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Add a new collateral type to Maker Protocol - Kovan

Level: Advanced

Estimated Time: 90 - 120 minutes


The Maker Protocol deployed to the Kovan testnet supports multiple collateral types. You can now add a new token as a collateral type, and allow users and developers to test various aspects of this integration. This guide covers the steps involved in setting up various contracts to initialize a new collateral type on the testnet. Adding it to the mainnet deployment will be handled by risk teams and those steps will not be covered in this guide.

Learning Objectives

After going through this guide you will get a better understanding of,

  • Configuring core Maker Protocol contracts
  • Additional contracts required: Price Feed, Auction, Adapter.
  • Governance steps to initialize the new collateral type.


You will need a good understanding of these concepts to be able to work through this guide,

  • MCD 101.
  • Vaults
  • Risk parameters of a collateral type
  • Solidity
  • Dapptools - Dapp, Seth


Before starting this guide please install dapptools and setup seth for use with the Kovan testnet.

The guide below is updated for the 1.9.0 release of Maker Protocol on Kovan.

For this tutorial you will want to set the gas limit to 3,000,000

export ETH_GAS=3000000


Execute these commands to initialize environment variables with addresses of the core Maker Protocol contracts.

export MCD_VAT=0xba987bdb501d131f766fee8180da5d81b34b69d9
export MCD_CAT=0xdDb5F7A3A5558b9a6a1f3382BD75E2268d1c6958
export MCD_JUG=0xcbB7718c9F39d05aEEDE1c472ca8Bf804b2f1EaD
export MCD_SPOT=0x3a042de6413eDB15F2784f2f97cC68C7E9750b2D
export MCD_PAUSE=0x8754E6ecb4fe68DaA5132c2886aB39297a5c7189
export MCD_PAUSE_PROXY=0x0e4725db88Bb038bBa4C4723e91Ba183BE11eDf3
export MCD_ADM=0x27E0c9567729Ea6e3241DE74B3dE499b7ddd3fe6
export MCD_END=0x3d9603037FF096af03B83725dFdB1CDA9EA02CE4
export MCD_JOIN_DAI=0x5AA71a3ae1C0bd6ac27A1f28e1415fFFB6F15B8c

Set a variable with the address of the token going to be used for the collateral type. This guide will use the Kovan MKR token as an example.

export TOKEN=0xaaf64bfcc32d0f15873a02163e7e500671a4ffcd

Collateral Type

Set the ILK variable with a name for the collateral type. Each ethereum token in Maker Protocol can have multiple collateral types and each one can be initialized with a different set of risk parameters. Affixing an alphabetical letter to the token symbol will help users differentiate these collateral types.

export ILK="$(seth --to-bytes32 "$(seth --from-ascii "MKR-A")")"

Setup Spell

Initializing a collateral type involves making changes to various core Maker Protocol contracts using file() functions, and updating authorization permissions among contracts using rely(). A set of changes to be made at a time are captured in a Spell smart contract. Once a Spell is deployed, governance can elect its address as an authority which then lets it execute the changes in Maker Protocol. Although it is strictly not required, spells currently are designed to be used once and will lock up after they are executed.

Spell contracts can be built for various purposes, you will use an existing spell template to create a new collateral type.

Download the dss-add-ilk-spell repo and build it locally using the commands below. Please ensure you have dapp setup prior to executing this step. The build process is going to take a while!

git clone
cd dss-add-ilk-spell
dapp update
dapp build --extract

Price Feeds

Off-chain oracles get the pricing data of a token from various exchange APIs and they then submit these updates to an on-chain median contract which computes a median value. The Oracle Security Module(OSM) introduces a delay before the system accepts the newly reported price to give users a chance to add more collateral if their Vault is about to become unsafe, and also for governance to trigger emergency shutdown if compromised oracles have input a malicious price value.

