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This repository hold resources for deploying the LOFAR software (genericpipeline) and related tools through Singularity containers. These containers are general, but at the same time somewhat tailored for SKSP use.

The master branch is empty. Currently the images are based on the Fedora 27 Linux distribution, which is available from DockerHub. Recipes to build this container can be found on the fedora branch.

To build a full LOFAR Singularity image, do the following:

  1. Build Singularity.lofarbase

    sudo singularity build lofar_sksp_base.sif Singularity.lofar_sksp_base

  2. Build Singularity.lofar (use the From: localimage part instead of the Singularity Hub part)

    sudo singularity build lofar_sksp.sif Singularity.lofar_sksp

Pre-built containers are public hosted at SURFSara. Sort by date to find the latest container there.

For buid purposes lofar_sksp_base and lofar_sksp are available on Singularity-hub, and can be downloaded with

singularity pull --name customname.sif shub://tikk3r/lofar-grid-hpccloud:<image>[@<specific hash>]

The hash is optional. By default the latest version is downloaded. An example command is singularity pull --name lofar.simg shub://tikk3r/lofar-grid-hpccloud:lofar_sksp.

Please do _NOT_ pull from Singularity Hub unless absolutely necessary. Downloads are rate limited to 100 per week.

Visit the wiki for more detailed information and build instructions.