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Releases: wojtekmaj/react-pdf


30 Dec 22:54
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an error message "ReferenceError: window is not defined" appearing when using Server Side Rendering (#113).


27 Dec 12:54
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What's new?

  • Various code optimizations:
    • Improved PDF loading performance.
    • Removed unused pieces of code.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed text layer alignment on PDFs with viewports not aligned with page bonduaries (#100). Thanks, @admehta01!
  • Fixed text layer alignment on PDFs rotated sideways by default (#120).
  • Fixed some unclear pieces of code in Test suite.
  • Fixed unclear error message when trying to read a File on a non-browser environments.


02 Dec 19:05
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed Document-wide props taking priority over child props. For example, when you wanted to set rotate explicitly for one page, it would get overwritten with global setting (#108).
  • Fixed onDocumentLoad function not bound in example included in README. Thanks, @jkhoang313!


21 Nov 13:20
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Bug fixes

  • Fix DataCloneError when loading a PDF file from Base64 on Windows 8/8.1 on Internet Explorer (#95).


20 Nov 22:31
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What's new?

  • Support for internal links (e.g. in table of contents). For them to work you either need to provide onItemClick to <Document> and handle navigating by yourself or ensure that all pages are rendered within <Document>.
  • You can now use inputRef prop to pass ref function through <Document> to its root <div> element.

Bug fixes

  • Fix selection sometimes jumping when selecting text (#101).


17 Nov 01:16
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What's new?

  • Implemented experimental SVG rendering (#55). In the future, SVG renderer will replace current solution, giving excellent performance and accessibility. You can try it out now by setting renderMode to svg in your Page component.
  • You can now set custom options of PDF.js renderer by using setOptions (#85).
    • Support for cMaps which enable rendering non-latin characters (#62).
    • Support for custom location of for PDF.js worker (#84).
  • Updated PDF.js to 2.0.x.
    • As a result, bundle size should be reduced significantly.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor accessibility issues in test suite.


11 Nov 13:58
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What's new?

  • Added support for annotations. This means that active elements like links will now be clickable. You can turn off this feature by setting Page's component renderAnnotations flag to false (#80). Thanks, @flacerdk!
  • You can now pass inputRef to Page and Outline components. inputRef will behave like ref, only it will be applied to root elements returned by these components. This makes things like scrolling to a given page much easier.
  • Errors thrown by React-PDF will now be much more detailed and will include a stack trace. This will help us diagnose potential issues more quickly and make the package better.
  • Updated dependencies.

What's changed?

  • React-PDF no longer have Webpack listed in dependencies.


15 Oct 15:28
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v2.2.0-beta.3 Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • Fixed annotations layer covering up text layer, preventing it from being selectable.


15 Oct 15:27
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v2.2.0-beta.2 Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • Fixed annotations CSS not being added to build folder preventing React-PDF from being used when using its prebuilt version.


11 Oct 22:08
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v2.2.0-beta Pre-release

What's new?

  • Added support for annotations. This means that active elements like links will now be clickable. You can turn off this feature by setting Page's component renderAnnotations flag to false (#80). Thanks, @flacerdk!
  • You can now pass inputRef to Page and Outline components. inputRef will behave like ref, only it will be applied to root elements returned by these components. This makes things like scrolling to a given page much easier.
  • Errors thrown by React-PDF will now be much more detailed and will include a stack trace. This will help us diagnose potential issues more quickly and make the package better.

What's changed?

  • React-PDF no longer have Webpack listed in dependencies.