Instead of deploying the full set of these contracts, you will only deploy a single DSValue contract without a price feed delay for testing purposes. You can retain admin permissions over it to update the price value manually using a seth command. For example, the command below sets the price of each token to 9000 USD.

export PIP=$(dapp create DSValue)
seth send $PIP 'poke(bytes32)' $(seth --to-uint256 "$(seth --to-wei 9000 ETH)")

You can verify that the value has been set.

seth call $PIP 'read()'

Deploy Adapter

Vat does not make calls to any external contracts, including tokens. Instead it maintains internal gem balances of users for each collateral type. Users deposit tokens into the corresponding adapter contract using join() to get this internal gem balance.

You can use the GemJoin adapter contract without making any modifications if it conforms to the ERC20 token standard, has simple transfer mechanics, and no known issues. Consider making changes to this contract if you need to perform additional checks to validate the token transfers a user makes to the adapter contract.

Examples of some non-standard adapters are available in dss and dss-deploy for your reference.

Execute this command to create a new GemJoin contract and initialize a variable with it's address.

export JOIN=$(dapp create GemJoin "$MCD_VAT" "$ILK" "$TOKEN")

Deploy Collateral Auction contract

Deploy a new collateral auction contract(Flip) for the token. Permit Pause Proxy address to make changes to the Flip contract using rely(), and remove permissions for your own address to make further changes using deny().

export FLIP=$(dapp create Flipper "$MCD_VAT" "$ILK")
seth send "$FLIP" 'rely(address)' "$MCD_PAUSE_PROXY"
seth send "$FLIP" 'deny(address)' "$ETH_FROM"

Calculate Risk Parameters

All collateral types need risk parameters to set bounds for issuing Dai debt. You'll set the new collateral type with some starting parameters and they can also be updated later by governance through executive votes.

Debt ceiling sets the maximum amount of Dai that can be issued against Vaults of this collateral type. Calculate the uint256 value using the first command to initialize the LINE variable with 5 Million.

seth --to-uint256 $(echo "5000000"*10^45 | bc)
export LINE=000000000000000000000d5d238a4abe9806872a4904598d6d88000000000000

Collateralization ratio sets the amount of over-collateralization required for the collateral type. Calculate the uint256 value using the first command to initialize the MAT variable with 150%.

seth --to-uint256 $(echo "150"*10^25 | bc)
export MAT=000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d8c55aefb8c05b5c000000

Total stability fee accumulated for each collateral type inside its rate variable is calculated by adding up DSR base which is equal across all collateral types and the Risk Premium duty which is specific to each one. Calculate the uint256 value using the first command to initialize the DUTY variable with an annual rate of 1%.

seth --to-uint256 1000000000315522921573372069
export DUTY=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000033b2e3ca43176a9d2dfd0a5

Note: How the number 1000000000315522921573372069 corresponds to a 1% annual rate is covered in this guide

A liquidation penalty is imposed on a Vault by increasing its debt by a percentage before a collateral aucion is kicked off. This penalty is imposed to prevent Auction Grinding Attacks. Calculate the uint256 value using the first command to initialize the CHOP variable with an additional 10%. E.g. you can pass 110% here so when you start an auction it will be for the amount of the outstanding debt plus 10%.

seth --to-uint256 $(echo "110"*10^25 | bc)
export CHOP=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000038de60f7c988d0fcc000000

Vaults with locked collateral amounts greater than liquidation quantity of their collateral type are processed with multiple collateral auctions. Only one collateral auction is required if the amount of collateral locked in a Vault is below the liquidation quantity.

Calculate and initialize the LUMP variable with 1000.

seth --to-uint256 $(echo "1000"*10^18 | bc)
export LUMP=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003635c9adc5dea00000

Deploy Spell

You have everything setup to deploy a new spell contract that captures the steps that need to be executed to initialize a new collateral type.

