type | title | description | i18nReady |
tutorial |
Optional: Make a content collection |
Tutorial: Build your first Astro blog —
Convert your blog from file-based routing to content collections |
true |
import PackageManagerTabs from '/components/tabs/PackageManagerTabs.astro';
import Box from '/components/tutorial/Box.astro';
import MultipleChoice from '/components/tutorial/MultipleChoice.astro';
import PreCheck from '/components/tutorial/PreCheck.astro';
import Option from '~/components/tutorial/Option.astro';
import { Steps } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
Now that you have a blog using Astro's built-in file-based routing, you will update it to use a content collection. Content collections are a powerful way to manage groups of similar content, such as blog posts.
- Move your folder of blog posts into `src/blog/` - Create a schema to define your blog post frontmatter - Use `getCollection()` to get blog post content and metadataEven when using content collections, you will still use the src/pages/
folder for individual pages, such as your About Me page. But, moving your blog posts outside of this special folder will allow you to use more powerful and performant APIs to generate your blog post index and display your individual blog posts.
At the same time, you'll receive better guidance and autocompletion in your code editor because you will have a schema to define a common structure for each post that Astro will help you enforce through Zod, a schema declaration and validation library for TypeScript. In your schema, you can specify when frontmatter properties are required, such as a description or an author, and which data type each property must be, such as a string or an array. This leads to catching many mistakes sooner, with descriptive error messages telling you exactly what the problem is.
Read more about Astro's content collections in our guide, or get started with the instructions below to convert a basic blog from src/pages/posts/
to src/blog/
Which type of page would you probably keep in
Blog posts that all contain the same basic structure and metadata Product pages in an eCommerce site A contact page, because you do not have multiple similar pages of this typesrc/pages/
? -
Which is not a benefit of moving blog posts to a content collection?
Pages are automatically created for each file Better error messages, because Astro knows more about each file Better data fetching, with a more performant function -
Content collections uses TypeScript . . .
To make me feel bad To understand and validate my collections, and to provide editor tooling Only if I have the `strictest` configuration set in `tsconfig.json`
The steps below show you how to extend the final product of the Build a Blog tutorial by creating a content collection for the blog posts.
Upgrade to the latest version of Astro, and upgrade all integrations to their latest versions by running the following commands in your terminal:
<Fragment slot="npm">
# Upgrade Astro and official integrations together
npx @astrojs/upgrade
<Fragment slot="pnpm">
# Upgrade Astro and official integrations together
pnpm dlx @astrojs/upgrade
<Fragment slot="yarn">
# Upgrade Astro and official integrations together
yarn dlx @astrojs/upgrade
Move all your existing blog posts (
files) fromsrc/pages/posts/
into this new collection. -
Create a
file to define a schema for yourpostsCollection
. For the existing blog tutorial code, add the following contents to the file to define all the frontmatter properties used in its blog posts:// Import the glob loader import { glob } from "astro/loaders"; // Import utilities from `astro:content` import { z, defineCollection } from "astro:content"; // Define a `loader` and `schema` for each collection const blog = defineCollection({ loader: glob({ pattern: '**/[^_]*.md', base: "./src/blog" }), schema: z.object({ title: z.string(), pubDate: z.date(), description: z.string(), author: z.string(), image: z.object({ url: z.string(), alt: z.string() }), tags: z.array(z.string()) }) }); // Export a single `collections` object to register your collection(s) export const collections = { blog };
In order for Astro to recognize your schema, quit (
) and restart the dev server to continue with the tutorial. This will define theastro:content
Add the following code to query your collection to make each blog post's slug and page content available to each page it will generate:
--- import { getCollection, render } from 'astro:content'; export async function getStaticPaths() { const posts = await getCollection('blog'); return posts.map(post => ({ params: { slug: post.id }, props: { post }, })); } const { post } = Astro.props; const { Content } = await render(post); ---
Render your post
<Content />
within the layout for Markdown pages. This allows you to specify a common layout for all of your posts.--- import { getCollection, render } from 'astro:content'; import MarkdownPostLayout from '../../layouts/MarkdownPostLayout.astro'; export async function getStaticPaths() { const posts = await getCollection('posts'); return posts.map(post => ({ params: { slug: post.id }, props: { post }, })); } const { post } = Astro.props; const { Content } = await render(post); --- <MarkdownPostLayout frontmatter={post.data}> <Content /> </MarkdownPostLayout>
