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Releases: withastro/starlight


18 Sep 08:10
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Minor Changes

  • #1923 5269aad Thanks @HiDeoo! - ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE: The minimum supported version of Starlight is now 0.28.0

    Please use the @astrojs/upgrade command to upgrade your project:

    npx @astrojs/upgrade


08 Sep 09:05
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Patch Changes

  • #2303 f92791a Thanks @delucis! - Fixes resolution for the internal module Git virtual module in projects with special characters in the file path


06 Sep 22:46
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Minor Changes

  • #1255 6f3202b Thanks @Fryuni! - Adds support for server-rendered Starlight pages.

    When building a project with hybrid or server output mode, a new prerender option on Starlight config can be set to false to make all Starlight pages be rendered on-demand:

    export default defineConfig({
      output: 'server',
      integrations: [
          prerender: false,

Patch Changes

  • #2242 756e85e Thanks @delucis! - Refactors the logic for persisting and restoring sidebar state across navigations for better performance on slow or busy devices

  • #1255 6f3202b Thanks @Fryuni! - Improves performance of computing the last updated times from Git history.

    Instead of executing git for each docs page, it is now executed twice regardless of the number of pages.

  • #1255 6f3202b Thanks @Fryuni! - Fixes last updated times on projects with custom srcDir


06 Sep 14:43
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Patch Changes

  • #2288 b15f725 Thanks @matthewp! - Safely handle Zod errors

    Prevents bugs where errors without the .received props would through and cause builds to fail unnecessarily.


06 Sep 22:46
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Minor Changes

  • #2249 20cbf3b Thanks @HiDeoo! - Adds Starlight Markdoc preset.

    See the “Markdoc” guide to learn more on how to use this preset in a new or existing project.


04 Sep 21:43
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Patch Changes

  • #2281 5062d30 Thanks @HiDeoo! - Fixes a potential text rendering issue that could include extra whitespaces for text containing colons.

  • #2279 62d59e2 Thanks @HiDeoo! - Fixes an issue with frontmatter schemas containing collection references used with the <StarlightPage /> component and an Astro version greater than 4.14.0.


02 Sep 13:24
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Patch Changes


16 Aug 18:36
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Patch Changes

  • #2219 74d4716 Thanks @HiDeoo! - Fixes a sidebar persistence issue when navigating between pages with different sidebar content.


16 Aug 17:18
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Minor Changes

  • #1784 68f56a7 Thanks @HiDeoo! - Adds <LinkButton> component for visually distinct and emphasized call to action links

  • #2150 9368494 Thanks @delucis! - Adds state persistence across page navigations to the main site sidebar

  • #2087 caa84ea Thanks @HiDeoo! - Adds persistence to synced <Tabs> so that a user's choices are reflected across page navigations.

  • #2051 ec3b579 Thanks @HiDeoo! - Adds a guideline to the last step of the <Steps> component.

    If you want to preserve the previous behaviour and hide the guideline on final steps, you can add the following custom CSS to your site:

    /* Hide the guideline for the final step in <Steps> lists. */
    .sl-steps > li:last-of-type::after {
      background: transparent;
  • #1784 68f56a7 Thanks @HiDeoo! - Changes the hero component action button default variant from minimal to primary.

    ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE: If you want to preserve the previous appearance, hero component action buttons previously declared without a variant will need to be updated to include the variant property with the value minimal.

        - text: View on GitHub
          icon: external
    +     variant: minimal
  • #2168 e044fee Thanks @HiDeoo! - ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE: Updates the <StarlightPage /> component sidebar prop to accept an array of SidebarItems like the main Starlight sidebar configuration in astro.config.mjs.

    This change simplifies the definition of sidebar items in the <StarlightPage /> component, allows for shared sidebar configuration between the global sidebar option and <StarlightPage /> component, and also enables the usage of autogenerated sidebar groups with the <StarlightPage /> component.
    If you are using the <StarlightPage /> component with a custom sidebar configuration, you will need to update the sidebar prop to an array of SidebarItem objects.

    For example, the following custom page with a custom sidebar configuration defines a “Resources” group with a “New” badge, a link to the “Showcase” page which is part of the docs content collection, and a link to the Starlight website:

    // src/pages/custom-page/example.astro
      frontmatter={{ title: 'My custom page' }}
          type: 'group',
          label: 'Resources',
          badge: { text: 'New' },
          items: [
            { type: 'link', label: 'Showcase', href: '/showcase/' },
              type: 'link',
              label: 'Starlight',
              href: '',
      <p>This is a custom page with a custom component.</p>

    This configuration will now need to be updated to the following:

    // src/pages/custom-page/example.astro
      frontmatter={{ title: 'My custom page' }}
          label: 'Resources',
          badge: { text: 'New' },
          items: [
            { label: 'Starlight', link: '' },
      <p>This is a custom page with a custom component.</p>

    See the “Sidebar Navigation” guide to learn more about the available options for customizing the sidebar.


13 Aug 09:29
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Patch Changes