Execute the command below to deploy this spell and capture its address in a variable.

export SPELL=$(seth send --create out/DssAddIlkSpell.bin 'DssAddIlkSpell(bytes32,address,address[8] memory,uint256[5] memory)' $ILK $MCD_PAUSE ["${MCD_VAT#0x}","${MCD_CAT#0x}","${MCD_JUG#0x}","${MCD_SPOT#0x}","${MCD_END#0x}","${JOIN#0x}","${PIP#0x}","${FLIP#0x}"] ["$LINE","$MAT","$DUTY","$CHOP","$LUMP"])

Governance actions

Executing this spell requires control over a majority of the MKR deposited in the governance contract Chief.

Execute this command to add weight to this spell with your MKR deposited in the Chief.

seth send "$MCD_ADM" 'vote(address[] memory)' ["${SPELL#0x}"]

Please notify the Maker Foundation Integrations team who can help you garner a majority of votes for this spell before it can be executed.

Execute Spell

Once your spell reveives a majority of votes in Chief, execute this command to elect it as a hat.

seth send "$MCD_ADM" 'lift(address)' "${SPELL#0x}"

Once lifted as an authority, execute this command to schedule the spell for execution.

seth send "$SPELL" 'schedule()'

A Governance Delay is imposed on all new executive proposals before they go live to ensure there is enough time for emergency shutdown to be triggered before a malicious proposal which could potentially steal collateral from users gets executed. This is currently set to 300 seconds on the testnet deployment.

Execute the previously scheduled spell with the cast() function after this delay is over with this command.

seth send "$SPELL" 'cast()'

Test Collateral Type

A collateral type is now initialized and ready for users to open Vaults. Let's test this process to ensure everything was setup correctly.

Deposit tokens into the adapter to receive an internal gem balance, and verify this balance.

seth send $TOKEN 'approve(address,uint256)' $JOIN $(seth --to-uint256 $(seth --to-wei 1000 eth))
seth --from-wei $(seth --to-dec $(seth call $TOKEN 'allowance(address, address)' $ETH_FROM $JOIN)) eth

Vaults of a collateral type are identified by the address of the owner itself. Set the urn variable to your ethereum address.

export urn=$ETH_FROM

Calculate and set the wad variable to deposit 20 tokens into the token adapter.

export wad=$(seth --to-uint256 $(seth --to-wei 20 eth))

Deposit tokens in the adapter contract and verify it by checking your gem balance of the collateral type in Vat.

seth send $JOIN "join(address, uint)" $ETH_FROM $wad

export ilk=$(seth --to-bytes32 $(seth --from-ascii "MKR-A"))
seth --from-wei $(seth --to-dec $(seth call $MCD_VAT 'gem(bytes32,address)(uint256)' $ilk $ETH_FROM)) eth

Calculate and set the dink variable to lock up 18 tokens in the Vault, and set the dart variable to generate 35 Dai from it.

export dink=$(seth --to-uint256 $(seth --to-hex $(seth --to-wei 18 eth)))
export dart=$(seth --to-uint256 $(seth --to-hex $(seth --to-wei 35 eth)))

Call frob() directly on Vat to open a Vault by locking up collateral and generating Dai.

seth send $MCD_VAT "frob(bytes32,address,address,address,int256,int256)" $ilk $ETH_FROM $ETH_FROM $ETH_FROM $dink $dart

Execute the command below to withdraw 10 Dai from the internal balance in Vat and receive ERC-20 Dai tokens using the Dai token adapter.

export wad=$(seth --to-word $(seth --to-wei 10 eth))
seth send $MCD_VAT "hope(address)" $MCD_JOIN_DAI
seth send $MCD_JOIN_DAI "exit(address, uint256)" $ETH_FROM $wad

You've now successfully generated Dai with the new collateral type.



In this guide you learned how to set up a new collateral type for a token and opened a Vault to generate Dai from it.

Additional resources

  1. Drawing Dai from the Kovan MCD deployment using Seth

Next Steps


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