Remove the
definition in each individual post's frontmatter. Your content is now wrapped in a layout when rendered, and this property is no longer needed.--- layout: ../../layouts/MarkdownPostLayout.astro title: 'My First Blog Post' pubDate: 2022-07-01 ... ---
```astro title="src/pages/blog.astro" "post.data" "getCollection(\"blog\")" "/posts/${post.id}/" del={7} ins={2,8}
import { getCollection } from "astro:content";
import BaseLayout from "../layouts/BaseLayout.astro";
import BlogPost from "../components/BlogPost.astro";
const pageTitle = "My Astro Learning Blog";
const allPosts = Object.values(import.meta.glob("../pages/posts/*.md", { eager: true }));
const allPosts = await getCollection("blog");
You will also need to update references to the data returned for each
. You will now find your frontmatter values on thedata
property of each object. Also, when using collections eachpost
object will have a pageslug
, not a full URL.--- import { getCollection } from "astro:content"; import BaseLayout from "../layouts/BaseLayout.astro"; import BlogPost from "../components/BlogPost.astro"; const pageTitle = "My Astro Learning Blog"; const allPosts = await getCollection("blog"); --- <BaseLayout pageTitle={pageTitle}> <p>This is where I will post about my journey learning Astro.</p> <ul> { allPosts.map((post) => ( <BlogPost url={post.url} title={post.frontmatter.title} />)} <BlogPost url={`/posts/${post.id}/`} title={post.data.title} /> )) } </ul> </BaseLayout>
The tutorial blog project also dynamically generates a page for each tag using
and displays a list of tags atsrc/pages/tags/index.astro
.Apply the same changes as above to these two files: - fetch data about all your blog posts using `getCollection("blog")` instead of using `import.meta.glob()` - access all frontmatter values using `data` instead of `frontmatter` - create a page URL by adding the post's `slug` to the `/posts/` path The page that generates individual tag pages now becomes: ```astro title="src/pages/tags/[tag].astro" "post.data.tags" "getCollection(\"blog\")" "post.data.title" ins={2} "/posts/${post.id}/" --- import { getCollection } from "astro:content"; import BaseLayout from "../../layouts/BaseLayout.astro"; import BlogPost from "../../components/BlogPost.astro"; export async function getStaticPaths() { const allPosts = await getCollection("blog"); const uniqueTags = [...new Set(allPosts.map((post) => post.data.tags).flat())]; return uniqueTags.map((tag) => { const filteredPosts = allPosts.filter((post) => post.data.tags.includes(tag) ); return { params: { tag }, props: { posts: filteredPosts }, }; }); } const { tag } = Astro.params; const { posts } = Astro.props; --- <BaseLayout pageTitle={tag}> <p>Posts tagged with {tag}</p> <ul> { posts.map((post) => <BlogPost url={`/posts/${post.id}/`} title={post.data.title} />) } </ul> </BaseLayout> ``` <Box icon="puzzle-piece"> ### Try it yourself - Update the query in the Tag Index page Import and use `getCollection` to fetch the tags used in the blog posts on `src/pages/tags/index.astro`, following the [same steps as above](#replace-importmetaglob-with-getcollection). <details> <summary>Show me the code.</summary> ```astro title="src/pages/tags/index.astro" "post.data" "getCollection(\"blog\")" ins={2} --- import { getCollection } from "astro:content"; import BaseLayout from "../../layouts/BaseLayout.astro"; const allPosts = await getCollection("blog"); const tags = [...new Set(allPosts.map((post) => post.data.tags).flat())]; const pageTitle = "Tag Index"; --- <!-- ... --> ``` </details>
If necessary, update any frontmatter values throughout your project, such as in your layout, that do not match your collections schema.
In the blog tutorial example, pubDate
was a string. Now, according to the schema that defines types for the post frontmatter, pubDate
will be a Date
object. You can now take advantage of this to use the methods available for any Date
object to format the date.
To render the date in the blog post layout, convert it to a string using toLocaleDateString()
<!-- ... -->
<BaseLayout pageTitle={frontmatter.title}>
<p>Written by: {frontmatter.author}</p>
<img src={frontmatter.image.url} width="300" alt={frontmatter.image.alt} />
<!-- ... -->
The tutorial blog project includes an RSS feed. This function must also use getCollection()
to return information from your blog posts. You will then generate the RSS items using the data
object returned.
```js title="src/pages/rss.xml.js" del={2,11} ins={3,6,12-17}
import rss from '@astrojs/rss';
import { pagesGlobToRssItems } from '@astrojs/rss';
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';
export async function GET(context) {
const posts = await getCollection("blog");
return rss({
title: 'Astro Learner | Blog',
description: 'My journey learning Astro',
site: context.site,
items: await pagesGlobToRssItems(import.meta.glob('./**/*.md')),
items: posts.map((post) => ({
title: post.data.title,
pubDate: post.data.pubDate,
description: post.data.description,
link: `/posts/${post.id}/`,
customData: `<language>en-us</language>`,
For the full example of the blog tutorial using content collections, see the Content Collections branch of the tutorial repo.