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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 18, 2020. It is now read-only.

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206 lines (196 loc) · 5.06 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (196 loc) · 5.06 KB

Release information


  • Support for floating point numbers.
  • Basic Unicode support: I/O is done in UTF-8.
  • New builtin subs/macros: acond caar? caar* cadr? cadr* case cdar? cdar* cddr? cddr* last read-line str* str-ascii-lower str-pad str-padr str-pos? str-select with-dst with-gensyms with-src with-stderr with-stdin with-stdout
  • New standard library module std/prog-args for parsing program arguments. It contains the subs: parse-prog-args say-prog-args-help
  • New standard library module std/log for logging. It contains the subs/macros: log with-log
  • (lisp-info 'posix) returns 0 if POSIX module is used (#f otherwise).
  • New POSIX bindings: call exec str-now sys.ctime? sys.execvp? system wait-for
  • All internal structures are resized dynamically, so there are no arbitrary limits anymore.
  • The interpreter takes up less permanent memory space.
  • The documentation generator understands basic command line options now.


  • New standard library module std/tap which implements incomplete, but TAP-conformant testing. It contains the subs/macros: test test-error test-plan test-plan-end
  • Show origin of anonymous subs in backtrace.
  • if allows an else-branch of arbitrary size; when the else branch is empty but would be taken, #f is returned.
  • Extended fixnum range from 32 to 60 bits.
  • Allow mutual recursion: You can declare a binding before you define it.
  • The stack size is now increased dynamically, so there is no arbitrary limit anymore.
  • New reader macro in std/alist: #=> allows convenient notation for association lists.
  • Introduced a (limited) destructuring binding construct: destructure; it can only destructure proper lists currently (without nesting).
  • New builtin subs: all? any? car* cdr* chr-skip dup find? flatten partial str-join
  • New POSIX bindings: gettimeofday sys.gettimeofday? timeofday-diff
  • New module std/bench with subs: measure-time say-time
  • New subs in std/math: count iota iota*
  • mapx was removed - it was more confusing than helpful.
  • each got the order of args reversed to be consistent with everything else.


  • Support for I/O: Read from *src*. Print to *dst*. Also define *stdin*, *stdout* and *stderr*. Provide macros: with-file-dst with-file-src with-stderr
  • You can specify a script file on the command line; you can also use Unix #! notation to specify the interpreter in the file. (If a file starts with #, the first line is ignored.)
  • Added the documentation generator
  • The reader macro #eval allows read-time evaluation.
  • New builtin subs and macs: awhen drop dropr dst? eof? num->str sort src? str-dropr str-empty? str-prefix? str-take str-taker sym->str take taker
  • New POSIX bindings: sys.dst-close? sys.dst-open? sys.random sys.src-close? sys.src-open?
  • New standard library module std/random containing: random-choice
  • New standard library module std/bases containing the reader macros: #bin #oct #hex #in-base
  • New standard library module std/alist containing: simplify-alist
  • Moved these subs from prelude to new standard library module std/math: max min percent
  • Module std/math additionally contains: abs difference even? iota mean odd? sum
  • Read access to dynamically scoped variables is faster as it avoids the hash table lookup. Write access is also faster as it only does a single lookup.
  • Show line numbers on parse errors.


  • Dynamic scoping is now possible via defvar and with-var.
  • Reader macros can be registered with defreader or myreader.
  • You can code character constants with the reader macro #chr.
  • Errors now just bring you back to the REPL like they should.
  • The previous values on the REPL are available via $ and $$.
  • You can access the command line args via *program-args*.
  • Load code from source files with (use file1 file2 ...); the file extension .bn will be added automatically. Reload files with (reload foo).
  • Possibly endless loops that won't run out of memory can be implemented with reg-loop.
  • You can do recursive definitions not only with defsub, but also with the other binding constructs: mysub, internsub, defmac, mymac and internmac
  • All of the above binding constructs allow to avoid the implicit lambda (as in Scheme). So you can say: (mysub atom? (compose not cons?))
  • New library subs: 0? >0? <0? assocar? car? cat-lists cdr? compose chr-look chr-read equal? err fold foldr lisp-info max min percent read reader-bound? unfold unfoldr var-bound? version
  • Changed argument order of nth and nth-cons.
  • Replaced str-skip with str-drop.


  • Initial release