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Donations Project Overview

Eric Woods edited this page Feb 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

A client has asked for a simple donation form on their Drupal 8 site. The client already uses Stripe for processing payments at their events and would like to use it for the donation form as well. The client needs to collect who is making the donation, how much it’s for and of course collect the credit card payment.


  • Use GitHub, Bitbucket or similar to host your work.
  • In a text document in the project or in issues in the project outline the specific requirements needed to implement the above request.
  • Use a simple Drupal 8 site as a starting point. Your site with the donation form should ideally work with two installation steps: 1) installing Drupal (this can include composer install) 2) enabling one custom module containing your configuration and custom code.
  • You are encouraged to include your thoughts about why you took the approach you did, what was easy or hard, etc.

Extra credit:

  • Allow the user to select from a list of donation amounts or enter a custom value.
  • Track the status of the transaction from Stripe in Drupal with a record of the donation.
  • Use AJAX to validate the form inputs.
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