fastq -o /mnt/Dropbox
We can also investigate what the files contain by matching:
# Find start codons grep ATG SRR519926_1.fastq --color=always | head # Find a subsequence grep AGATCGGAAG SRR519926_1.fastq --color=always | head
Pattern matching via expressions is an extremely powerful concept. We'll revisit them later.
Note that there are vary large number of tools that perform quality/adapter trimming.
Now, run Trimmomatic to eliminate Illumina adapters from your sequences. First we need to find the adapter sequences:
ln -s ~/src/Trimmomatic-0.32/adapters/TruSeq3-SE.fa
You may also want to shorten the command line like so:
alias trim='java -jar ~/src/Trimmomatic-0.32/trimmomatic-0.32.jar'
You can now invoke the tool just by typing:
Among the (many) agonizing decisions that you will have to make is what parameters to pick: how big should be my window be, how long should the reads be, what should be the average quality be? What kinds of contaminants do I have. Run, rerun and evaluate. Err on the side of caution.
Trim by quality alone:
Quality and clipping:
Now a homework:
Read the manual for Trimmomatic. Trim the reads in parallel for both readfiles in a sample.
BTW: cool kids have pretty prompts, but you too can be cool, all you need to do is:
echo "export PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '" >> ~/.bashrc
Then relog. Don't ask why this works, it is one of those things that is best left undisturbed.